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Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:39 pm
by Kurieuo
1over137 wrote:A question: would you yourself kill Hitler to rescue other poeple?
Yes, because I'd be saving millions.

@D220, I'm not sure how you could "save" anyone, let alone save a person who was happy to rewrite the Bible for their own purposes.
Hitler clearly considered himself the Übermensch in Nietzsche's ideas.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:16 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Kurieuo wrote:
1over137 wrote:A question: would you yourself kill Hitler to rescue other poeple?
Yes, because I'd be saving millions.

@D220, I'm not sure how you could "save" anyone, let alone save a person who was happy to rewrite the Bible for their own purposes.
Hitler clearly considered himself the Übermensch in Nietzsche's ideas.
No one ever said at what age, I would go back to when he was a child and teach him then and hopefully he would grow into a better person. I don't know about you but the events that happened in my childhood shaped the person who I am today, so it's not about saving anyone but rather shaping them.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:18 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I am quite disappointed with all the replies here, none of them are really on topic. What the hell does killing Hitler have to do with the evil that resides within all of us.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:22 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
1over137 wrote:When I was emailing with my old wise friend, we spoke something like this:

Me: if i end up in hell i would ask satan why he is doing what he is doing.
Him: he would only laugh to your face.

... and my naivety ended.
Since no one can stay on topic..... I want to say something about this.

I think you are referring to Hitler not being able to be changed.

Why would God send his Son to die if none of us could change?

Doesn't make any sense to me, you cannot apply the same logic for Satan to a human.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:25 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Adherents of the Social Gospel don't seem to understand that Christians are not here to make the world a better place. Indeed, that would be impossible, as the Bible makes clear. There are no good people in Heaven; all good people die and go to Hell. Heaven is a place for repentant sinners. Think that over!

Christians are here to witness to what Christ as done for us.
So you would preach the gospel to hitler too? I think hitler did speak French. Just think FL, you could've changed the world!
I would've loved to have a chat with old Adolph. He was probably a really nice guy. Once you got to know him. He's probably just misunderstood. You know, bad childhood. Lack of a father figure. Domineering mother.
No, I would not witness the Gospel to anyone who doesn't ask first; that's just not me. Let them go to Hell People who ask are curious, people who don't, don't want to be bothered. When I was an atheist, I hated door-to-door religion salesmen. God uses me by putting the appropriate people on my path. Anyway, it isn't me who preaches the Gospel, but Jesus working through me.

I doubt Hitler spoke French. I have read several books on him and there was never any mention of a second language. Also, he was born in Innsbruck, Austria, of a self-effacing mother and a domineering father, not the other way around. I'm the one who was born of a domineering mother and an absentee father. Do you see what that does?

FL :cuckoo:

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:26 pm
by abelcainsbrother
It should never be a easy choice to kill but killing is totally different than murder.And biblically we can only kill in 3 examples and it is not murder in the eye of God 1.If you are defending your life or family in self defense2.If you are a soldier in a war following orders.3.If you are apart of law enforcement,police,etc to uphold the laws of the land.You can kill in these instances and it is not murder in the eyes of God.Our laws and government are ordained of God to protect us and so it is important what kind of a government we live under and choose.

You could make an argument that there would be less murder if our government was set up like God would want. Was it murder in the eyes of God when David slew Goliath?No it was a war.However it was murder when David had the woman's husband killed he was sleeping with and it caused him problems long after it,he repented of it too.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:27 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Kurieuo wrote:
1over137 wrote:A question: would you yourself kill Hitler to rescue other poeple?
Yes, because I'd be saving millions.

@D220, I'm not sure how you could "save" anyone, let alone save a person who was happy to rewrite the Bible for their own purposes.
Hitler clearly considered himself the Übermensch in Nietzsche's ideas.
You may kill Hitler but he is just a pawn and another will take his place until it is all accomplished.

Your efforts would be futile and you would have broken God's law for futility.

Do you really think you would "save" these people........

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:53 pm
by Kurieuo
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
1over137 wrote:A question: would you yourself kill Hitler to rescue other poeple?
Yes, because I'd be saving millions.

@D220, I'm not sure how you could "save" anyone, let alone save a person who was happy to rewrite the Bible for their own purposes.
Hitler clearly considered himself the Übermensch in Nietzsche's ideas.
You may kill Hitler but he is just a pawn and another will take his place until it is all accomplished.

Your efforts would be futile and you would have broken God's law for futility.

Do you really think you would "save" these people........
Yes, just like if I raised Hitler as a baby I'd probably save people too.

Passivism however is evil because it stands by and refuses to defend weak and innocent.
Passivism is too simple and naive. As Hana pointed out, if Satan were asked why he does what he does, he'd most likely laugh at you.
It will allow little heads to roll, Tutsis to be slaughtered and millions of people to be gassed.

While we share kind, we're not all the same.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:54 pm
by Proinsias
Assuming a time machine, who would beat Hitler in a fight?

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:01 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Proinsias wrote:Assuming a time machine, who would beat Hitler in a fight?
Hitler was a wimp who had one testicle (the other gonad was undescended). Therein was his power: half man, half sissy woman. He understood how to use every one of us.

