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Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:28 am
by PaulSacramento
I agree about the issues and the vigilance one must have with Islam BUT the US must always keep in mind what was done to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, even the ones that were Citizens.
Terrorism wins when the people it is directed at compromise their freedoms and tolerance of others because of it.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:50 am
by Canuckster1127
9/11 certainly has had a big impact and prior to that it's been present in history.

Maybe I'm more sensitive to it in general, but I do see it quite often, both in my own dealings here in the Washington DC area where I live and work and in the media, and I even (shudder) watch Fox News on occasion as it the network my wife prefers and I find it doesn't hurt to hear from different sources and perspectives.

There's an element of human nature that moves toward people who are like us and away from those who are not. Most, if not all, of us have that at work in our lives, our thinking and with whom we choose to associate and identify. It's one thing to recognize that, which I do and not attach any sinister motives to it per se, (and I don't believe most people are consciously anti-arab or anti-islam in the sense of open prejudice and bigotry), but even with this recognized there's still an alarming level of it present.

In the immediate wake of 9-11 violence toward Arabs increased and in fact, several non-Arabs were attacked because their dress was seen to be Arab.

This happened just less than a year ago, too. Remember? ... ke-of-911/

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:18 am
by RickD
PaulS wrote:
I agree about the issues and the vigilance one must have with Islam BUT the US must always keep in mind what was done to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, even the ones that were Citizens.
Terrorism wins when the people it is directed at compromise their freedoms and tolerance of others because of it.
I agree. And from what I know, that was horrible what some Americans did to Americans of Japanese descent.
Canuckster wrote:
9/11 certainly has had a big impact and prior to that it's been present in history.

Maybe I'm more sensitive to it in general, but I do see it quite often, both in my own dealings here in the Washington DC area where I live and work and in the media, and I even (shudder) watch Fox News on occasion as it the network my wife prefers and I find it doesn't hurt to hear from different sources and perspectives.

There's an element of human nature that moves toward people who are like us and away from those who are not. Most, if not all, of us have that at work in our lives, our thinking and with whom we choose to associate and identify. It's one thing to recognize that, which I do and not attach any sinister motives to it per se, (and I don't believe most people are consciously anti-arab or anti-islam in the sense of open prejudice and bigotry), but even with this recognized there's still an alarming level of it present.

In the immediate wake of 9-11 violence toward Arabs increased and in fact, several non-Arabs were attacked because their dress was seen to be Arab.

This happened just less than a year ago, too. Remember? ... ke-of-911/
Yes, I remember that. Sad.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein

In 2007, there were 115 reported hate crimes against Muslims in the USA, or 8,2% of all reported hate crimes. In the same year, there were 1400 reported hate crimes against Jews, or 69% of all reported hate crimes.*

Why are some of you so worried about Islamophobia? Why are you not more concerned about Jew-haters? Isn't that like being more concerned about a pimple on your nose while ignoring the cancer eating your innards?

Getting back to the original topic of this thread, Al-jazeera strangely refers to the jihadist terrorists who murdered foreigners in Algeria/Mali as ''commandos.'' Do any of you know the difference between a commando and a terrorist? ...and, America's ''War on Terror'' is dirisively re-named ''the so-called 'War on Terror.' ''

Do you see the inherent danger? or would you prefer to chat about Madonna's new Bentley?

FL :sleep:

