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Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:00 pm
by tunde1992
Kurieuo wrote:
tunde1992 wrote:start her off with some christian pick up lines .. such as If God made anything more pretty, I'm sure he'd keep it for himself or The word says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry" ... how about dinner? then give her a heartfelt poem.. liek.. ill just make up one from my mind right now.. "your are my love.. i cant stop thinking about you. i think God everyday for putting you on this earth with me.. i thank God that even though i dont deserve it i get to see your beautiful holy face that God has made specially ..everyday .i humble myself because i am blessed and one of my blessing is you..i feel like we were meant to be together and the bible does say"whatever God joins let no man take apart"
I LOVE YOU.. something like that(:
:xxpuke: 8-}2
i though it was nice kurieuo! think you can make a better christian love poem..sir (: send it to me ..

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:11 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I just wrote this

Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
Just like Jesus,
I love you,


Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:20 pm
by tunde1992
ok (: that was good. but you didnt put much time and effort into it like i did.. (:

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:34 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
tunde1992 wrote:ok (: that was good. but you didnt put much time and effort into it like i did.. (:
True that!!

I have about 3 cents in my emotional bank account, well at least that's what my wife tells me. :shock:

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:59 pm
by tunde1992
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
tunde1992 wrote:ok (: that was good. but you didnt put much time and effort into it like i did.. (:
True that!!

I have about 3 cents in my emotional bank account, well at least that's what my wife tells me. :shock:
Ha (:

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:33 am
by Reactionary
CeT-To wrote:LOL that's why you always have that element of mystery when being friends with them ;)
Having female friends is a useful experience, I think we'll agree on that. It's just that, if something more starts to develop within you, then we might have a problem. Which may lead to opening a thread about it in Christian Chit-Chat subforum of G&S discussion board. :D
CeT-To wrote:Yeah you did spell my name right - few have the gift in this anglo world. ( net even that hard 8-}2 )
Nessun problema, amico. ;) Italians are my neighbours - miei vicini. 8)

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:22 am
by Dallas
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I just wrote this

Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
Just like Jesus,
I love you,

I love that Poem <3, I might use it :P

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:45 am
by jestes
Dallas wrote:
Thank you. Here's a little about me to determine if I meet those qualities.

I'm very passive (working on that). I usually just let people push me around, without any sort of movement after it. This I will not allow to get pushed around in. :P. I am very kin to pray for the things I want in a woman. I'm very specific when I pray about it. It turns out, from what I know about her as of yet, she meets those requirements. <3 . I do not have that high of a voice. For example: I talk loud enough to were "I" can hear it and not other people. It's quite annoying to repeat myself over and over. Trying to fix that. I'm kinda emotional about things. Almost woman like :(. Don't know if that needs fixed or not, you tell me? From what i'm told, I'm intelligent, I don't believe it. It's all stuff you learn in school. I'm a God Fearing man/boy. I wasn't that long ago, but i'm changing little by little. And it helps :P.
Soooo.... How am I? What should I improve on or work on. I'm assuming you are all Men. Help this boy out.
Miss a thread for a couple of days and it grows! I've got a little catching up to do, but here goes.

Learning how not to be passive, while still exhibiting other good qualities such as being kind, forgiving, and not uptight is a tough one. That'll take some time, but watching how someone you trust acts really helps. Some other people on here mentioned ways to help others respect you more, and that's a great place to start. People won't push you around much if they respect you. Unfortunately, sometimes people don't realize they are even doing it.

Being emotional is OK, but learn to control it. Emotions can REALLY cloud the issue, especially when hormones get involved. I've got a little theory that people are governed by either emotion, or logic. When the two conflict, the stronger one wins. All to often, it's emotion. The flesh is weak... However, add the Holy Spirit in there, and you now have an anchor. The HS is always right. Often times it's hard to be quiet enough to listen though. Emotions aren't bad though, they just have to be controlled or they will control you. Once you have learned to control your emotions a bit, you can begin using them to your advantage. Like anything else, be honest and not deceitful. There's an old cliche' that people don't remember what you say, but they do remember how you make them feel. Dating is a perfect example of that. You will NEVER convince her or talk her into liking you. EVER. What you can do though, is make her feel good things when she's around you. Show some fruits of the spirit! Make her and other people happy to see you. You know them better than I do. Having said that, people will still "feel better" about you if you stand up for yourself as opposed to never running the risk of offending people. Odd as it sounds, being slightly abrasive and a little stubborn is great if you have a good reason.

