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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:29 pm
by Philip

And what a redundant irrelevancy that point is! :roll:

And as IF we didn't already know that Iran was funding and arming mayhem all around, now it's not enough that they murder their own children in the streets, but now they finally admit helping the Syrian regime to slaughter the civilians of Syria: ... ria-assad/

Yep, those Iranian leaders are just a bunch of misunderstood Sunday School teachers, all in need of a good shave and a group hug. And its all a big Western media (which is mostly liberal) conspiracy. Even Obama, the big war hawk that he is, realizes the Iranians are pursuing nukes and agrees that this is unacceptable and immensely dangerous to far more than just Israel.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:47 pm
by Stygian

And what a redundant irrelevancy that point is! :roll:
Well, it was brought up, so I responded to it. You haven't proven it isn't totally irrelevant, so again, you are in no place to say such things. I say again, the initial topic here was Ahmadinejad, and how he himself is the most dangerous thing in the IRanian government. You have refuted this claim (unknowingly) by claiming those above him are the threat, and I have merely supported the claim that he has very little power in the Iranian political arena, and has even been called for a possible impeachment in addition to ending the nearing end of his run. I don't understand your mocking, condescending attitude, as there is no place for it in this conversation.

But anyway, nice thought-provoking comment there.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:26 pm
by Philip
Stygian, I am sincerely NOT making fun of you, but of the absurdity of your contentions, especially that the West is over reacting to a mere figurehead, and that the danger is all hyped and not real. You are free to express your views, but don't be so thin skinned when someone attacks them. And regardless of your original point, you strangely keep hammering away at this same irrelevant issue over the powerlessness of the president. That Ahmadinejad is a powerless loudmouth is established, but nonetheless irrelevant. Move on!

Now, answer why Mr. Motormouth has been allowed to cause economic ruin and, any night now, potentially Iran's nightmarish ruin. The mullahs are either backing his message or are just similarly crazy and suicidal, as they appear willing to mindlessly let him bring destruction upon them all. And why should ANYONE trust statements that the president is acting contrary to the interests of the Supreme Leader and the mullahs? That makes no sense - your very argument about the toothless president only reinforces its absurdity. This is precisely what they WANT everyone to think: that Ahmadinejad is just loonytunes and that Israel and the West have nothing to fear. What, do you really think people with such a sinister history of evil acts are going to be transparent about their motives? Evil knows no truth! Don't be so naive! The public hates the president - so what? And no small country like Israel, given it's suffering and history, given the past and present evil actions of the Iranians, given that the mullahs haven't reigned in its Jew-hating/threatening prez, is going to just sit around and wait to see whether or not they really mean business about their intentions or whether they are just posturing (not to mention the question of nukes) - as THAT could well spell Israel's disaster.

And do you really think the Supreme Leader and the other powerful mullah's would have allowed Ahmadinejad to bring them to the brink of catastrophic attack, economic ruin and international sanctions, IF they did not approve of the highly dangerous rhetoric that he continuously spouts? If they'll kill their own youths in the streets, and now strongly back the evil Syrian regime while helping to do the same in Syria, do you really think they would passively sit back and allow one puny loudmouth to bring them all to ruin? No, the Supreme leader and fellow thugs are highly calculating, and the puppet says nothing that the puppeteers don't approve - certainly not over such a very long time or by allowing him to bring them to the edge of potential disaster. So either Iran's true leaders are all deluded fools, or they are calculating madmen intent upon genocide/while also willing to commit suicide.

