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Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:49 am
by Zionist
@ ultimate
look we all would like to help you through your crisis but you make things difficult by the way you respond to peoples advice. i mean for example the God, Zeus thread where you asked about people losing belief in God i provided two posts worth of information with scripture for you to read from that would have helped you but instead you made this thread and quoted part of my answer which wasn't even a full sentence and made it out that people here give you inadequate answers. i would love to help you as i am sure many others would as well but you really need to let down whatever restraints you have and allow God to help you. i will keep you in prayer and hope you'll allow us to help pick you up.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:32 pm
by ultimate777
cheezerrox wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:The reason I'm here is I am having a serious crisis of faith. The typical answers I get to my questions are not IMHO helpful.
Many people here think they are helpful.In the abstract they may even be helpful. However to me they are not helpful.
Much could be at stake and it seems people are not even trying to understand my concerns. I could be wrong, but it is how it seems. Considering all that could be at stake this makes me terribly angry.

I have my ideas of how I want things to be, but I am intellegent to realize things are what they are. If things are not as I want I want to know it. Deep down I doubt if everbody feels the same way here.

But to me many of the answers to my questions seem not even on topic.

Were it not for my crisis I would not bother you all or let you bother me.
It's good that you've come here to find answers, but your actions don't say the same thing as your words. Even if you somehow found EVERY single answer you've ever been given on these forums (which you have to admit sounds a little ridiculous) somehow not helpful at all, you don't respond with WHY the answer is unhelpful.

I will try to do better. It is hard now to remember specfics instead of impressions and working with computers is too slow and draining for me to look up past incidences. If more incidences occur I will try then to be more specific. The answers seem often to be in the form of cliches and unorigional sayings that do not require much thought. They to me seem so lame that I sometimes wonder if God exists if He doesn't inspire better. Perhaps if people considered whether their first impressions may be invalid before replying it might help even if they go with their first impressions.

You instead start throwing around insults and claiming that people don't even try to answer your questions, or intentionally take your questions the wrong way. Can you not admit how paranoid and unfair that sounds? And please, know that I don't say this to insult you; I want you to be able to get the answers you're looking for. The problem is that you definitely will NOT if you continue with the same attitude you've had during your time here so far.

I intend to make some not so major adjustments.

Like I said, if you could at least explain HOW particular answers are off-topic or unsatisfactory, then people could work with you. But you don't, and until you do, you don't allow the discussion to move forward.

I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. You have my prayers, and as I said before, I hope you come to be able to find what you're looking for, whether it be through these forums or any other medium G-d

Whats this G-d stuff. What's wrong with God?

chooses to use. My advice is to read the Bible, continually. Just take 15 minutes a day, and keep up with it. You may find that many of your questions will be answered.
That's where most of my questions are from. I have sincere doubts that the Bible as is printed in in any of its English traslations matches reality anywhere near totally.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:46 pm
by cheezerrox
ultimate777 wrote:I will try to do better. It is hard now to remember specfics instead of impressions and working with computers is too slow and draining for me to look up past incidences. If more incidences occur I will try then to be more specific. The answers seem often to be in the form of cliches and unorigional sayings that do not require much thought. They to me seem so lame that I sometimes wonder if God exists if He doesn't inspire better. Perhaps if people considered whether their first impressions may be invalid before replying it might help even if they go with their first impressions.
I can understand the frustration of feeling that the answers you receive are either superficial or unhelpful, but, you should also try to realize that what you may perceive as "cliches" and "unoriginal sayings" may not really be those things. Sometimes because things are said so often they seem to be meaningless, but oftentimes its because what said is true. Try to analyze every answer completely, even if it seems like a cliche on the surface.
I intend to make some not so major adjustments.
I do hope that they help you find the answers you're looking for.
Whats this G-d stuff. What's wrong with God?
Simply a habit. It's a tradition in Judaism to show respect to G-d's Name. It's not a commandment or requirement, and there's nothing wrong at all with writing/typing God.
That's where most of my questions are from. I have sincere doubts that the Bible as is printed in in any of its English traslations matches reality anywhere near totally.
Well, having doubts is normal, and all of us have gone through it and still do from time to time. If you have specific questions you have, or specific reasons why you believe the Bible as printed in all English translations is completely inadequate, then you should make a thread for one of those specific issues. There are a lot of knowledgable and helpful people on these boards who I'm sure can answer almost any question you have. Check the main site too,

Still, I encourage you just as much as I did before, KEEP reading. I promise you it will help. Pray, too, and often. Pray for G-d to open your eyes so you can see the truth, and if you doubt His existence, be honest with Him. Tell Him you want to believe, and that you're looking for Him (Matthew 7:7-8). Pray every time before you read the Bible that He helps you to understand what He's trying to teach you in what you read, and that you're able to see the truth in the words of His Scriptures. Just keep knocking, and He will open the door. All you need to do is make sure your heart is into it.

Re: Trying to take the high road

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:54 pm
by bippy123
Just keep knocking, and He will open the door. All you need to do is make sure your heart is into it.
The perfect answer Cheeze, and it explains Our lords mercy and compassion for all of us:)
God bless