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Re: Brain-dead neurosurgeon says he visited heaven

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:58 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote: This smells of a counterfeit experience and magnificent deception. And, if true, suggests that the demonic has power to enter into and deceive one in an unconscious state.
I think you are right.

FL y~o)

Re: Brain-dead neurosurgeon says he visited heaven

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:48 am
by Philip
And as it would appear that this surgeon had a demonically deceptive near death experience, it does make sense as to why. Because if demons are all about deceiving mankind, what better strategy could they have (at least to impact many) than by picking this man to deceive - a former agnostic scientist who happens to specialize in brain functionality. Because if they can't get everyone by just getting them to disbelieve in God, then make them believe a lie about Him - by the testimony of one who now believes all that he saw was the real heaven. Think how many New-Agers, etc will latch onto this, as well as those who adamantly oppose the view that any one religion is from the Lord, or that all religions aren't pathways to heaven, that Christianity is prejudiced and exclusive by its belief in Christ.

And so what are the lies that this surgeon has not bought into?:

- That a person who is an unbeliever could have entered into heaven, the very abode of God. He admits he was previously a confirmed believer in God.

- Subsequent to his experience, He has bought into the unscriptural belief that all religions are pathways to God, and that no one religion - Christianity or otherwise - has the truth about God.

- He believes that those already dead/in heaven can be communicated with those that are still alive.

- He saw a heaven that was aesthetically beautiful, yet without describing experiencing what the Bible tells us heaven is ALL about - the constant presence and worship of the Lord - which, Scripturally, is heaven's entire focus.

But, to me, this should be an eye-opener, that the demonic can even deceive when one is in an unconscious state.

Re: Brain-dead neurosurgeon says he visited heaven

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:35 am
by Philip
And I've noticed that the article about this man's near death experience/supposedly visiting heaven is continuously being linked on the front page of various websites - thereby 24/7 spreading his delusions and false beliefs.

Re: Brain-dead neurosurgeon says he visited heaven

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:54 am
by PaulSacramento
That youtube clip of Bryan was amazing.

Re: Brain-dead neurosurgeon says he visited heaven

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:57 am
by PaulSacramento
IN regards to the different "revelations' people have when they have NDE.
We need to understand that yes, there is a possibility of demon influence BUT I think that it may be more of a case of "relation" than anything else and what I mean is this:
Regardless of what we are revealed we still have to understand and assimilate it AND be able to convey it to others ( IF we were suppose to and not all revelations are to be conveyed to others), we still have to be able to relate what we saw and heard to others and not everyones is able to do that in the right way NOR are all people that receive the revelation able to understand it the right way.