The REAL question is, CAN Israel really do anything to stop Iran from building nukes. Maybe so, maybe no. But it's certainly not whether the Iranians are actually trying. As maybe not there YET, they're undoubtedly planning and scheming to acquire them. But even IF this is not the case - as there are limits to what can be known - it still doesn't change the fact that hard decisions will be made based upon what Israel DOES know. And what they DO know right now is enough for Israel to act - IF they think they can pull it off. But believe me, Israel is far from being the only kid on the block that doesn't want to see the Persians acquire nukes. Such an achievement would set off a Middle East race quest for nukes. And yet this is NOT all about Israel, even though that's what the clueless media would have you to believe.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:41 pm
by Stygian
Philip wrote:You are free to express your views, but don't be so thin skinned when someone attacks them.
I'm not sure how you can argue against the fact you are belittling my views, which is equally rude. What with your "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" comment, or even trying to make my views seem like "mere speculation" while you are guilty of the same exact thing. How are these the components to a respectful debate?
Philip wrote:That Ahmadinejad is a powerless loudmouth is established, but nonetheless irrelevant. Move on!
I would love to move on! But Gman brought up the point again in an effort to refute what I said, hence why I decided to bring it up again. So you can move along if you still think it's irrelevant.
Philip wrote:Now, answer why Mr. Motormouth has been allowed to cause economic ruin and, any night now, potentially Iran's nightmarish ruin. The mullahs are either backing his message or are just similarly crazy and suicidal, as they appear willing to mindlessly let him bring destruction upon them all. And why should ANYONE trust statements that the president is acting contrary to the interests of the Supreme Leader and the mullahs?
I have, and I say because there's political loopholes in impeachment in the Iranian system, just as there are here. The Supreme Leader and the President have had major disagreements before: ... 19233.html I posted a few more articles in past posts, but I'm not so much in the mood to go link-hunting. Are you saying it's their plan to make him say insane stuff that is relevant to their interests, then turn around and call him crazy? How is that supposed to work? Usually, it's a good idea to let your 'figurehead' have a good image. Is their plan to lure Israel into preemptively attacking them? Is their plan to turn the masses against them? That's all they seem to be doing by 'allowing' Ahmadinejad to speak his mind. I don't see how that plan logically makes sense, or show any evidence of them 'plotting and scheming.' The simple answer: the whole country is just messed up.
Philip wrote:The REAL question is, CAN Israel really do anything to stop Iran from building nukes. Maybe so, maybe no. But it's certainly not whether the Iranians are actually trying. As maybe not there YET, they're undoubtedly planning and scheming to acquire them.
Again, as Wikipedia would say, [citation needed]. And in all truth, Israel is much more of a nuclear threat than Iran ever could be.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:56 pm
by Gman
Stygian wrote: For the last time, Ahmadinejad is literally 14th in command, and has no authority in military endeavors. That's my point, and nobody has managed to prove me wrong. People who say otherwise have a tragic misunderstanding of the Iranian system of government. Ahamdinejad isn't really a 'leader' in the literal sense! He's just another politician!
Unfortunately your claims are false... Ahamdinejad does have power and is currently the president of Iran. Furthermore Ahmadinejad is the protector of Iran's constitution which clearly claims.. "with the hope that this century will witness the establishment of a universal holy government and the downfall of all others." So as we can clearly see from their constitution, Iran is claiming they are a universal HOLY government and is seeking the downfall of ALL other governments.. Read it yourself: ... ic_of_Iran

Ahamdinejad is also part of the radical group known as the "twelvers" and they don't need to be popular to function or control their people... Their primary belief is that the Mahdi will return to bring back Islamic sharia law universally.

"Adherents of Twelver ShÄ«‘ism are commonly referred to as Twelvers, which is derived from their belief in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as the Twelve Imāms and their belief that the Mahdi will be none other than the returned Twelfth Imam that disappeared and is believed by Twelvers to be in occultation."

On top of that he works in tandem with their supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has made many many repeated threats against Israel saying "Zionist regime will disappear from map."

Khamenei also recently stated that Iran will back ‘any nations, any groups’ fighting Israel “The Zionist regime is a true cancer tumor on this region that should be cut off,” the supreme leader said. “And it definitely will be cut off.” ... story.html

Iran has also announced a new version of a short range surface-to-surface ballistic missile, the Fateh-110 or Conqueror. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled the upgraded weapon on Tuesday, just weeks after it was test-fired.

"So far, we have launched missiles from 300 to 1,300 kilometers (180 to 800 miles) in the maneuver," said Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who heads the Guard's aerospace division. He hinted that some missiles had an even longer range. Israel is about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) away from Iran's western borders, while the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain, some 200 kilometers (120 miles) from Iranian shores in the Persian Gulf."

But no.. They say it is for defensive purposes...

So if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it is probably a duck..

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:07 pm
by Gman
Stygian wrote: Image
LOL.. Iran was established in 1935 and has NO history like America has.. And any history they do have is the funding of the destruction of Israel and their own people....

Also you are grossly mistaken.. Iran has had numerous wars...


Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:12 pm
by Gman
Stygian wrote: Again, as Wikipedia would say, [citation needed]. And in all truth, Israel is much more of a nuclear threat than Iran ever could be.
I'm glad Israel is nuclear and strong... They would be literally blow off the map being surrounded by billions of Arabs who wish to seek to destroy it.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:24 pm
by Stygian
Gman wrote:Unfortunately your claims are false... Ahamdinejad does have power and is currently the president of Iran. Furthermore Ahmadinejad is the protector of Iran's constitution which clearly claims.. "with the hope that this century will witness the establishment of a universal holy government and the downfall of all others." So as we can clearly see from their constitution, Iran is claiming they are a universal HOLY government and is seeking the downfall of ALL other governments.
The president is below the Supreme Leader, the Guardian Council, the Assembly of Experts, and the Expediency Council.

