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Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:49 am
by Silvertusk
Kurieuo wrote:
Silvertusk wrote:Well with any luck (well Divine intervention really) it will prompt genuine seekers. However the vibe I am getting at moment is that a lot of the students here are anti-Christian. In fact even one Muslim student remarked on how everyone here seems to be so anti-christian and he was sticking up for Christianity, So blessings to him. I think we are going to have a lot of militant atheists attending this one to just spout of their venom and show how clever they are - and they might drown out the genuine seekers/

Think I am going to need some prayers on this one. It is on Wednesday 13pm-14.10pm British time.

God Bless

I feel sorry for you living in the UK.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I always have a depressive picture of that place as having the most liberally blinded people who think themselves wise.

You did give us CS Lewis though, and kind of Tolkien. ;) But that's a past affair. :P

You're in my prayers! Pray you can make a difference to the attitudes there!
Thank you K.

Is is definatley becoming more secular here and sometimes outside of my church is can be hard to be a Christian. Most of my family thinks I am nuts and we have come to blows on several occasions. People in the UK just don't seem to either care anymore or are sold by the shallow atheistic propaganda that appears on the social media and general Internet.

Jesus did say this would happen and I take comfort in that.

Thank you for your prayers.

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:33 am
by Silvertusk
Well just had the event.

It was intense but very good. It was mainly sixth formers (Year 12/13) and the panel consisted of a Vicar / a fundamentalist / a baptist teacher (me) and a student. The students were very respectful and there were a few hard questions thrown our way but I think we presented ourselves well. (God will judge).

I hope and pray that seeds were planted in his name.

God Bless


Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:04 am
by RickD
Silvertusk wrote:Well just had the event.

It was intense but very good. It was mainly sixth formers (Year 12/13) and the panel consisted of a Vicar / a fundamentalist / a baptist teacher (me) and a student. The students were very respectful and there were a few hard questions thrown our way but I think we presented ourselves well. (God will judge).

I hope and pray that seeds were planted in his name.

God Bless

You have to tell us more than that! Don't leave us hanging! Details please. y:-?

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:33 am
by soldiersofthecross
Homophobic is defined as prejudiced against homosexual people. I do not believe that the Bible HATES homosexuals (i.e. the people behind the sin). No of course not. Homosexuality is like any other sins, example: lying. stealing, murder, unforgiveness, lusting, adultery, fornication etc. However like all sin, God (the Bible which is God's Words) HATES sin. And like all sins it will lead a person to the fiery pits of Hell if they don't overcome it. Listen to me, God does not necessarily hates a person, because of the sinful lives they live, no. Sometimes He just wants us to come out of the dirty/sinful lives we are living. But because some of us are too stubborn and disobedient to the Words of God, we CHOOSE to remain in sin, to be against God and His Words. And if you are not for God that mines you are against God; an enemy of God. Persons in homosexuality will see the Bible as being Homophobic, because of their ignorance and unwillingness to comply by the standards of living the Bible/Jesus as set for us to live as Followers. We cannot obey some of the Bible and then ignore the rest that we don't like. We cannot be half in and half out in Christianity, lukewarm. We have to have a commitment to serve God 100% and obey ALL of the Bible. Homosexuality is a sin. There is no way to justify this sin or any other sin before God. But to answer your question directly, YES the Bible is Homophobic. The Bible/God remains unbiased in this regard, in that it hates ALL sin (including homosexuality). And I have no problem with it. :D

