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Re: Can the future be changed, Scrooge asked?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:47 am
by Jac3510
PaulSacramento wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Like I said, Christ has two natures. His limitations come from His human nature, but His divine nature is still completely divine in every way. As far as God limiting Himself, I guess I'm just not following you. If you agree that things like God being surprised or God changing His mind are just metaphors, I don't get where the issue is. What makes you think that God would be limited at all, or that He would limit Himself in this world?
Oh just think "out loud", it seems that "divine beings" in our realm tend to not be as powerful as we would think and while agree that Christ's "limiting factor" was his human side, that He didn't know things ( like when the end would come) that He WOULD have know before He became human, makes me wonder, that's all.

I wonder IF God does "self impose" limitations on Himself and divine beings that visit here, maybe for our own protection?
The passage where God asks Adam where he is and where He ponders telling Abe about His intentions towards Sodom, they may be just the writers "humanizing" God, BUT what if there is more to it ?
Well God certainly hasn't revealed His full power in any given physical manifestation. He showed a glimpse of it to Moses and Moses had to be hidden in a rock and only see God's back. I think if we are going to talk about God limiting Himself, we do better to talk about what God chooses to reveal about Himself, rather than God really limiting Himself in Himself. I don't know . . . just seems to make more sense to me! :)

Re: Can the future be changed, Scrooge asked?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:29 am
by PaulSacramento
Jac3510 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Like I said, Christ has two natures. His limitations come from His human nature, but His divine nature is still completely divine in every way. As far as God limiting Himself, I guess I'm just not following you. If you agree that things like God being surprised or God changing His mind are just metaphors, I don't get where the issue is. What makes you think that God would be limited at all, or that He would limit Himself in this world?
Oh just think "out loud", it seems that "divine beings" in our realm tend to not be as powerful as we would think and while agree that Christ's "limiting factor" was his human side, that He didn't know things ( like when the end would come) that He WOULD have know before He became human, makes me wonder, that's all.

I wonder IF God does "self impose" limitations on Himself and divine beings that visit here, maybe for our own protection?
The passage where God asks Adam where he is and where He ponders telling Abe about His intentions towards Sodom, they may be just the writers "humanizing" God, BUT what if there is more to it ?
Well God certainly hasn't revealed His full power in any given physical manifestation. He showed a glimpse of it to Moses and Moses had to be hidden in a rock and only see God's back. I think if we are going to talk about God limiting Himself, we do better to talk about what God chooses to reveal about Himself, rather than God really limiting Himself in Himself. I don't know . . . just seems to make more sense to me! :)
Semantics I think, BUT probably a better way to put it I agree.

Re: Can the future be changed, Scrooge asked?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:39 am
by CazPerth
Oh dear my poor brain hurts as much as when I tried to figure out if the Enterprise really could change the future by going back in time (I think there was a whale and teh Golden Gate Bridge involved somewhere too).

I am also reminded of Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5 and the Tralfamadorian who experienced everything at once "The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just that way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever."

I find it far less puzzling if I imagine God is like this, outside time and able to see all possibilities and all of time at once because He just IS while we see time in our limited way because we are just human.

And since we are not God
"Time Is What Prevents Everything From Happening At Once.." John Wheeler