"And the president is the next lower step in the Islamic Republic's hierarchy. The president is selected by general election from a ballot approved by the Guardian Council (in 1997, the Guardian Council approved only 4 out of 238 presidential candidates), and serves for not more than two four-year terms. While the main face representing Iran at world events, treaty signings, etc., the president is absolutely subordinate to the supreme leader. The president is also head of the Council of Cultural Revolution and the Council of National Security. The president does not control the armed forces or other key elements of the government."

My main point is his lack of influence in military areas. Even then, he has no power of the choices of all those that are above him (a lot of people).
Gman wrote:Ahamdinejad is also part of the radical group known as the "twelvers" and they don't need to be popular to function or control their people... Their primary belief is that the Mahdi will return to bring back Islamic sharia law universally.

"Adherents of Twelver ShÄ«‘ism are commonly referred to as Twelvers, which is derived from their belief in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as the Twelve Imāms and their belief that the Mahdi will be none other than the returned Twelfth Imam that disappeared and is believed by Twelvers to be in occultation."
I don't see how this 'influence' or imaginary power you're describing has helped their cause in the destruction of Israel. Might I remind you the approval of the public is pretty much the key to a 'tyrants' initial rise to power.
Gman wrote:On top of that he works in tandem with their supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has made many many repeated threats against Israel saying "Zionist regime will disappear from map."

Khamenei also recently stated that Iran will back ‘any nations, any groups’ fighting Israel “The Zionist regime is a true cancer tumor on this region that should be cut off,” the supreme leader said. “And it definitely will be cut off.”

Iran has announced a new version of a short range surface-to-surface ballistic missile, the Fateh-110 or Conqueror. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled the upgraded weapon on Tuesday, just weeks after it was test-fired.

"So far, we have launched missiles from 300 to 1,300 kilometers (180 to 800 miles) in the maneuver," said Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who heads the Guard's aerospace division. He hinted that some missiles had an even longer range. Israel is about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) away from Iran's western borders, while the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain, some 200 kilometers (120 miles) from Iranian shores in the Persian Gulf."
Right, because Iran's support is SO valuable. And the country's military, economic and political integrity is SO threatening. And those missiles are SO threatening in comparison to the 200+ nukes Israel has stockpiled.
Gman wrote:LOL.. Iran was established in 1935 and has NO history like America has.. And any history they do have is the funding of the destruction of Israel and their own people....

Also you are grossly mistaken.. Iran has had numerous wars... ... lving_Iran
You do realize most of those were internal conflicts, or invasions of Iran, right? I never said 'they never had a war,' but I haven't seen much in terms of them bombing the crap of their neighbors. And you further support my point, because in the 77 years Iran has existed, the US has done far more damage than they have. Even 'funding the destruction of their own people' furthers my point of them being an incompetent mess of a system.
Gman wrote:I'm glad Israel is nuclear and strong... They would be literally blow off the map being surrounded by billions of Arabs who wish to seek to destroy it.
Yes, and they have the right to maintain those nukes. So, I don't see your point.

Again, my overall point... Iran is pathetic, and Israel is a stronger force than them. I see nothing on the horizon that shows them becoming some crazy superpower.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:10 pm
by Gman
Stygian wrote:
The president is below the Supreme Leader, the Guardian Council, the Assembly of Experts, and the Expediency Council.

"And the president is the next lower step in the Islamic Republic's hierarchy. The president is selected by general election from a ballot approved by the Guardian Council (in 1997, the Guardian Council approved only 4 out of 238 presidential candidates), and serves for not more than two four-year terms. While the main face representing Iran at world events, treaty signings, etc., the president is absolutely subordinate to the supreme leader. The president is also head of the Council of Cultural Revolution and the Council of National Security. The president does not control the armed forces or other key elements of the government."

