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Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:21 am
by Canuckster1127

Another Gerald Schroeder series of videos (each about 10 mins) of a lecture he gave in Jerusalem where he lays out some of his ideas about Cosmic Time and how Science and the Bible can reconcile when accepting the perspectival unique elements of Gen 1 & 2.

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:24 am
by RickD
Just a small 10 min portion of a larger debate between Hugh Ross and Kent Hovind. This is why I love Hugh Ross. ... re=related

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:44 am
by RickD
A scientist goes to the creation museum, and talks to Jason Lisle. Notice, this scientist equates a literal interpretation of scripture, with YEC. It's 4:27 long ... re=related

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:06 am
by Canuckster1127
RickD wrote:A scientist goes to the creation museum, and talks to Jason Lisle. Notice, this scientist equates a literal interpretation of scripture, with YEC. It's 4:27 long ... re=related
This is one of the things that frustrates me at times to no end with some YEC advocates. In this video, Lisle is quick to call into doubt anything scientific that violates his interpretation of Scripture or chosen method of hermeneutics, but he's unwilling at any level to "compromise" Scripture, and when he speaks of that there's no recognition or ownership of the human element of approaching and understanding Scripture.

The response of the other scientist demonstrates on a small scale what happens on a larger scale within our culture when a hermeneutic is held to so unyieldingly that it will even in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence refuse to re-examine, question or allow for even a small measure of the same questioning of their theology that they're willing to bring to science.

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:10 am
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:
RickD wrote:A scientist goes to the creation museum, and talks to Jason Lisle. Notice, this scientist equates a literal interpretation of scripture, with YEC. It's 4:27 long ... re=related
This is one of the things that frustrates me at times to no end with some YEC advocates. In this video, Lisle is quick to call into doubt anything scientific that violates his interpretation of Scripture or chosen method of hermeneutics, but he's unwilling at any level to "compromise" Scripture, and when he speaks of that there's no recognition or ownership of the human element of approaching and understanding Scripture.

The response of the other scientist demonstrates on a small scale what happens on a larger scale within our culture when a hermeneutic is held to so unyieldingly that it will even in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence refuse to re-examine, question or allow for even a small measure of the same questioning of their theology that they're willing to bring to science.
Questioning how one interprets scripture, is not the same as questioning scripture itself.

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:16 am
by Canuckster1127

A good introduction to Old Earth Creationism by Hugh Ross, just under 24 minutes. He explains the difference between nature and science as well as the difference between Scripture and Theology, addresses the issue of inerrency (which he affirms) and then presents evidence from the natural world that demonstrate the age of the earth.

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:21 am
by RickD
This is classic Jason Lisle. Preaching his inaccuracies in front of a classroom of older kids. See how Jason misrepresents those beliefs that differ from his own beliefs. I dare you to watch all 30 minutes without pulling the hair out of your head. And, just for good measure, beginning at 6:50, Lisle makes sure to add, "As Ken(Ham) mentioned earlier, you can't add those millions of years of death and suffering before Adam sinned, because that undermines the gospel message." :redcard:

Re: Interesting Creationism Resources on YouTube

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:25 pm
by jon510
Canuckster1127 wrote:

Gerald Schroeder has been mentioned a bit lately and this is a 10 minute video of him addressing his reconciliation of modern peer reviewed science (in physics which is one of his two PhDs) and Jewish Rabbinical Literature from before the modern science era. By this he attempts to avoid the influence of one upon the other. He concludes that OEC is more consistent overall doing this.

There are parts following that you can link to from YouTube itself.
I found this very interesting. Thank you. I have been a Christian for about a decade. Before that I would say I was agnostic with very little exposer to religion. As I grew in my walk with Christ I began to see "red flags" concerning the creation account. It caused me much concern as I was unaware of the OEC model. Just in the past year or so I began realizing there was another model that seem to stick closer to context, OEC. The more I Iearn the more peace I'm experiencing so again, thank you. I will view more when I am not using my phone. It tends to drain the battery. My faith wasn't in trouble but my understanding of it was. I had begun to realize that YEC was making mistakes and this site began to give me affirmation.