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:13 pm
by RickD
soldiersofthecross wrote:Homophobic is defined as prejudiced against homosexual people. I do not believe that the Bible HATES homosexuals (i.e. the people behind the sin). No of course not. Homosexuality is like any other sins, example: lying. stealing, murder, unforgiveness, lusting, adultery, fornication etc. However like all sin, God (the Bible which is God's Words) HATES sin. And like all sins it will lead a person to the fiery pits of Hell if they don't overcome it. Listen to me, God does not necessarily hates a person, because of the sinful lives they live, no. Sometimes He just wants us to come out of the dirty/sinful lives we are living. But because some of us are too stubborn and disobedient to the Words of God, we CHOOSE to remain in sin, to be against God and His Words. And if you are not for God that mines you are against God; an enemy of God. Persons in homosexuality will see the Bible as being Homophobic, because of their ignorance and unwillingness to comply by the standards of living the Bible/Jesus as set for us to live as Followers. We cannot obey some of the Bible and then ignore the rest that we don't like. We cannot be half in and half out in Christianity, lukewarm. We have to have a commitment to serve God 100% and obey ALL of the Bible. Homosexuality is a sin. There is no way to justify this sin or any other sin before God. But to answer your question directly, YES the Bible is Homophobic. The Bible/God remains unbiased in this regard, in that it hates ALL sin (including homosexuality). And I have no problem with it. :D
First off, welcome to the board soldiersofthecross. :D

You wrote:
And like all sins it will lead a person to the fiery pits of Hell if they don't overcome it.
Could you clarify what you mean by this?


Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:43 pm
by Philip
God and His word are SIN-phobic - and NOT phobic about any person. However, Scripture tells us that God "is no respecter of persons," as He sees all non Christians as the same - meaning that, positionally, He views all unsaved people identically! And yet He has provided and wants to apply a remedy (Jesus) which He wants to gladly, lovingly and (and already has) sacrificially made available to all sinners, everywhere. His focus and intent is not on the symptoms (all kinds of sin), but upon seeing those spiritually dead and blind (all unsaved people) accept and embrace what He gives (Salvation) freely to all those willing, desiring, seeking (and actively complying with) His healing directives (believing Jesus is the Messiah, in His Resurrection, repenting to Him for their sins).

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:17 pm
by soldiersofthecross
Thanks RickD

When I said, "And like all sins it will lead a person to the fiery pits of Hell if they don't overcome it,"

I was just stating what was known. That no sin can enter Heaven. While we are alive now, we do have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for what ever sins we might have committed; and to walk out of sin and onto a path of righteousness towards God. However if a person dies in sin or without Christ (no repentance made), then their soul will forever be damned to Hell. For there is no repentance in the grave. So if a homosexual dies as a homosexual, their souls will be destined for Hell. Because homosexuality is a sin.

So I hope this helped in clarification.

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:45 am
by 1over137
Because homosexuality is a sin.
Homosexual activity is a sin.

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:56 am
by RickD
soldiersofthecross wrote:Thanks RickD

When I said, "And like all sins it will lead a person to the fiery pits of Hell if they don't overcome it,"

I was just stating what was known. That no sin can enter Heaven. While we are alive now, we do have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for what ever sins we might have committed; and to walk out of sin and onto a path of righteousness towards God. However if a person dies in sin or without Christ (no repentance made), then their soul will forever be damned to Hell. For there is no repentance in the grave. So if a homosexual dies as a homosexual, their souls will be destined for Hell. Because homosexuality is a sin.

So I hope this helped in clarification.
So if a believer struggles with homosexual sin, or struggles with any other sin, are you saying that leads a believer to hell?

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:00 am
by soldiersofthecross
Most definitely, Yes. It is important to note that a believer can be saved, but not delivered. They have come to the realization and acceptance of Christ Jesus, but they haven't abandon their old ways, their sinful nature. Sin can be a strong hold in a person's life, a curse. And until that person truly 'steps' out of sin, they will forever be bound by that sin. But lets see what the Bible says about living/struggling in sin.

Hebrews 10:26-27 says,"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries." So in essence if we continue to sin, especially if we come to the understanding that what we are doing is a sin, we put our souls at GREAT risk of going to Hell. Although we are believers, if we commit a sin that will make us a sinner also. James 1:13-15 says, "Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his OWN desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to SIN, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth DEATH." In John 8:34, "Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a SLAVE to sin." 1 John 3:6, "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him."

1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." So no matter what you're going through, your struggles or hard times, there are no excuses for not overcoming your predicaments/situations (that is in time). God knows you, He know what you can manage form what you can't manage. And will not allow the devil to tempt us beyond what we can't manage. God will allow certain things to happen to us, but they are only there to make us stronger and experienced, for harder trials to come. For 1 Peter 4:12 says, "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed." So do not look at trials and testing when it comes your way as a bad thing. They are there for us to overcome them and be victors like Jesus; to prove the devil wrong before God.

