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Re: Does the universe have a purpose

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:00 am
by SnowDrops
Thadeyus wrote:
Really? Say the whole universe slowly started freezing over tomorrow, until 24 hours later it is covered in ice and all life is dead. Now what if that happened the day after tomorrow? Or a week later? You probably get the point.
The implication of this, regardless of when it happens, is that it doesn't matter what you do, because the end result is the same: everyone dies horribly, the end. And thus the universe has no purpose, nor anyone in it.
People are bad at evaluating things far in the past or future though, so it's not surprising you trivialize it.
Indeed, and the atomic repository upon the Moon may some how explode -Driving our celestial neighbor off into the depths of space. Causing angst, hardship and turmoil for those trapped upon the station there.

Now, while both of these fanciful tales have much scope for drama and pathos, what are your thoughts/suggestions for the far more imminent and real problem of our Sun running out of fuel?

Or perhaps you'd care to give ideas towards the imminent collision between out galaxy and the fast approaching greater Magellanic cloud?

Both of these celestial phenomena are definitely going to happen. Both far sooner than the 'Light fade' of the universe.

You thought I was being flippant with my first over all statement? What, perchance dear SnowDrops, would your response be to these coming events?

Very much cheers to all.
I brought up heat death because, unlike the Sun running out of fuel, there's no way to survive after it even in theory. It's no less real just because it'll happen later (unless you mean everyone will probably be dead by then anyways).
I'm not really objecting to anything you said, but it's a bit disturbing that you have no problem with all of life going extinct. Then again, if you can think that way, then all the better. Personally I'm bothered by the idea that everything I do might be completely useless. I suppose if you embrace hedonism it won't be a problem though.

...I guess this is what this thread reminds me of: ... tiNihilist

Re: Does the universe have a purpose

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:12 pm
by Thadeyus

No...I was just presenting things which will happen. One possibly before the other, I'm never sure which.

But both of these are definitely life shaping events for any Human race still around to witness them.

Or any race around at the time, depending on where they re viewing from. Since...if they aren't 'Here' when our Sun starting to run out of fuel?...Our fate will just be an interesting stellar phenomena to them. :P

Your post/position was as 'fanciful' seeming as my opening rebuttal. The 'Heat death' of reality will not actual involve ice frosting up every where. I was just pointing out that even before the supposed 'heat death', reality will be a rather lonely and dark place. I then pointed out much 'closer' stellar events, which are hence more 'immediate'.

As for my 'Anti-Nihilist'? I was more alluding to this => and hence, probably showing my age. :P goes on and life is good. :)

Not much time to put up a 'deeper' post,

Very much cheers to all. :D

Re: Does the universe have a purpose

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:07 am
by Ukranianlys
Thadeyus. Thank you for your imput. Though if I may I would like to raise a few questions toward you if you accept.

Back to the pourpose of this post, Mainly "Does the universe have a pourpose" Another question I could raise is how would a intellectual refute this claim made that if the universe contained zero energy, It could be created out of Quantum fluctuation. I have read multiple articles concerning this and none were satisfying to say the least. This Is a problem for me. For William lane craig's argument of "The universe could only have been created in three ways, By a creator, if it was infinite or physical/Natural necessity/law" This quantum fluctuation shows that perhaps the universes creation out of nothing literally was out of nothing by nothing. Anyone have a rebuttal?

Re: Does the universe have a purpose

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:20 am
by Silvertusk
The nothing is not nothing but a sea of energy and that is not nothing.

Re: Does the universe have a purpose

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:15 am
by Thadeyus
TO quickly add, since I have not much fee time atm.

Indeed...even when there is 'Nothing', which is a vacuum) there is still 'something.

The late, great Arthur C Clark had a perpetual energy machine upon his mantel-piece.

it was a sphere (Possibly of a densely lined other strong metal) in which a 'Perfect' vacuum had been achieved.

He was waiting for the day in which one of the 'virtual' particles that physics says should be manifesting all the time in such a condition becomes 'permanent'. :P

(Yes, there was a particle detector built i, I do believe.)

There is 'Vasimir' (sp?) experiment. Where two exceptionally smooth plates are slowly pushed closer and closer together. Eventually...the space between the plates is so small...not even molecules of gas can fit between them BUT they are still not touching.

The scientist who created the experiment expected the air pressure to thence slam said plates together...Instead there is a force which manifests and pushes said plates apart.

(This if some times used in work so Science-Fiction and referred to as 'Zero point energy'.)

So...even when there is measurable 'Nothing'....there still s sems to be 'something'.

Very much cheers to all.