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Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:59 pm
by FlawedIntellect
mlynchrules wrote:So I just wanted to address a few things FlawedIntellect stated. I identify as bisexual. This being said, I can say that sexual addiction or addiction to pornography has nothing to do with homosexuality. I am a virgin and I don't watch pornography so I find it difficult to believe that I could possibly be addicted to either thing. Next I want to address the whole "born homosexual" statement. I do agree that nurture has quite a bit with how a person may end up sexually. Unfortunately, then we are getting into the whole Nature vs. Nurture argument. It would be incredibly difficult for one to pick out instances from a person's childhood (or life in general) that may lead them towards becoming homosexual. First of all, how can we determine what events or conditions are "homosexuality inducing"? Obviously the best way to experiment with this would be to find twins, one of which identifies as heterosexual and the other that identifies as homosexual and figure out what events in their lives are different. This would be incredibly difficult though, because you would have to identify every single event in the two individual's lives as the person remembers the events. Plus, you run into the fact that there is something psychological that homosexual people are simply born with that is different than heterosexual people. Finally I want to address the statement that homosexual people are "oppressed" by demons/Satan. I think that this is something that you would find very difficult to prove. I think that you can find a lot of homosexual people who are very Christian and very good people. I personally consider myself to be a very Christian person. I love Jesus and God and I do everything I can to live what I find to be a Christian lifestyle. I do not personally believe that I am in any way being "oppressed" or "possessed" by Satan/demons.
It was not my intention to imply that all instances of homosexuality or the like are relevant to or based on a sexual addiction, though surely there are some instances where it can be. (Though this is just guessing.) Perhaps I should have stated that in the initial post. And in my opinion, on the matter of homosexuality and Nature VS Nurture, it's likely more to do with Nurture than Nature. Curiosity can be factored in as the "nature" element and the whole "I wonder what this is like" system of thinking, but even so, there's quite a bit of information now available to help address and answer peoples' curiosities in terms of subjects such as health and psychology.

Still, homosexuality is indeed a choice, though it may not always be as simple as "Hey, I guess I'll be (insert sexuality here) today!" Feelings and impulses are quite fickle and we seem to have only some degree of control over our emotions. (The music we listen to, for example, influences our mood. If we're angry we can take some time to cool down. Etc...)

Pardon my overall generalizations and baseless speculation, though.

Curious question: Is this topic fine where it is, or would it be better in a different section? (Like the "Moral and Ethical Affairs" section.)

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:13 pm
by Mitzy
yeah I probably should have put this topic somewhere else but I am still pretty new to this site and after watching that episode I was just so irritated that I had to vent somewhere and was a little rash. My main problem with the episode was that Dr Phil gave the girl a slap on the wrist for her actions all because she is gay which she wasnt even sure she was fully until he helped convince her.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:12 am
by BavarianWheels
Mitzy wrote:yeah I probably should have put this topic somewhere else but I am still pretty new to this site and after watching that episode I was just so irritated that I had to vent somewhere and was a little rash. My main problem with the episode was that Dr Phil gave the girl a slap on the wrist for her actions all because she is gay which she wasnt even sure she was fully until he helped convince her.
So you propose the death sentence for being gay vs. a slap on the wrist?

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:31 am
by PaulSacramento
It is my view that people do NOT choose to be homosexual any more than they choose to be heterosexual.
What BOTH choose to do is engage in the sexual behaviour that they are "inclined" to.
The only choice a human has in regards to their sexuality is the choice of ACTIVITY.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:45 pm
by FlawedIntellect
BavarianWheels wrote:
Mitzy wrote:yeah I probably should have put this topic somewhere else but I am still pretty new to this site and after watching that episode I was just so irritated that I had to vent somewhere and was a little rash. My main problem with the episode was that Dr Phil gave the girl a slap on the wrist for her actions all because she is gay which she wasnt even sure she was fully until he helped convince her.
So you propose the death sentence for being gay vs. a slap on the wrist?
Ahem... She has not displayed any sort of desire for homosexuals to die, so far.
I fail to see any point for this question.

Mitzy was basically stating that on this one episode of Dr. Phil, that the girl seemed to be using alleged homosexuality as an excuse for her misbehavior, and Dr. Phil's solution was that she "accept being gay" to solve the problems. If anything, this would sound like Dr. Phil is ignoring what's going on and making a suggestion that does not solve the problem.

I'm not Mitzy, but from the sound of it, I would rather assume that Mitzy intended to express that Dr. Phil should call her out on her actions and for using her alleged homosexuality as an excuse. If anything, from what I could gather reading Mitzy's posts (though not outright stated), the problem wasn't "homosexuality" but rather "blatant teenage rebellion". Mitzy has already expressed that she feels the real issue has been ignored and avoided, and instead the "politically correct" road was taken, with the suggestion of embracing homosexuality instead.

I would like to apologize for if I'm putting words into her mouth.

If anything, though, I see no grounds to immediately jump to the "death penalty" conclusion.

Lastly, please excuse me for more of my baseless speculation.

Re: Pretty Upset with Dr Phil Today

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:02 pm
by BavarianWheels
FlawedIntellect wrote:Ahem... She has not displayed any sort of desire for homosexuals to die, so far.
I fail to see any point for this question.
Point taken.