* ... itude.html

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:59 pm
by Ivellious
In 2007, there were 115 reported hate crimes against Muslims in the USA, or 8,2% of all reported hate crimes. In the same year, there were 1400 reported hate crimes against Jews, or 69% of all reported hate crimes.*
Not entirely correct. These statistics are only for hate crimes deemed to have an explicitly religious motivation. Most hate crimes are racially-motivated (i.e. anti-black, anti-Asian, etc.).
Why are some of you so worried about Islamophobia?
Probably because it does exist, and has been especially prevalent since 9/11. Hate crimes don't even scratch the surface of how Americans' collective view of Muslims (and Arab people in general) since then. Today, Muslims are often looked at with a similar level of disdain and fear as with Japanese people during WWII. Again, just because someone doesn't burn a Muslim's house down doesn't mean that they don't harbor extremely negative feelings toward them as a group. You are a good example; just because you don't actively seek to harm Muslims (I hope), you are open about your general hate of Islam and Muslims as a whole. It's not that people are actively going out of their way to hurt Muslims, it's simply a societal feeling/disposition toward Muslims and Arabs.
Why are you not more concerned about Jew-haters?
Because in general, there are a lot less people who hate Jews in america than those who hate Muslims. The majority of hate crimes and hateful attitudes toward Jews come from small splinter groups of society (white-supremacists, Neo-Nazis, skinheads, whatever you want to call them). I honestly have never met someone from my age group who dislikes Jewish people for any reason. Maybe it's just where I live, but I've never heard of any anti-Jewish anything in my life from anyone around here.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:44 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Ivellious wrote:Not entirely correct. These statistics are only for hate crimes deemed to have an explicitly religious motivation. Most hate crimes are racially-motivated (i.e. anti-black, anti-Asian, etc.).
What exactly are you implying here? Are you saying that Islamophobia is a greater danger to your society than Jew-hatred?
Ivellious wrote:Today, Muslims are often looked at with a similar level of disdain and fear as with Japanese people during WWII. Again, just because someone doesn't burn a Muslim's house down doesn't mean that they don't harbor extremely negative feelings toward them as a group. You are a good example; just because you don't actively seek to harm Muslims (I hope), you are open about your general hate of Islam and Muslims as a whole. It's not that people are actively going out of their way to hurt Muslims, it's simply a societal feeling/disposition toward Muslims and Arabs.
You paint with a very wide brush...and not very adeptly! How have you come to the conclusion that I am ''open about [my] general hate of Islam and Muslims as a whole''? What have I written to prove this hatred you allege that I have? And tell us what your definition of hatred is? These questions are rhetorical: don't bother answering because you'll only dig yourself in deeper.
Ivellious wrote:Because in general, there are a lot less people who hate Jews in america than those who hate Muslims. The majority of hate crimes and hateful attitudes toward Jews come from small splinter groups of society (white-supremacists, Neo-Nazis, skinheads, whatever you want to call them). I honestly have never met someone from my age group who dislikes Jewish people for any reason. Maybe it's just where I live, but I've never heard of any anti-Jewish anything in my life from anyone around here.
This may be true for you and in your environment. Are you claiming that this is true throughout the USA?

You know, Ivellious, you are smart but I can't take you seriously sometimes. I feel that your animosity towards me & my ideas color your thinking and you end up saying stupid things like accusing me of Islamophobia. Would you like to know how many secular Muslim friends I have? Would that knowledge change your vision of me?

Anyway, I forgive you.

FL y~o)

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:54 am
by Canuckster1127
Comparing hatred of one group of people against another group of people doesn't justify one or the other.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:41 am
by Gman
Yes.. We don't stand against other people..

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

However.. We must stand against contrary doctrine of the Bible

Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Colossians 2:22 Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:33 pm
by Philip
"Al-Jazeera tries to be balanced in it's reporting, and is equally critical of Arab nations and factions as it is of the U.S. and other Western countries."

Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha! Only a completely naive person can believe such. Do you believe that they would still exist in Islamic countries if their governments thought this to be true?

"Arab Spring"

What a meaningless, undefined, and much-abused term! WHICH Arabs are springing upwards to challenge WHO or WHAT entities? The only things that the various Arab factions hate worst than Israel, the U.S. and the West, are other Arab factions - and other Islamic believers that have a different take on the Quran than they do. And the only things that even partly unite these factions are their hate of Israel, the U.S., the West, Christianity. Oh, these and their love of power and Western oil money - which fuels so much of the hate and bloodlust mayhem of the Islamists. This is not a phobia, but an observational/historical reality! And I wish it were not the case. No, this does not describe many peace-loving Muslims - but they are not the problem.