My main point is his lack of influence in military areas. Even then, he has no power of the choices of all those that are above him (a lot of people).
Good grief Stygian.. No one is claiming that there isn't a hierarchy in the Iranian assembly. No kidding.. But your claim that Ahmadinejad has no real power isn't factual since he is claiming the 'Tumour' of Israel will soon be destroyed. So obviously he has some power or knows where the power inside is going otherwise he wouldn't say such things. Why didn't the higher ups stop him then from saying this? ... 48418.html
Stygian wrote:I don't see how this 'influence' or imaginary power you're describing has helped their cause in the destruction of Israel. Might I remind you the approval of the public is pretty much the key to a 'tyrants' initial rise to power.
You are simply the voice of the masses... Buy a koran and read it someday.. This is a spiritual problem that goes back thousands of centuries. And Iran has a HISTORY of funding and supporting terrorists that are willing to destroy Israel and America and if not by using conventional weapons they can resort to dirty bombs. Far smaller.
Stygian wrote:Right, because Iran's support is SO valuable. And the country's military, economic and political integrity is SO threatening. And those missiles are SO threatening in comparison to the 200+ nukes Israel has stockpiled.
Again.. Crazy man Ahmadinejad is claiming "We will destroy Israel soon." He and his other nut case rulers are making the threats, have a history of destroying their own people, supporting terror groups, and now everyone turns a blind eye.

"In July 2012, the United States State Department released a report on terrorism around the world in 2011. The report states that "Iran remained an active state sponsor of terrorism in 2011 and increased its terrorist-related activity" and that "Iran also continued to provide financial, material, and logistical support for terrorist and militant groups throughout the Middle East and Central Asia." The report states that Iran has continued to provide "lethal support, including weapons, training, funding, and guidance, to Iraqi Shia militant groups targeting U.S. and Iraqi forces, as well as civilians," despite pleding to support the stabilization of Iraq, and that the Qods Force provided training to the Taliban in Afghanistan on "small unit tactics, small arms, explosives, and indirect fire weapons, such as mortars, artillery, and rockets." The report further states that Iran has provided weapons and training to the Assad regime in Syria which has launched a brutal crackdown on Syrian rebels, as well as providing weapons, training, and funding to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, among others, and has assisted in rearming Hizballah. The report states as well that Iran has remained unwilling to bring to justice senior members of Al Qaeda that it continued to detain, and also refused to publicly identify these senior members, as well as that Iran has allowed Al Qaeda members to operate a core facilitation pipeline through Iranian territory, which has enabled Al Qaeda to carry funds and move facilitators and operatives to South Asia and elsewhere." ... sm_in_2011
Stygian wrote:You do realize most of those were internal conflicts, or invasions of Iran, right? I never said 'they never had a war,' but I haven't seen much in terms of them bombing the crap of their neighbors. And you further support my point, because in the 77 years Iran has existed, the US has done far more damage than they have. Even 'funding the destruction of their own people' furthers my point of them being an incompetent mess of a system.
Your picture revealed no wars for Iran so it is wrong.. Again.. Read the report of all the terror Iran is supporting throughout the world. Even we democrats know this...
Stygian wrote:Yes, and they have the right to maintain those nukes. So, I don't see your point.

Again, my overall point... Iran is pathetic, and Israel is a stronger force than them. I see nothing on the horizon that shows them becoming some crazy superpower.
Israel does NOT want any war.. They hate war and do everything they can to avoid it... They are surrounded by enemies who hate it and shoot rockets into their country daily. How would you like if if someone shot missiles into your house one day? How do you think you would feel? They HAVE to protect themselves...

Take a trip to Israel sometime and see the bomb threats they face everyday if you don't believe me...

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:43 am
by RickD
Ok, this should settle the issue once and for all. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Iran Has No Interest In Nuclear Weapons, Just Peaceful Nuclear Energy. Ayatollah said it. I believe it. That settles it. :mrgreen:

Can you say Iran is a nation of peace while keeping a straight face?
DUBAI, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Iran has no interest in nuclear weapons but will keep pursuing peaceful nuclear energy, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told heads of state from developing countries in Tehran.

Iran, hosting a summit of the 120-nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), is hoping the high-profile event will prove that Western efforts to isolate it and punish it economically for its disputed nuclear programme have failed.

"Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none," Khamenei told the assembled heads of state.

But discord over Syria swiftly marred the summit when Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi urged member states to support Syrians striving to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, whose staunchest regional ally is Iran.

"Our solidarity with the struggle of the Syrian people against an oppressive regime that has lost its legitimacy is an ethical duty as it is a political and strategic necessity," Mursi said, prompting a walkout by the Syrian delegation, according to the pan-Arab satellite channel Al Jazeera.

It was not immediately clear if the Syrians had returned to the meeting after Mursi's speech.

Mursi's visit to Tehran was the first by an Egyptian leader since Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979, but his uncompromising speech suggested there would be no swift reconciliation between the two countries after three decades of animosity.

Diplomatic relations between Cairo and Tehran broke down immediately after Iran's revolution over Egypt's support for the overthrown Shah and over its peace agreement with Israel.