And I can go on to give more scriptures, but I guess that the point has already been made. Anyone who sins, whether believers or non-believers, they are at risk of going to Hell. And it's also important to tell you that not everyone who says that they believe in Jesus is going to Heaven. For demons also believe, and tremble at His name. Only person who have become holy and righteous through Christ Jesus will enter the Kingdom. They didn't start out perfect, but over time through ups and downs, they learned how to be perfect. And that is to completely live, follow and declare the Word of God. I'm lest but perfect now, but it is my ultimate goal in life. Jesus says in Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to REPAY everyone for what he has done." So at any instant Jesus should come, if you've done good (according to the Bible) then your reward is eternal Life in Heaven, and if you've done bad, then eternal suffering in Hell is the reward regardless. There is no middle ground, to say I'll be going there because I tried at lest half way to live a true Christian life (lukewarm Christians). Its either Heaven or Hell; God or Satan; Sin or holiness. Choose ye today.

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:18 am
by PaulSacramento
Struggling with sin is what we ALL do.
Succumbing to sin is the issue and even that, we are ALL guilty of.
That is why we are thankful for Our Lord's Love and Grace.

The issue is, does the believer actively try to deny and fight his sinful ways?
Paul himself made note of his struggle against sin, knowing what was wrong but still doing it at times.
As we ALL know that we go through the same thing.

I do NOT think that struggling with sin leads a believer to hell/eternal punishment since it seems that the ONLY unforgivable sin is to blasphemy the HS.

I think that a person that claims and proclaims him/herself to be a believer and sin with no sign of redemption, THAT person may well be on their way to hell because that is a blasphemy against the HS.

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:01 pm
by soldiersofthecross
I hear you and I understand.

It is not a sin to struggle with sin (as I agree with you), especially since we were all shaped in iniquity and born into sin. But not because you are struggling with sin, that doesn't mean you must struggle all day long, for the rest of your Christian life in sin. God forbid, but it would have made sense to not Know Jesus and His teachings then, if it hadn't changed you or impacted your life in anyway.

I believe choosing to remain in sin will lead you to Hell.

Do you believe that if you should die suddenly or Jesus should come and catch you still 'struggling' with sin, that you will still be going to Heaven?

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:14 pm
by 1over137
soldiersofthecross wrote:I hear you and I understand.

It is not a sin to struggle with sin (as I agree with you), especially since we were all shaped in iniquity and born into sin. But not because you are struggling with sin, that doesn't mean you must struggle all day long, for the rest of your Christian life in sin. God forbid, but it would have made sense to not Know Jesus and His teachings then, if it hadn't changed you or impacted your life in anyway.

I believe choosing to remain in sin will lead you to Hell.

Do you believe that if you should die suddenly or Jesus should come and catch you still 'struggling' with sin, that you will still be going to Heaven?
Do you believe in this life we can be sinless?

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:53 pm
by soldiersofthecross
So in essence every Christian will be going to Heaven at Jesus's second coming?

Re: Is the Bible Homophobic?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:03 pm
by PaulSacramento
soldiersofthecross wrote:I hear you and I understand.

It is not a sin to struggle with sin (as I agree with you), especially since we were all shaped in iniquity and born into sin. But not because you are struggling with sin, that doesn't mean you must struggle all day long, for the rest of your Christian life in sin. God forbid, but it would have made sense to not Know Jesus and His teachings then, if it hadn't changed you or impacted your life in anyway.

I believe choosing to remain in sin will lead you to Hell.

Do you believe that if you should die suddenly or Jesus should come and catch you still 'struggling' with sin, that you will still be going to Heaven?
IF a person is born homosexual then this is a sin that is truly a lifetime struggle to deal with IF a person chooses to fight against that impulse.
Ask any person that is a homosexual and that is fighting against it and you will see that it IS a daily and ongoing struggle.