Absolute Reality

Discussions on a ranges of philosophical issues including the nature of truth and reality, personal identity, mind-body theories, epistemology, justification of beliefs, argumentation and logic, philosophy of religion, free will and determinism, etc.
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B. W.
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Re: Absolute Reality

Post by B. W. »

Proinsias wrote:Thanks B.W

Definition number one: Reality I as know it is profoundly influenced by the knowledge of finite beings. I can't see out the window from where I'm sitting and thus everything around me appears to be related to the knowledge of finite beings, from the keyboard I'm typing on to the to the elevated floor the desk is sitting on, to the walls which block my perception of the stars.

Definition number two: reality in relation to the divine mind, can't really argue with that. Im all for exploring reality in relation to the divine.

Thanks for the Francis Bacon link, that's what I was looking for. If I identify myself then I must exist is a bit of a logical loophole for me.
The concept stems from this:

If you, a finite being, exist, then there is evidence that existence itself exists.

Even if existence exists in different forms, just finite living makes you aware of existence. So the probably of an absolute state of existence exists.
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