The NAM summit's final declaration is set to express deep concern about the violence in Syria and support for efforts by U.N.-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi to broker a resolution to the conflict, a delegate at the meeting told Reuters.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, attending the Tehran summit, urged Khamenei late on Wednesday to take concrete steps to prove Iran's nuclear work is peaceful.

The West suspects Iran is seeking a nuclear weapons capability, an accusation Tehran denies.

In his speech, Khamenei criticised the U.N. Security Council as an illogical, unjust and defunct relic of the past used by the United States "to impose its bullying manner on the world".

"They (Americans) talk of human rights when what they mean is Western interests. They talk of democracy when what they have is military intervention in other countries," he added.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:27 am
by Stygian
Gman wrote:Good grief Stygian.. No one is claiming that there isn't a hierarchy in the Iranian assembly. No kidding.. But your claim that Ahmadinejad has no real power isn't factual since he is claiming the 'Tumour' of Israel will soon be destroyed. So obviously he has some power or knows where the power inside is going otherwise he wouldn't say such things. Why didn't the higher ups stop him then from saying this? ... 48418.html
Good grief Gman! I've already covered this several times now! There's little evidence that the Iranian higher-ups have control over what he says; only over what political actions he takes, which is far more significant. I don't see how the Iranian's 'mouthing off' marathon makes them a bigger threat in any way, shape, or form. Do I need to bring up the impeachment calls again? ... calls.html
Gman wrote:You are simply the voice of the masses... Buy a koran and read it someday.. This is a spiritual problem that goes back thousands of centuries. And Iran has a HISTORY of funding and supporting terrorists that are willing to destroy Israel and America and if not by using conventional weapons they can resort to dirty bombs. Far smaller.
How is Iran strong enough to carry this out? How many more times do I have to bring up their instability? They have neither the resources or integrity to maintain, produce, or even use 'dirty bombs' to a degree that we would be mortally dangerous. Again, Israel and the US have many more nukes than Iran, and it will probably stay that way for some time.

Also, here's a related article: ... hreat.html

Again, Iran's incompetence is their own worst enemy at this point, and that is why I am very reluctant to call them a major threat. This is merely echoing Iraq, and if a war breaks out, it will be just as great a disaster as Iraq turned out to be, if not worse.
Gman wrote:Again.. Crazy man Ahmadinejad is claiming "We will destroy Israel soon." He and his other nut case rulers are making the threats, have a history of destroying their own people, supporting terror groups, and now everyone turns a blind eye.
Hey, people turn a 'blind eyes' to Israel-supported terrorism also!
Gman wrote:Your picture revealed no wars for Iran so it is wrong.. Again.. Read the report of all the terror Iran is supporting throughout the world. Even we democrats know this...
Did you even read the header to that picture? It's not about the number of wars; it's about the consistency of bombings or sabotage done by either country to another. Chances are the one who consistently does either is probably more of a force to be reckoned with. Again, the US is quite a bit more dangerous. A bit meaning a lot.
Gman wrote:Israel does NOT want any war.. They hate war and do everything they can to avoid it... They are surrounded by enemies who hate it and shoot rockets into their country daily. How would you like if if someone shot missiles into your house one day? How do you think you would feel? They HAVE to protect themselves...
Yes, but if they feel they have to attack Iran to protect themselves, that's their business. The Western world shouldn't be involved, since there's more chance of worsening the conflict. My point doesn't revolve about the futility of Israel defending themselves, or Iran's (non-existant) peaceful demeanor; it revolves round the weakness of Iran as a country. Like my eariler point, Israel has held their own in the past.
RickD wrote:Ok, this should settle the issue once and for all. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Iran Has No Interest In Nuclear Weapons, Just Peaceful Nuclear Energy. Ayatollah said it. I believe it. That settles it. :mrgreen:
I've seen the article you're talking about before, actually. I'm not exactly arguing the country is a 'country of peace,' but I have no reason to believe they're building nukes just yet, or that they're capable of really bulldozing Israel. I don't consider Somalia a country of peace, but I wouldn't go as far as to call them a superpower at any point in their history.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:16 pm
by Gman
Stygian wrote: Good grief Gman! I've already covered this several times now! There's little evidence that the Iranian higher-ups have control over what he says; only over what political actions he takes, which is far more significant. I don't see how the Iranian's 'mouthing off' marathon makes them a bigger threat in any way, shape, or form. Do I need to bring up the impeachment calls again?
Again... If they wouldn't be making threats, then I would take them less seriously.. But they are so now we must.. And the higher ups like Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are SUPPORTING what Ahmadinejad said... Khamenei stated that Iran will back ‘any nations, any groups’ fighting Israel “The Zionist regime is a true cancer tumor on this region that should be cut off,” the supreme leader said. “And it definitely will be cut off.” ... story.html

