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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:21 am
by bippy123
RickD wrote:I'm so sorry Bippy.
Thank you my friend

I could honestly say that there was never a moment in my life that I ever hated my dad, even when I was little. His simplicity was something that I treasured like gold. I know my grandparents are anxious to see him again , but its so hard to let go

. Let Christ's will be done.
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:26 am
by bippy123
neo-x wrote:God be with you brother. I don't have much words but If I could, a big hug to you. God's grace is shown in our weakness and in our grief. Your father would be so much better now. Let that peace give you comfort.
Thank you brother, I sure could use a hug about now, and you are right about God's grace shown in our weakness. The peace in knowing that he made up with God gave me the greatest comfort, but its so hard not to cry
Everything in our house reminds me of him. He had the best smile
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:30 am
by bippy123
PaulSacramento wrote:bippy123 wrote:DRDS wrote:Heavenly Father please be with bippy123 and let him feel and sense your love and peace. Protect him from anyone that is trying to make things worse on him. Overall, let your will be done in regards to his dad, but if any way possible Father, please please heal him and make him well. Either way, please love and comfort bippy123 during this time, let every fiber of his being be saturated in your love, peace, safety and grace. Thank you so much for being with him in times past, thank you so much just for creating him and allowing him to be in our lives and the many great things he has done for us. Please hold him close to your heart and let him know that you are always with him. Thank you Lord in the name of Christ I pray, Amen.
Thank you so much bro, if you were here id give you a big hug, your an absolute angel. My dad was about to be transferred to a nursing facility today that seemed very open to alternative treatments (like medical cannibas etc) but before they could transfer him he started having trouble breathing and I was called in as he was put in ICU. When they finally let me in to see him I could barely hold back my tears. I knelt down beside his bed and kissed all 10 of his toes. It just seems like the good lord wants my angel dad now. My heart feels like it has a huge hole ripped through it. My greatest consolation was that my dad was no longer angry with God anymore over my mom's stroke and over what a priest tried to do to him when he was a kid back in Lebanon.
My aunt about 4 days ago showed him a picture ofJesus and asked him if he recognized him. He said yes , it was jesus Christ the messiah, his savior and he kissed the picture and smiled. When my aunt told me this yesterday I balled like a baby with tears of Joy

. I am comfortable knowing that my dad will be with our lord and my grandfather for eternity

Today as I stood in line picking up a double cheeseburger for my younger bro, an older gentleman saw me and asked if I loved the lord> I said with all my heart and we struck a friendship. Turned out that he didn't find Christ until he was 53 years old and before that he had done every sin you could count on. We had a very long talk (while my brothers burger got cold

), and I ended up making a great friend. His story reminded me of the parable of the lost sheep that the shepard rejoiced so much over finding and I told him that. I just had a feeling that I was supposed to be there at that moment and I had a feeling my dad was smiling. I cant explain how. Just a sense I had.
Please pray for his Friend Kenny who has been irreligious for quite some time but is one of the nicest guys you can find
Please pray that the lord will heal my broken heart. My Dad was my best friend.
As some here know my dad passed away on April 12 of this year.
It is bittersweet because I am glad he is free of that accursed disease he had ( ALS) and that his spirit is with Our Lord BUT I miss him terribly at times.
We can take comfort in knowing that the spirit of our loved ones return to God and that they are at peace immersed in HIS love, a love that we can only begin to imagine, a love so perfect, so all encompassing that they lack nothing and are more fulfilled then ever before.
You are in my prayers my friend

I am so so sorry for your Loss my friend

ALS is a terrible affliction. I had a friend that suffered from that many years ago also. If you ever need to talk paul, you have a friend here.
You are so right, I am sure that heaven rejoiced when your father took his first steps there. I think about heaven so much, about how bland life on earth is compared to being surrounded by that all encompassing love. My heart goes out to you my friend. If there is anything at all u need just ask

Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:57 pm
by 1over137
Bippy, Lord is truly with you in these hard times. May he keep holding you lifting you up.
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:29 pm
by Mazzy
bippy123 wrote:neo-x wrote:God be with you brother. I don't have much words but If I could, a big hug to you. God's grace is shown in our weakness and in our grief. Your father would be so much better now. Let that peace give you comfort.
Thank you brother, I sure could use a hug about now, and you are right about God's grace shown in our weakness. The peace in knowing that he made up with God gave me the greatest comfort, but its so hard not to cry
Everything in our house reminds me of him. He had the best smile
Bippy, I believe God is forgiving and gracious. I believe you will see your dad again. He is now at peace and not suffering. Your dad was not the man suffering in his last days, your dad was the dad you remember playing soccer, full of life, laughter and love for his family.
Even believers grieve. It is impossible not to, regardless of our faith. At least we have hope in seeing our loved ones again. The more people we love in our lives all the more goodbyes we will one day have to grieve.
I pray that God walks with you in your journey of grief and that you find comfort somehow, someway in faith over the years to come.
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:08 pm
by bippy123
Mazzy wrote:bippy123 wrote:neo-x wrote:God be with you brother. I don't have much words but If I could, a big hug to you. God's grace is shown in our weakness and in our grief. Your father would be so much better now. Let that peace give you comfort.
Thank you brother, I sure could use a hug about now, and you are right about God's grace shown in our weakness. The peace in knowing that he made up with God gave me the greatest comfort, but its so hard not to cry
Everything in our house reminds me of him. He had the best smile
Bippy, I believe God is forgiving and gracious. I believe you will see your dad again. He is now at peace and not suffering. Your dad was not the man suffering in his last days, your dad was the dad you remember playing soccer, full of life, laughter and love for his family.
Even believers grieve. It is impossible not to, regardless of our faith. At least we have hope in seeing our loved ones again. The more people we love in our lives all the more goodbyes we will one day have to grieve.
I pray that God walks with you in your journey of grief and that you find comfort somehow, someway in faith over the years to come.
Thank you Mazzy. Today I asked my aunt to come with me and see the lord. The nurse was a very kind Christian lady who told me he dad has no chance and that I should tell him all I feel about him

I cried and kissed all 10 of his toes and held his hand and told him that I love him so much and I am so proud that God gave me an angel for a Dad and that I loved the way he ate, the way he laughed , the way he smiled and that he will be in my heart forever. His hand started shaking as if he wanted to speak back to me but he couldn't, but I knew what was inside his heart.
I was balling my eyes out
And I told him that I have never been more proud then ever to call him Dad , brother and best friend.
The nurse was so nice and she said I might not see it now but one day the Good lord will bring you through this and bring such a peace to you that will surpass all understanding.
Guys I feel so exhausted and empty right now, but im gonna put all my trust in Christ. I will never turn away from him again. This is my free will choice. I just ask him to transform me into a person that one day God, and my parents will be proud of. I hope that day will come. Im gonna focus more on the spiritual aspects of Christianity then the analytical and apologetical side. I wanna get closer to the lord with my heart. I think this is what my dad also wanted from me as he always had a simple Love for Christ.
God bless you all and ty so much for all your prayers and well wishes
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:11 pm
by bippy123
1over137 wrote:Bippy, Lord is truly with you in these hard times. May he keep holding you lifting you up.
Thank you 1lover but I was most happy to know that after such a long time right before he lost most of his senses my Dad made up with Jesus

It brought so much joy to me. I know soon he will be with grandpa Nicholas and my grandma in heaven. All the ladies at the bank said they are gonna miss his cute and amazing smile

Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:20 pm
by Philip
Bob, I've no words, just my prayers. And I really envy you as having had such a close relationship with your dad. For me (and many others), that kind of relationship with my dad will only be had when I one day join him in heaven. It really wasn't possible when he was on earth. My dad loved me but was and is somewhat of a mystery to me. He really didn't know how to be close, just couldn't do it. And as amazing as your relationship with your dad has been, it truly pales with what awaits us, without the sin of our flesh interfering with our heavenly relationships. But, man, the love of Christ you have modeled with your dad ... you have really set the bar incredibly high, one we should all aspire to in loving others.
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:46 am
by bippy123
Philip wrote:Bob, I've no words, just my prayers. And I really envy you as having had such a close relationship with your dad. For me (and many others), that kind of relationship with my dad will only be had when I one day join him in heaven. It really wasn't possible when he was on earth. My dad loved me but was and is somewhat of a mystery to me. He really didn't know how to be close, just couldn't do it. And as amazing as your relationship with your dad has been, it truly pales with what awaits us, without the sin of our flesh interfering with our heavenly relationships. But, man, the love of Christ you have modeled with your dad ... you have really set the bar incredibly high, one we should all aspire to in loving others.
Thank you so much Philip. He was so simply and so transparent and people loved this part of him and I miss him so much already. I guess God gave me my dad because I could never get close to my own brothers as they were very unemotional . Im sure your dad loves you a lot Philip and im sure he is very proud of you as I see the love of Christ in almost everything you do or say, but your right about this paling in comparison to what awaits us.
My dad was so easy to love, just picture a simple mountain man, who ate banana sandwiches, favorite woman was judge judy, favorite guy was Steve Harvey and favorite tv show was "everyone loves Raymond" and when he loved someone he held nothing back. I remember going to the supermarket with him and giving him a big hug there and he tell me "stop it bobby, people will think we are gay "

, then being the dork that I am, I would give him an even bigger hug after he said that and we would both start laughing.
Im praying now that God guides me in my next steps because im not sure where he wants me to go in my life. My dream was to get married and give my dad a grandson. I even told him I wanted to name grandson after my dad and give him the middle name of bro Ashoke from india who found Christ before he passed away.
I hope God guides me because right now everything seems hazy, and I see my dad everywhere I go.
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:50 am
by melanie
bippy123 wrote:Philip wrote:Bob, I've no words, just my prayers. And I really envy you as having had such a close relationship with your dad. For me (and many others), that kind of relationship with my dad will only be had when I one day join him in heaven. It really wasn't possible when he was on earth. My dad loved me but was and is somewhat of a mystery to me. He really didn't know how to be close, just couldn't do it. And as amazing as your relationship with your dad has been, it truly pales with what awaits us, without the sin of our flesh interfering with our heavenly relationships. But, man, the love of Christ you have modeled with your dad ... you have really set the bar incredibly high, one we should all aspire to in loving others.
Thank you so much Philip. He was so simply and so transparent and people loved this part of him and I miss him so much already. I guess God gave me my dad because I could never get close to my own brothers as they were very unemotional . Im sure your dad loves you a lot Philip and im sure he is very proud of you as I see the love of Christ in almost everything you do or say, but your right about this paling in comparison to what awaits us.
My dad was so easy to love, just picture a simple mountain man, who ate banana sandwiches, favorite woman was judge judy, favorite guy was Steve Harvey and favorite tv show was "everyone loves Raymond" and when he loved someone he held nothing back. I remember going to the supermarket with him and giving him a big hug there and he tell me "stop it bobby, people will think we are gay "

, then being the dork that I am, I would give him an even bigger hug after he said that and we would both start laughing.
Im praying now that God guides me in my next steps because im not sure where he wants me to go in my life. My dream was to get married and give my dad a grandson. I even told him I wanted to name grandson after my dad and give him the middle name of bro Ashoke from india who found Christ before he passed away.
I hope God guides me because right now everything seems hazy, and I see my dad everywhere I go.
From everything you have written regarding your dad and your heartwarming love and admiration for him, our loving Father is already guiding you, you have shown a tremendous love and respect for your dad. You wrote earlier that you hoped your dad and family would be proud of you, I am so sure bippy that your dad is already proud of you. To have a son that speaks with so much love and paints such a beautiful, simplistic but honest picture for us of him is a legacy and gratitude that shines in your spirit that I'm sure words only touch the surface of.
How lucky you have been to have such an amazing dad, and how lucky your dad has been to have such a amazing, loving, appreciative son.
Don't stop seeing his simplicity, love, guidance, smile, honesty, and beauty everywhere you go, because he will still be with you in spirit. What this world can take away in death, our Father gives us for eternity in love and spirit. He will forever shine with you, within you and all around you.
God bless you

Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:37 pm
by bippy123
melanie wrote:bippy123 wrote:Philip wrote:Bob, I've no words, just my prayers. And I really envy you as having had such a close relationship with your dad. For me (and many others), that kind of relationship with my dad will only be had when I one day join him in heaven. It really wasn't possible when he was on earth. My dad loved me but was and is somewhat of a mystery to me. He really didn't know how to be close, just couldn't do it. And as amazing as your relationship with your dad has been, it truly pales with what awaits us, without the sin of our flesh interfering with our heavenly relationships. But, man, the love of Christ you have modeled with your dad ... you have really set the bar incredibly high, one we should all aspire to in loving others.
Thank you so much Philip. He was so simply and so transparent and people loved this part of him and I miss him so much already. I guess God gave me my dad because I could never get close to my own brothers as they were very unemotional . Im sure your dad loves you a lot Philip and im sure he is very proud of you as I see the love of Christ in almost everything you do or say, but your right about this paling in comparison to what awaits us.
My dad was so easy to love, just picture a simple mountain man, who ate banana sandwiches, favorite woman was judge judy, favorite guy was Steve Harvey and favorite tv show was "everyone loves Raymond" and when he loved someone he held nothing back. I remember going to the supermarket with him and giving him a big hug there and he tell me "stop it bobby, people will think we are gay "

, then being the dork that I am, I would give him an even bigger hug after he said that and we would both start laughing.
Im praying now that God guides me in my next steps because im not sure where he wants me to go in my life. My dream was to get married and give my dad a grandson. I even told him I wanted to name grandson after my dad and give him the middle name of bro Ashoke from india who found Christ before he passed away.
I hope God guides me because right now everything seems hazy, and I see my dad everywhere I go.
From everything you have written regarding your dad and your heartwarming love and admiration for him, our loving Father is already guiding you, you have shown a tremendous love and respect for your dad. You wrote earlier that you hoped your dad and family would be proud of you, I am so sure bippy that your dad is already proud of you. To have a son that speaks with so much love and paints such a beautiful, simplistic but honest picture for us of him is a legacy and gratitude that shines in your spirit that I'm sure words only touch the surface of.
How lucky you have been to have such an amazing dad, and how lucky your dad has been to have such a amazing, loving, appreciative son.
Don't stop seeing his simplicity, love, guidance, smile, honesty, and beauty everywhere you go, because he will still be with you in spirit. What this world can take away in death, our Father gives us for eternity in love and spirit. He will forever shine with you, within you and all around you.
God bless you

Thank you so much Melanie for your incredibly kind words, They brought tears to my eyes, Tears of joy. I really needed these tears as most of my tears over the last week have been tears of sorrow

You guys have been angels to me, I don't think I could ever find the words to convey how much You all mean to me.
The lord is truly operating within each and every one of your hearts and I know that my dad would have loved you all as if you were his own.
Thank you so much again Melanie, my sister in Christ.
It feels good to put down the focus of the apologetics for a bit and focus more on getting closer spiritually with our Lord, I think my dad would be smiling and saying "its about time son" as his faith was grounded in simplicity and love for all people.
I love you Pops with all my heart, you will soon be with grandpa and grandma

No more suffering, no more anguish and every tear wiped from your eyes. What more can a son want for his dad
I love you all and if you ever need anything im here anytime anyplace

Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:18 am
by neo-x
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:45 am
by bippy123
Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:49 am
by bippy123
And also a special thanks to DRDS for hanging out with me online all day and keeping me company. I would have gone nuts today if he wasn't there
Thank you bro, you truly are my guardian angel

just woke up in the middle of the night thinking about the time Dad went at it with my talking pierre parakeet app . It was so hilarious

Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:33 am
by bippy123
This morning Our Lord decided it was time for my dad to come home to heaven. My angel is now where he belongs. I miss you so much dad but now your with grandpa and grandma and especially with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
One day Dad we will be together for eternity