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Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:38 pm
by 1over137
Mallz, for every post there is a button "Quote" in the upper right corner. Cilck on it and see then the source code of the podt. You may see how names are added. There is a = "name" prepended.

Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:01 pm
by Lunalle
Danieltwotwenty wrote:How may I ask is it offensive, you are angry, you are spewing hate and vitriol and it is a waste of conversation and this is the truth.
It is offensive, because you are devaluing, what I value. Specifically: "It is a waste of conversation."
Danieltwotwenty wrote:If you find the truth offensive, change your tact so we don't have to keep presenting it to you.
I think this is a fundamental difference between theists, and atheists. As an atheist, the offensiveness of the truth is not a valid reason for anything to change.
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I hope you do change tact, prove me wrong I dare you.
I will try to be more tactful, but I will not change my beliefs, or even completely stifle them, because they make people feel uncomfortable, or offended. That would be immoral of me.

I'll get back to discussion later on.

Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:12 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Lunalle wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:How may I ask is it offensive, you are angry, you are spewing hate and vitriol and it is a waste of conversation and this is the truth.
It is offensive, because you are devaluing, what I value. Specifically: "It is a waste of conversation."
So you value calling people delusional etc.....?

I don't find your arguments or position offensive, I find the way you present them is offensive, it is condescending and plain rude.

Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:40 am
by Lunalle
Danieltwotwenty wrote:So you value calling people delusional etc.....?
Indirectly, yes. If you believe (and you probably do), my actions are harmful, and based on a delusion, I think its important for you to say so, and for me to put a great deal of consideration in to your claim. I'd also respect you for doing so, because it shows how much you value not harming, and I regard that highly.
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I don't find your arguments or position offensive, I find the way you present them is offensive, it is condescending and plain rude.
I wonder how much of my position you actually understand, but your problem is with my presentation, so lets focus on that. I'm asking for your help here Dan. How would you, with the best intentions, present the position that religion is extremely harmful, to someone who is religious, without offending them? I'm claiming ignorance here. I don't know how to propose a belief is harmful to a person who holds that belief without offending them. Please, help me out.


Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:14 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Lunalle wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:So you value calling people delusional etc.....?
Indirectly, yes. If you believe (and you probably do), my actions are harmful, and based on a delusion, I think its important for you to say so, and for me to put a great deal of consideration in to your claim. I'd also respect you for doing so, because it shows how much you value not harming, and I regard that highly.
I happen to think the opposite, I believe atheism is harmful and dangerous, I also believe that they are self deluded, but I doubt I would be received with kindness and love if I went to an atheist forum and spewed that at them. It is not conducive to healthy discourse, but hey if that's the way you want to continue then by all means proceed, but you will find pretty quickly that people are going to engage less and less.
Lunalle wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I don't find your arguments or position offensive, I find the way you present them is offensive, it is condescending and plain rude.
I wonder how much of my position you actually understand, but your problem is with my presentation, so lets focus on that. I'm asking for your help here Dan. How would you, with the best intentions, present the position that religion is extremely harmful, to someone who is religious, without offending them? I'm claiming ignorance here. I don't know how to propose a belief is harmful to a person who holds that belief without offending them. Please, help me out.

Sure, don't make it personal, don't tell people they are deluded etc.... I would say "In my opinion, I believe religion is harmful for the following reasons......................" and then wait for rebuttle.

Chow for now.

Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:54 am
by Lunalle
Point made, on both accounts.

Thanks for the advice.

Re: Agnostic(Atheist) looking for good discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:14 am
by Danieltwotwenty
Thank you for being reasonable, I admire your candor and honesty and I look forward to future conversations with you.

Since I'm an Aussie, happy Friday :)