It makes no difference whatsoever, even if Ahmadinejad and Khamenei has 1 percent of the popular vote. But that even isn't true, it's much higher.. The problem here is that we have mad men controlling the situation here that will do anything to destroy Israel AND their neighbors and have sworn to do it.
Stygian wrote:How is Iran strong enough to carry this out? How many more times do I have to bring up their instability? They have neither the resources or integrity to maintain, produce, or even use 'dirty bombs' to a degree that we would be mortally dangerous. Again, Israel and the US have many more nukes than Iran, and it will probably stay that way for some time.

Also, here's a related article: ... hreat.html
Again.. You are confused.. It all has to do with who is in power and who is calling the shots AND who is making the threats. Where do you see Israel and the U.S. making threats?? Why is Iran making threats?? Answer the question.
Stygian wrote:Again, Iran's incompetence is their own worst enemy at this point, and that is why I am very reluctant to call them a major threat. This is merely echoing Iraq, and if a war breaks out, it will be just as great a disaster as Iraq turned out to be, if not worse.
No... Not if they just blow up their nuclear ambitions. They are not talking about an invasion, they are talking about blowing up their nuclear sites.. In return Ahmadinejad said that he was going to kill all Israeli citizens.. This guy is an animal. A true Hitler.
Stygian wrote:Hey, people turn a 'blind eyes' to Israel-supported terrorism also!
LOL.. Israel has every right to defend herself.. And even if your accusations are true, which has not been proven, this is a much better way to do it than hurting innocent civilians.. imo.
Stygian wrote:Did you even read the header to that picture? It's not about the number of wars; it's about the consistency of bombings or sabotage done by either country to another. Chances are the one who consistently does either is probably more of a force to be reckoned with. Again, the US is quite a bit more dangerous. A bit meaning a lot.
Again... Read the link... ... lving_Iran Iran has been in wars with other countries and is a huge supplier of arms to other countries with similar interests.

So are you saying that the US is a dangerous country?? If so, then why are you living here?
Stygian wrote:Yes, but if they feel they have to attack Iran to protect themselves, that's their business. The Western world shouldn't be involved, since there's more chance of worsening the conflict. My point doesn't revolve about the futility of Israel defending themselves, or Iran's (non-existant) peaceful demeanor; it revolves round the weakness of Iran as a country. Like my eariler point, Israel has held their own in the past.
We should stand with Israel because we are allies.. We always protect our friends when they get into trouble.. Especially against those who are making the threats. Israel never has.. Only to defend herself.
Stygian wrote:I've seen the article you're talking about before, actually. I'm not exactly arguing the country is a 'country of peace,' but I have no reason to believe they're building nukes just yet, or that they're capable of really bulldozing Israel. I don't consider Somalia a country of peace, but I wouldn't go as far as to call them a superpower at any point in their history.
You don't have to be a superpower to build nukes.. Once they get that, it's all over.. Why is Iran stepping up production of high-grade enriched uranium?? Are they trying to make a dessert topping?? ... index.html