"Arab Solidarity"

History shows that the only consistent uniters of Islamic peoples is belief in the Quran and their hatred of Israel. And you'll find that it is not compatible with nor, at its ultimate heart, does it encourage simply living a peaceful co-existence with any others who do not also embrace its teachings. And the Jihadists take the Quran's teachings DEAD seriously! And as long as their are enough Islamists with substantial resources, weapons and money, who also interpret the Quran's teachings that Islam is not compatible with others who don't embrace it, then their threat will remain a serious one.

Is it any wonder that the two core things that connect and united the Nazis and the Islamists, the two most significant threats to world peace over the past century, is their hatred of the Jews?

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:06 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
I repent! Thanks to the intelligent and insightful posts by Stygian, Ivellious and Canuckster, I now understand that Islam is all about fluffy kittens playing with cute puppies! :giverose:

And shame-on-you, Philip! Don't you understand that you have been hoodwinked by the worldwide Zionist control of the media? REPENT! Thank Allah for Al-jazeera!

Anyway, I was reading Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws this evening - specifically Book V - where the author states that the principle of a democracy is equality, education being its catalyst; and the principle of an aristocracy is honor, with pomp & splendor its cement; and the principle of a tyranny is fear, the arbitrary malevolence of the governing authority being its strength.

Of course, Montesquieu wrote this in the 1740s, before political correctness and fake moral rectitude, so...I was wondering, what are the guiding principles of our modern countries? Would understanding these help us understand why we are going in the direction we are?

FL y:-?

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:56 pm
by Gman
Philip wrote:
Is it any wonder that the two core things that connect and united the Nazis and the Islamists, the two most significant threats to world peace over the past century, is their hatred of the Jews?
Exactly... Nothing has changed since World War 2.. It's just the same stuff repackaged in a beautiful flower bouquet. All you have to do is read the koran and hadith to find out where the direction is going but no one wants to...

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:28 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
I would recommend these books to those of you who think Islam - including secular Islam - could be compatible with American or Western values:

1: Reliance of the Traveller, an Islamic classic: a book that explains how Sharia Law regulates every aspect of the life of a Muslim and of an Islamic nation. An eye-opener!

2: A Season in Hell, by Robert Fowler, a Canadian diplomat taken hostage by Al-Quaeda in Mali. Islam apologists beware!

FL :amen:

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:50 pm
by tetelesti
Stygian wrote:How is ant-American, anti-west, and anti-Israel any worse than being blindy pro-American, pro-west, and pro-Israel?
Not sure how you can make such a statement concerning Israel, especially since you're a believer. So what does the bible say about being anti-Isreal:

Zechariah 2:8 "For thus says the LORD of hosts, After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye."

Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse."

It's clear from scripture that the Lord is against those who are anti-Israel, including Al-jazeera. You should reconsider your conviction on this one...

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:01 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Here is an interesting little article I found in the April 2013 issue of Israel Today. The article references Al-Jazeera, so those among you who see no problem with this jihadist network's takeover of CurrentTV may want to pay attention:

''Slaughter the Jews!

'Doha-based Echo Media Qatar has begun work on a multi-million dollar movie commemorating the 7th century extermination of an entire Jewish community in Arabia by the Prophet Mohammed and his early Muslim followers. Titled Khaiber after the name of the Jewish town that was wiped out, the movie was written by a prominent Egyptian screewriter and will feature a number of famous Arab actors from across the region.

'Qatar-based Al-Jazeera described the film as a worthy portrayal of ''the most important feature of the Islamic-Jewish struggle. Muslims always raise its name [Khaiber] in their rallies against Israel because it constitutes a memory of a harsh defeat for the Jews who lived in the Arabian Peninsula during the time of the Prophet.''

'Indeed, chants of ''Remember Khaiber!'' and ''Itbach al-Yahud!'' [Slaughter the Jews] remain regular feature of Arab demonstrations across the Middle East, which is one reason why many Israelis remain skeptical about ''peace.'' They simply do not believe that the Muslim masses have moved past their desire to either eliminate or subjugate the Jews.''

-Compiled by Ryan JONES