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Re: Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:42 am
by RickD
1over137 wrote:Ok.

But I thought on skeptic who is close to me and knows I have not visited any self-help seminar or such.
Of course Hana. If God is within you, and His love is shown through you, it's possible that skeptic can see the genuine change in you.

Re: Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:22 am
by CazPerth
RickD wrote:
1over137 wrote:Ok.

But I thought on skeptic who is close to me and knows I have not visited any self-help seminar or such.
Of course Hana. If God is within you, and His love is shown through you, it's possible that skeptic can see the genuine change in you.
My husband has seen the change in me, he tells me I am easier to get on with and he sees my happiness but he remains a skeptic. I pray the HS will rub off on him eventually y[-o<
Some say The HS is not experienced as an emotion but I think I do experience that deep sense of peace and "knowing" as an emotion akin to Joy. The other night I was praying on a question and all of a sudden I broke into a smile and and said "Thank you!" I was not even aware of being given an answer just a kind of certainty and joy, to me it feels like being told I am loved.

God bless

Re: Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:02 pm
by Kurieuo
CazPerth wrote:
RickD wrote:
1over137 wrote:Ok.

But I thought on skeptic who is close to me and knows I have not visited any self-help seminar or such.
Of course Hana. If God is within you, and His love is shown through you, it's possible that skeptic can see the genuine change in you.
My husband has seen the change in me, he tells me I am easier to get on with and he sees my happiness but he remains a skeptic. I pray the HS will rub off on him eventually y[-o<
Some say The HS is not experienced as an emotion but I think I do experience that deep sense of peace and "knowing" as an emotion akin to Joy. The other night I was praying on a question and all of a sudden I broke into a smile and and said "Thank you!" I was not even aware of being given an answer just a kind of certainty and joy, to me it feels like being told I am loved.

God bless
Try get him checking out some of William Craig's stuff.

If he gets hooked on apologetics then you'll be in for a good ride. ;)

Reasonable Faith is a good book, if he can get past the first few chapters. But there are also video debates you could keep pummeling him with.

Re: Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:20 pm
by JackHectorman

Great thread and very interesting. I was going to start a new thread titled How Do I Know Christianity Is True, and post some striking passages from William Lane' Craig's
Reasonable Faith, but I did a quick search using the word "Craig" and found this old thread, and decided to post the passages here since they harmonize with this thread so well.

Here they are:

William Lane Craig On One Aspect of Christian Apologetics: How Do I Know Christianity Is True.
Craig's answer is basically the title of this thread, namely the "Inner Witness Of The Holy Spirit."

A few excerpts from Craig's text in chapter one of Reasonable Faith:

"...the inner testimony of the Holy Spirit is even greater...although arguments and evidence may be used to support the believer's faith, they are never properly the basis for that faith. For the believer, God is not the conclusion of a syllogism; he is the living God ... dwelling within us. How then does the believer know that Christianity is true? He knows because of the self-authenticating witness of God's Spirit who lives within him..."pg.46

"...the magisterial use of reason occurs when reason stands over and above the gospel like a magistrate and judges it on the basis of arguments and evidence. The ministerial use of logic and reason occurs when reason submits to and serves the gospel. In light of the Spirit's witness, only the ministerial use of reason is legitimate. Philosophy is rightly the handmaid of theology ... A person who knows that Christianity is true on the basis of the witness of the Spirit may also have a sound apologetic which reinforces or confirms for him the Spirit's witness, but it does not serve as the basis of his belief..." pgs. 47-48

"...Therefore the role of rational argumentation in knowing Christianity to be true is the role of a servant. A person knows Christianity is true because the Holy Spirit tells him it is true, and while argument and evidence can be used to support this conclusion, they cannot legitimately overrule it..." pg.51

Btw, I thought this last WLC quote was quite interesting.

"...In doing evangelism we must never let apologetics distract us from our primary aim of communicating the gospel. I'd say that with most people there's no need to use apologetics at all.." pg.57

(I typed in the above quotes so I don't have a link, but I know from extensive reading over here that quite a few are very likely to have a copy Of Craig's Reasonable Faith.)


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You folks have a very interesting site over here, much appreciated. I read a lot of threads here. One can learn a lot by reading threads at this site.


Re: Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:40 pm
by Silvertusk
Welcome to the board Jack.

Re: Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:10 pm
by JackHectorman
Silvertusk wrote:Welcome to the board Jack.
Thank you for the welcome Silvertusk, I appreciate it.

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