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:14 pm
by Stygian
Gman wrote:Again... If they wouldn't be making threats, then I would take them less seriously.. But they are so now we must.. And the higher ups like Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are SUPPORTING what Ahmadinejad said... Khamenei stated that Iran will back ‘any nations, any groups’ fighting Israel “The Zionist regime is a true cancer tumor on this region that should be cut off,” the supreme leader said. “And it definitely will be cut off.”
I take this whole thing VERY seriously. You, again, miss my point. Must I keep reminding you Iran is a pathetically frail country? I bring up their military strength vs. Israel's. Can you HONESTLY say Iran is capable of destroying this 'tumor' with any amount of efficiency?
Gman wrote:It makes no difference whatsoever, even if Ahmadinejad and Khamenei has 1 percent of the popular vote. But that even isn't true, it's much higher.. The problem here is that we have mad men controlling the situation here that will do anything to destroy Israel AND their neighbors and have sworn to do it.
Sworn to do it. That's big talk coming from a country that can barely keep itself together, economically, politically, or militaristically.
Gman wrote:Again.. You are confused.. It all has to do with who is in power and who is calling the shots AND who is making the threats. Where do you see Israel and the U.S. making threats?? Why is Iran making threats?? Answer the question.
Must you misinterpret everything I say? Iran is making threats; I understand this, and that's already been established. I don't see how that makes them stronger, or more capable in militaristic terms. Israel has made threats, so good job on the research there, but even then that's beside the point. My point is Iran is WEAK. Must I repeat that time and time again? Compared to IRan's 'biggest enemy' (Israel), they're nothing! I have no reason to believe they have any militaristic integrity whatsoever!
Gman wrote:No... Not if they just blow up their nuclear ambitions. They are not talking about an invasion, they are talking about blowing up their nuclear sites.. In return Ahmadinejad said that he was going to kill all Israeli citizens.. This guy is an animal. A true Hitler.
A true Hitler would mean having the support of the people, claiming total control of the country, putting some kind of effort toward imperialism, and demanding appeasement. Ahmadinejad has failed miserably on all those things.
Gman wrote:LOL.. Israel has every right to defend herself.. And even if your accusations are true, which has not been proven, this is a much better way to do it than hurting innocent civilians.. imo.
You know, the very appeal of hiring a terrorist organization is the idea that civilians can be attacked with little blame put on the country itself. Heck, the US did it with the Contras, and everybody bought the Contras were just freedom fighters, right? The while attacking unarmed civilian targets was just a side effect! =D I know Israel has the right to defend themselves. My point was that they aren't exactly innocent either ;)
Gman wrote:Again... Read the link... ... lving_Iran Iran has been in wars with other countries and is a huge supplier of arms to other countries with similar interests.
Yup, missed the point again! Three strikes, you're out! Iran doesn't have a history for bombing their neighbors. That's my point. Sure, they have a lot of talk going on right now, but that doesn't prove a whole lot. It only proves they're run by fools. The US, however, has been bombing people for years, and even Isael has attacked preemptively using bombings. And those were quite successful!
Gman wrote:So are you saying that the US is a dangerous country?? If so, then why are you living here?
... what?
Gman wrote:We should stand with Israel because we are allies.. We always protect our friends when they get into trouble.. Especially against those who are making the threats. Israel never has.. Only to defend herself.
Ah, the ever-so effective ally system. Didn't that start a relatively tragic and needlessly large war or two? Even then, you are not defending Israel; you're defending their backwards government.
Gman wrote:You don't have to be a superpower to build nukes.. Once they get that, it's all over.. Why is Iran stepping up production of high-grade enriched uranium?? Are they trying to make a dessert topping??
Are you saying they have a nuclear program? *gasp* We, like, totally already knew that! Why must I point out the consistent hole in this argument? Let's say Iran makes, say 5 nukes, which is about how many North Korea has, which also spends more on military expenditures than Iran. Israel has 200+. The United States has thousands. Is it REALLY in Iran's best interest to even TRY to fire a nuke ANYWHERE?

I sincerely believe this is all just Iranian BS propaganda. And based on the public's reaction, it's not working. They're a dying country, and they're feeble and incompetent.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:02 am
by Byblos
Stygian wrote:Can you HONESTLY say Iran is capable of destroying this 'tumor' with any amount of efficiency?
It doesn't have to be efficient but the answer is yes. Israel is a tiny nation of 8 million that at some point was less than 10 miles wide. All it would take is 1 bomb (even a dirty bomb) to inflict instantaneous irreparable damage or even total destruction. How many nuclear bombs would it take to destroy all of Israel's enemies and over how long of a period time? They can be severely damaged maybe, but they will never be completely annihilated. This is not a deterrence strategy among equal powers such as was the case during the cold war. Once Iran has a nuclear bomb the scales are heavily tipped in one direction. No amount of sanctions will work because you're dealing with an ideological mindset that prefers death over life.

Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:16 am
by Gman
Stygian wrote: I take this whole thing VERY seriously. You, again, miss my point. Must I keep reminding you Iran is a pathetically frail country? I bring up their military strength vs. Israel's. Can you HONESTLY say Iran is capable of destroying this 'tumor' with any amount of efficiency?
No you do NOT take this seriously and you do NOT understand the consequences. Again, Iran is trying to create NUCLEAR weapons. Not water balloons.... And top of the, Iran is working with other nations trying to destroy Israel..
Stygian wrote:Sworn to do it. That's big talk coming from a country that can barely keep itself together, economically, politically, or militaristically.
Not exactly... Iran is the 18th largest economy in the world so it does have power and is controlled by very strong dictators..

"The economy of Iran is the twenty-fifth largest in the world by GDP (nominal) and the eighteenth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP). Iran's economy is a mixture of central planning, state ownership of oil and other large enterprises, village agriculture, and small-scale private trading and service ventures."
Stygian wrote:Must you misinterpret everything I say? Iran is making threats; I understand this, and that's already been established. I don't see how that makes them stronger, or more capable in militaristic terms.
Then they shouldn't be making threats then nor enriching uranium to create bombs...
Stygian wrote:Israel has made threats, so good job on the research there, but even then that's beside the point.
That is a lie... Israel has never made any threats.. They have only made defensive threats but Iran in their constitution is seeking the DOWNFALL of all other nations...

"with the hope that this century will witness the establishment of a universal holy government and the downfall of all others." So as we can clearly see from their constitution, Iran is claiming they are a universal HOLY government and is seeking the downfall of ALL other governments.."
Stygian wrote:My point is Iran is WEAK. Must I repeat that time and time again? Compared to IRan's 'biggest enemy' (Israel), they're nothing! I have no reason to believe they have any militaristic integrity whatsoever!
Again, Iran is working in coalition with other TERRORIST nations so they are not acting alone.. Here is the report again..

"The report states that "Iran remained an active state sponsor of terrorism in 2011 and increased its terrorist-related activity" and that "Iran also continued to provide financial, material, and logistical support for terrorist and militant groups throughout the Middle East and Central Asia." The report states that Iran has continued to provide "lethal support, including weapons, training, funding, and guidance, to Iraqi Shia militant groups targeting U.S. and Iraqi forces, as well as civilians," despite pleding to support the stabilization of Iraq, and that the Qods Force provided training to the Taliban in Afghanistan on "small unit tactics, small arms, explosives, and indirect fire weapons, such as mortars, artillery, and rockets."The report further states that Iran has provided weapons and training to the Assad regime in Syria which has launched a brutal crackdown on Syrian rebels, as well as providing weapons, training, and funding to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, among others, and has assisted in rearming Hizballah. The report states as well that Iran has remained unwilling to bring to justice senior members of Al Qaeda that it continued to detain, and also refused to publicly identify these senior members, as well as that Iran has allowed Al Qaeda members to operate a core facilitation pipeline through Iranian territory, which has enabled Al Qaeda to carry funds and move facilitators and operatives to South Asia and elsewhere." ... sm_in_2011
Stygian wrote:A true Hitler would mean having the support of the people, claiming total control of the country, putting some kind of effort toward imperialism, and demanding appeasement. Ahmadinejad has failed miserably on all those things.
Then why are Iran's leaders still in power???
Stygian wrote:You know, the very appeal of hiring a terrorist organization is the idea that civilians can be attacked with little blame put on the country itself. Heck, the US did it with the Contras, and everybody bought the Contras were just freedom fighters, right? The while attacking unarmed civilian targets was just a side effect! =D I know Israel has the right to defend themselves. My point was that they aren't exactly innocent either ;)
No.. Israel does their BEST to protect civilians.. They never have intentions of hurting others.. In fact many of the attacks from Gaza use rockets launched from schools or hospitals putting Israel in awkward situations..
Stygian wrote:Yup, missed the point again! Three strikes, you're out!
Are you making threats to me????
Stygian wrote:Iran doesn't have a history for bombing their neighbors. That's my point. Sure, they have a lot of talk going on right now, but that doesn't prove a whole lot. It only proves they're run by fools. The US, however, has been bombing people for years, and even Isael has attacked preemptively using bombings. And those were quite successful!
Again your picture was false because Iran has been bombing their neighbors.. Also why are you against the U.S.? We have been predominately justified in our wars to stop wars. Israel too is being defensive in their wars.
Stygian wrote:... what?
You heard me...
Stygian wrote:Ah, the ever-so effective ally system. Didn't that start a relatively tragic and needlessly large war or two? Even then, you are not defending Israel; you're defending their backwards government.
You hate Israel.. That is very evident..Israel is trying to be peaceful with it's neighbors AND grants citizenship AND voting rights to it's Arab neighbors. This is clearly revealed in their declaration of independence.

"in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months – to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions. We extend our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East." ... dependence
Stygian wrote:Are you saying they have a nuclear program? *gasp* We, like, totally already knew that! Why must I point out the consistent hole in this argument? Let's say Iran makes, say 5 nukes, which is about how many North Korea has, which also spends more on military expenditures than Iran. Israel has 200+. The United States has thousands. Is it REALLY in Iran's best interest to even TRY to fire a nuke ANYWHERE?
Iran is making threats to blow up Israel or any other nation that opposes it.. They started it.. Not Israel or the U.S. as you claim to make..
Stygian wrote:I sincerely believe this is all just Iranian BS propaganda. And based on the public's reaction, it's not working. They're a dying country, and they're feeble and incompetent.
When they get their nukes they have made the claim to use them... And use them soon.. ... s-trouble/