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Re: born out of wedlock, the bible says I can't go to heaven

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:04 am
by narnia4
The Bible says that? Well, sorry you won't be joining us in Heaven then.

Not something I would normally make light of, but there's been enough good answers to this that I can't imagine this being an honest concern or objection. Why is it that so few feel that they can't come out and say what they really think about a subject instead of hiding beside a facade as if they were actually trying to understand the Bible? Its so shallow that a child could see through it, and yet people still want to pretend that there is no agenda involved and they are honest seekers.

Re: born out of wedlock, the bible says I can't go to heaven

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:20 am
by Canuckster1127
Walt Kaiser is an outstanding Old Testament Scholar and I don't have these books anymore, but I suspect this passage or one like it would be included in his books. ... 0830812210

There are some sequels as well. Kaiser does an excellent job of putting the passages into cultural context and drawing the principles out that are there without getting wrapped around the axle of trying to read the passage as if it were the standards of our culture and times.

Re: born out of wedlock, the bible says I can't go to heaven

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:54 pm
by seveneyes
Dang guys, I think his question has a lot of merit and comes from a very personal place. It wasn't so long ago that issues such as these really confused me and as a result I cursed God because I could not find the answers. I will answer the question for you with love.

Although these passages are in fact written, they were written for Israel many years ago when the land was ruthless and mankind was in an ignorant and precarious position. This law was by no means saying that a bastard cannot go to heaven. The congregation of the Lord was referring to the earthly congregation and bastards were to be cut off from it at that time. There was a strong need in those days to preserve family structure among the society. They were also to stone adulterers to death. To stone those who slept with animals to death. It was in order to cut off the root of wickedness that was so prevalent at the time and infecting their culture and ultimately your and my own futures. Gods word may have seemed harsh by today's standards, but back then the Jewish ways were groundbreaking in their fairness to all including slaves who were to be paid and not mistreated for their service. This was a very different time and pivotal towards our future. I wonder how many lives were saved throughout the centuries because of these laws that kept society from slipping into utter bloodthirsty and lustful chaos?

Having said that it is important for you to also understand that when Christ came, things changed from the old way. This reminds me of a biblical story where a group of Jews brought an adulterous woman before Christ and asked if they should stone her to death according to the law. Jesus told them that whoever among them had not sinned should cast the first stone at her, and all of her accusers put down their stones and left. Jesus then asked the woman; "Where have all of your accusers gone?" She said that they had not condemned her and he replied; "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."

There are other verses as well that say that no longer shall the sins of the father be visited upon his sons, and another that states that "Mercy triumphs over justice." Christ himself allowed a prostitute to wash his feet with her tears of repentance and when others tried to stop her, Jesus wouldn't allow it. He welcomed her and forgave all of her sins. Jesus also spoke when confronted about eating with tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners and said that he did not come for the healthy, he came for the sick. He said that those who are well do not need a doctor, only those who are sick. Jesus died for all who would receive him and a fathers sins are by no means visited upon his sons by God.

You are free to believe in a God who is good and who loves you, and free in truth likewise for God is love.