You said you're told you're intelligent, but you don't think so. The intelligence, or percieved lack thereof, isn't the issue. Confidence is the issue. I'm not talking about pride, but confident humility. We're supposed to think of ourselves with sober judgement and not be proud, but the opposite is also true. I personally feel God wants us to be happy in what he has given us, but always look beyond our gifts and talents and see he's the one who gave it, and give thanks for it. Confidence will help you in everything, especially in making this girl "feel" like you can be a good husband.

I'll make another reply in a little bit, but I've been EXACTLY where you are. I'll tell ya about it in a bit. For now, time to go get lunch before I have to get back to work. :-)

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:07 am
by Ivellious
While I'm not going to deal with everything on this page, I'll give my two cents...

First of all, in my experience (and that of my close friends) being good friends is a good place to start, especially if it becomes clear that she's not looking for a relationship right now. My first girlfriend and I went on one date...we barely knew each other and she decided that she wanted to be friends afterward. It was great actually, and we became best friends in no time. After a few months, she asked me if I wanted to try dating again. We wound up going out for 2 years after that. Best years of my high school existence by far. I guess the way I see it, especially when you're young and in school, getting to know each other helps because it takes away that initial "feeling out" period of a relationship. You already know each other and know how you feel.

Same went for my second (current) girlfriend. We became friends right around the time that she had broken up with a somewhat abusive boyfriend, and after a few months she asked me out.

The only risk with friendship first is that you do risk losing that person as a friend if you do get into a committed or relatively long-term relationship. And from personal and anecdotal experience...that can be really, really harsh. But hey, you're young. Now's the time to learn for yourself about relationships, so that as you get older you can figure out what you want/need in a partner later.

Lots of Luck to you.

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:36 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Dallas wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I just wrote this

Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
Just like Jesus,
I love you,

I love that Poem <3, I might use it :P

Glad you liked it, but seriously it's a bit sappy but who knows maybe she likes sappy.
I have been married 9 years and have been together 13 and I still got no idea on women.

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:51 pm
by Canuckster1127
I wrote this poem about 10 years ago. I offered to dedicate it to my wife as an expression of my love for her, but she wouldn't let me.

The Joy of Farting

We act as if it’s truly rare
To just lean back, and expel air

And then we ostracize the schmuck
Who dares to step upon a duck

We roll our eyes in shocked dismay
Whenever someone’s butt may bray

When truth be told, we all may pass
A little surreptitious gas

For debutant or an old geezer
Have all ripped a royal cheeser

We drop the rose and scurry on
And snicker when the frown is drawn

Yet who among us can declare
They’ve never passed some rancid air?

That house of glass still surely stands
For one whose derriere is bland

So put aside this false bravado
And stock yourself on avocado!

Eat broccoli and cauliflower
Beans and cabbage by the hour!

Drink your beer and carbonation
Vent your bowels throughout the nation!

Don’t hold it in and bear the pain!
Let methane fly and damn the shame!

Shout it strong and shout it loud!
I can FART and I am PROUD!

But if you feel there’s too much gas
Remember that this too will “pass”

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:53 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Classic Bart, absolute Gold.

Your wife must love you very much. :ebiggrin:

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:06 pm
by Canuckster1127
You'd think so wouldn't you ...... :mrgreen:

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:55 pm
by RickD
Bart, your wife is one lucky gal. That poem is right up there with Song of Solomon, as best all-time love stories. :mrgreen:

Re: I need help. (female problems.)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:49 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
RickD wrote:Bart, your wife is one lucky gal. That poem is right up there with Song of Solomon, as best all-time love stories. :mrgreen:
:clap: :pound: