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Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:21 pm
by jurek
The Developing Mind by Daniel Siegel. Excellent introduction to the Interpersonal Neurobiology... Sounds sophisticated but it is not, the author has a gift of explaining many complex things related to the workings of the mind in a simple way so that the likes of me can understand. This is a second edition of the book, contains lots of useful updates if you compare with the first edition. If we were given our minds to think with, it is probably kind of recommended to appreciate how they do work. Enjoy!!

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:03 pm
by Dudeacus97
I recently finished reading On Guard: Defending Your Faith With Reason and Precision by William Lane Craig. It was pretty good, but it got a little confusing at times. Of course, that's to be expected when you're fifteen years old and reading a book that your Dad says is basically a college textbook.

Now, I have a bunch of books I'm working on as leftovers from my overstocking during Hurricane Sandy:
-Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
-Something Wicked This Way Comes
-The Hobbit

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:55 am
by jurek
I forgot to mention another book I am currently re-reading… It is written by Neil T. Anderson and Hal Baumchen, under the title FINDING HOPE AGAIN.

The book’s subtitle highlights the books’ focus as a valuable tool to overcome depression, however, you will find there much more than that.

Both authors respect the therapeutic approaches and discoveries in the area of depression and brain science. They are also presenting the picture from the Biblical perspective by defining and applying very sound Christian Systematic and Practical Theology.

This is like reading Mere Christianity again, in the opening of which CS Lewis reminds us that having a grasp of sound theology is the most important rather than marginal issue that decides about the quality of our life.

If you understand and take Ephesians 6:12 seriously, this is a book for you – psychology or medication cannot help in cases depression is related to you being involved in the Spiritual Warfare, this is where the experience of both authors shines through. Warmly recommended.