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Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:24 pm
by Lonewolf
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Wow! you really get upset over diddlysquat! Have you had a sex change recently?

Get a grip on yourself, Chicano!

Anyway, your comments, above, show me that you are still locked up in your story about how nasty you perceive Israel to be.

Anyway, I don't care. I really don't. If you want to single out Israel as a nasty nation, go ahead. You are in good company, as most enlightened nations already condemn Israel. These include such great human rights luminaries as Morocco, Algeria, Lybia, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the Yemens, Sudan, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrein, Mali, Mauritania, Pakistan, Bangladesh...I could go on! There is a 56 member voting block composed of anti-semite Muslim nations in the UN that systematically condemns Israel. Each one of these nations is a far worse violator of ''human dignity'' than Israel, yet Israel is singled out. Hypocrites!

Attitude towards Israel is an excellent litmus test to measure the antisemitism of persons or nations. So far, you're looking pretty suspicious to me.

FL :shakehead:
FL, you have a very nasty way of speaking. I would prefer if you would just ignore my questions and replies on subject topics, and that way you can save yourself having to type out more nastyness and foulness. Thank you.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:21 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Lonewolf wrote:FL, you have a very nasty way of speaking. I would prefer if you would just ignore my questions and replies on subject topics, and that way you can save yourself having to type out more nastyness and foulness. Thank you.
I'm not being nasty. Perhaps you're too sensitive. And, no, I won't ignore your questions!


Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:12 am
by RickD
Actually, believe it nor not, FL is actually nice for a French person. Everyone knows the French are well known for being rude, stuck up, arrogant, and just generally miserable. FL is on the nicer end of the "French" scale. He's almost nice enough to be American. y:^o

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:41 am
by PaulSacramento
It should be noted that be against the secular state/government of Israel is NOT being antisemitic.
Lets not make a political issue into a race one, much less a biblical one.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:24 am
by Lonewolf
PaulSacramento wrote:It should be noted that be against the secular state/government of Israel is NOT being antisemitic.
Lets not make a political issue into a race one, much less a biblical one.
Thank you

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:33 am
by 1over137
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Lonewolf wrote:FL, you have a very nasty way of speaking. I would prefer if you would just ignore my questions and replies on subject topics, and that way you can save yourself having to type out more nastyness and foulness. Thank you.
I'm not being nasty. Perhaps you're too sensitive. And, no, I won't ignore your questions!

Please, follow the guidelines:

Within discussions, please be civil and courteous and do not resort to personal attacks. If you feel inappropriately attacked, please bring such cases privately to a moderator who can then intervene as necessary. While these instructions are likely unnecessary for the vast majority of participants, here is some biblical advice to help serve as a guide for conversations:

Write in a manner that you would want others to write to you - "in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12).
"But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth." (Colossians 3:8)
"Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person." (Colossians 4:6)
"In all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, in order that the opponent may be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us." (Titus 2:7-8)

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:37 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:Actually, believe it nor not, FL is actually nice for a French person. Everyone knows the French are well known for being rude, stuck up, arrogant, and just generally miserable. FL is on the nicer end of the "French" scale. He's almost nice enough to be American. y:^o
I am a very nice person but nobody loves me :crying: nobody loves me :crying: nobody loves me :crying:
1over137 wrote:Within discussions, please be civil and courteous and do not resort to personal attacks. If you feel inappropriately attacked, please bring such cases privately to a moderator who can then intervene as necessary
Lonewolf is too sensitive. He didn't like it when I said that anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism. Are we to become politically correct now?


Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:54 pm
by 1over137
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Wow! you really get upset over diddlysquat! Have you had a sex change recently?

Was that line necessary?

P.S. Dan is gone. He found another online community.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:47 pm
by melanie
1over137 wrote:Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Wow! you really get upset over diddlysquat! Have you had a sex change recently?

Was that line necessary?

P.S. Dan is gone. He found another online community.
In all honesty, putting political correctness aside and being diplomatic and considerate aside, and to call a spade a spade, apart from Fl claiming to be Christian and citing bible versus I have seen very little evidence of Christ living in this man and in his heart. If he can call people out when ever he feels like, putting people down and badgering people about their faith in times of hardship and question (silver) then I'm sure he isn't too what was it, too sensitive to take a little of his own bluntness. If our words reflect what lies in our hearts then I see a judgmental, cold-hearted, cynical, often mean, arrogant person. But that's just my opinion, don't get your nickers in a twist or contemplate a sex change over it.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:25 pm
by melanie
Without love our faith means NOTHING, our faith is built around love, we exist because of Gods love, we are saved because of Gods love. The Almighty doesn't call Christians to do anything but LOVE.

► 4:13
A Girl's Message To All Christians - YouTube

I know your response, yeah Mel, so what YOU said was out of love? And yes it was. Frustration and love, if I didn't care I wouldn't even bother. My arrogance was my biggest Christian hurdle. It turned every good thing I did into ugliness. I first had to have INSIGHT into my failings before God could even begin to change me, mould me. From one Christian to another FL you need insight, you need LOVE.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:57 am
by 1over137
Mel, FL is still a mystery to me. I do not believe he is a bad person. I just wonder about his methods.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:36 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
1over137 wrote:Mel, FL is still a mystery to me. I do not believe he is a bad person. I just wonder about his methods.
Wrong. I am a bad person, just like you and everyone else here. I am absolute scum but for some reason known only to God, He chose me to be part of His Kingdom.

I know that there are many anti-semites within the church. Anti-semitism and the church have a long and bloody history; only the fools among you could deny that. Some anti-semites have expressed themselves in this topic. I have no reason to doubt their faith or their sincerity for those suffering in Gaza.

I think the problem Christian anti-semites have is one of hermeneutics. I can't - for the life of me! - understand how a Christian who reads the Bible and understands its very simple message could say that the Jews have no place in Israel, or that God had no hand in their re-establishment there. Such statements are the very evidence of biblical illiteracy or poor interpretation.


Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:31 am
by 1over137
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
1over137 wrote:Mel, FL is still a mystery to me. I do not believe he is a bad person. I just wonder about his methods.
Wrong. I am a bad person, just like you and everyone else here. I am absolute scum but for some reason known only to God, He chose me to be part of His Kingdom.

I know that there are many anti-semites within the church. Anti-semitism and the church have a long and bloody history; only the fools among you could deny that. Some anti-semites have expressed themselves in this topic. I have no reason to doubt their faith or their sincerity for those suffering in Gaza.

I think the problem Christian anti-semites have is one of hermeneutics. I can't - for the life of me! - understand how a Christian who reads the Bible and understands its very simple message could say that the Jews have no place in Israel, or that God had no hand in their re-establishment there. Such statements are the very evidence of biblical illiteracy or poor interpretation.

You make progress. You expressed yourself without using the expression "sex change". :wave:

We are bad, yes, thankfully, forgiven.

Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:35 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
melanie wrote:In all honesty, putting political correctness aside and being diplomatic and considerate aside, and to call a spade a spade, apart from Fl claiming to be Christian and citing bible versus I have seen very little evidence of Christ living in this man and in his heart. If he can call people out when ever he feels like, putting people down and badgering people about their faith in times of hardship and question (silver) then I'm sure he isn't too what was it, too sensitive to take a little of his own bluntness. If our words reflect what lies in our hearts then I see a judgmental, cold-hearted, cynical, often mean, arrogant person. But that's just my opinion, don't get your nickers in a twist or contemplate a sex change over it.
Sorry, but I didn't read your message before tonight. It is nice to see you coming to the defense of people you think have been hurt. I had to laugh when I saw you describe me as, ''judgemental, cold-hearted, cynical, often mean, arrogant person.''

I really found that funny! (And there is no sarcasm intended.)

Now this:
melanie wrote:From one Christian to another FL you need insight, you need LOVE.
I have both insight into my own behavior and I have plenty of love, don't be concerned.
1over137 wrote:You make progress. You expressed yourself without using the expression "sex change". :wave:
You two really need a larger sense of humor.


Re: Israel: Small Country, Big Ideas

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:20 pm
by melanie
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
melanie wrote:In all honesty, putting political correctness aside and being diplomatic and considerate aside, and to call a spade a spade, apart from Fl claiming to be Christian and citing bible versus I have seen very little evidence of Christ living in this man and in his heart. If he can call people out when ever he feels like, putting people down and badgering people about their faith in times of hardship and question (silver) then I'm sure he isn't too what was it, too sensitive to take a little of his own bluntness. If our words reflect what lies in our hearts then I see a judgmental, cold-hearted, cynical, often mean, arrogant person. But that's just my opinion, don't get your nickers in a twist or contemplate a sex change over it.
Sorry, but I didn't read your message before tonight. It is nice to see you coming to the defense of people you think have been hurt. I had to laugh when I saw you describe me as, ''judgemental, cold-hearted, cynical, often mean, arrogant person.''

I really found that funny! (And there is no sarcasm intended.)

Now this:
melanie wrote:From one Christian to another FL you need insight, you need LOVE.
I have both insight into my own behavior and I have plenty of love, don't be concerned.
1over137 wrote:You make progress. You expressed yourself without using the expression "sex change". :wave:
You two really need a larger sense of humor.

There is a lot I could say but I am going to keep this short and simple. If I don't tread carefully then I am guilty of the very things that I have pointed out. Character bashing or assassination, is not what I am about or where I want to take this.
You are right, I have a tendency to stick up for people, not out of being 'nice' but because I believe in what is fair. Kindness, respect in terms of always holding precious peoples integrity, dignity and worth. That means that I may not agree with what you say, but I'm not going to belittle you to further my own argument, trample on your feelings just a tad so that when you get hurt or upset I can turn around and "ooh nooo, boo hoo :( :( :cry: :cry: , nobody likes me, whatever shall I do? To rub in my insincerity and make them out to be a cry baby fool for reacting that way.
I have seen people on here get very hurt by what you say, leave or become like a ghost because of you. I have seen the type of reaction I showed above coming from you but never a sincere apology. Silver would give his imput and you outta nowhere would invalidate everything he said by bringing up one time that he had a moment of crisis of faith, that he had the balls to admit too and the mistake of thinking he was amongst friends here and that no-body would fling it in his face whenever they felt like it. Seriously not cool.
There have been times when I have hurt people and to be honest I can't really understand why they are. But it doesn't matter. Someone is hurt because of something I did and said. I'm okay, they are not. I don't say ohh look I don't even know why your upset but sorry if I offended you. I dont like it when people do that, it's insincere and a backhanded apology. I just say sorry. They feel better. I feel still a little confused to what the fuss was to begin with but my friend, or neighbour, or sister or whatever is smiling so my confusion is not important.
Have a sense of humour, I have a great sense of humour, quite often not really appropriate either, but never at someone else's expense. I'm a smart-a**, a pretty big one! but there is a difference between being playful, giving someone a bit of a ribbing so that they look at your accusingly while giggling a little themselves and flat out just being mean.
FL I just haven't liked the way you have treated some people, you don't have to agree with me, and I don't have to sit back and not voice that I don't think it's okay.