To answer your question, anyone here could have beaten him in a fight...even at armwrestling. But we would have all lost at manipulation of the masses...

Zig Heil!

FL :mrgreen:

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:39 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Kurieuo wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
1over137 wrote:A question: would you yourself kill Hitler to rescue other poeple?
Yes, because I'd be saving millions.

@D220, I'm not sure how you could "save" anyone, let alone save a person who was happy to rewrite the Bible for their own purposes.
Hitler clearly considered himself the Übermensch in Nietzsche's ideas.
You may kill Hitler but he is just a pawn and another will take his place until it is all accomplished.

Your efforts would be futile and you would have broken God's law for futility.

Do you really think you would "save" these people........
Yes, just like if I raised Hitler as a baby I'd probably save people too.

Passivism however is evil because it stands by and refuses to defend weak and innocent.
Passivism is too simple and naive. As Hana pointed out, if Satan were asked why he does what he does, he'd most likely laugh at you.
It will allow little heads to roll, Tutsis to be slaughtered and millions of people to be gassed.

While we share kind, we're not all the same.
Pacifism is not about standing by and doing nothing, it is about using non-violent means.

Aggression however is evil, by using violence you are perpetuating the situation, every war in history has never stopped the violence, all it has done is continue the cycle of violence.

The only way evil can be defeated is to lay down ones life in love and only then will it all be accomplished.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:51 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Every single comment so far has not been on the topic, can the mods actually do their jobs?

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:20 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I was reading something someone wrote today and it really struck a chord with me, I have quoted it below.
That's the thing with "evil". People try to make it into some kind of magical substance that only certain people have. It allows them to think "Oh, I would never do things like that. I'm not capable of it. I'm a good person. Only evil people do things like that, people who have evil inside them."

That is not what evil is. The root of evil is becoming so locked into your own personal beliefs about reality that you start seeing it as reality. You start thinking you have what's Absolutely Right and Absolutely True, so you then feel justified in harming or punishing other beings for being "wrong".

Watch the movie Downfall. It's about Hitler's last days in a bunker in Berlin. There was such discomfort in Germany about that movie, for many understandable and valid reasons, but one of the most interesting reasons was because no one wanted to admit that Hitler was actually a human being. It's much more comfortable to think he was a monster, completely insane, because that way we don't have to see the Hitler inside each of us. It's not that the film portrays him as a good person, just that it shows he was a person. A crazy, deluded person...but a person. And a person any of us can become if we too become totally convinced that we are RIGHT, and everyone else is WRONG, and dammit we will KILL THEM if they don't get with the program! That impulse is inside all of us, it's just a matter of how each of us address that emotion.

We all do this on one level or another (myself included), the West Boro Baptist Church is an extreme example of this type of behaviour, it also exists within the creation debate (or any opposing theologies for that matter) but is a softer example of this behaviour (if there is such a thing as softer when it comes to evil), even atheists are guilty of this behaviour (many want religion eradicated). It does not discriminate, it exists within all of us, we judge and condemn based on it and we think our own proverbial don't stink.

Anyway just something I thought I would throw out there.

I am the one who was attacked for my creation theory and you were rude to me.I never attacked anyone for believing different than me.I just present what I believe and explain what I like or reject about other creation theories,but I am never rude to you or anybody who thinks differently than me.
I don't like what you were reading and only agree that we can be evil too, but not everybody is as evil as Hitler was and yet the person is implying that.It sounds like a passivist wrote it who would've been willing to just sit back and just let Hitler do whatever he wanted to without stopping him because I'm really no better than him. Hitler was stopped because we took action and we were really too late in our action.We should've listened to Winston Churchill.

Political correctness is making the world a more dangerous place because we are just playing patty cake with terrorism.Terrorism could be stopped but political correctness is in the way.History shows us that if you are weak or appear weak to your enemy you are conquered and made into slaves,etc.You must be strong and be willing to use your strength to prevent it.Had certain wars of the past not been won you would probably be a Muslim right now.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:13 pm
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Every single comment so far has not been on the topic, can the mods actually do their jobs?

Be careful what you wish for. You might actually get it.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:55 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
RickD wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Adherents of the Social Gospel don't seem to understand that Christians are not here to make the world a better place. Indeed, that would be impossible, as the Bible makes clear. There are no good people in Heaven; all good people die and go to Hell. Heaven is a place for repentant sinners. Think that over!

Christians are here to witness to what Christ as done for us.
So you would preach the gospel to hitler too? I think hitler did speak French. Just think FL, you could've changed the world!
I would've loved to have a chat with old Adolph. He was probably a really nice guy. Once you got to know him. He's probably just misunderstood. You know, bad childhood. Lack of a father figure. Domineering mother.
No, I would not witness the Gospel to anyone who doesn't ask first; that's just not me. Let them go to Hell People who ask are curious, people who don't, don't want to be bothered. When I was an atheist, I hated door-to-door religion salesmen. God uses me by putting the appropriate people on my path. Anyway, it isn't me who preaches the Gospel, but Jesus working through me.

I doubt Hitler spoke French. I have read several books on him and there was never any mention of a second language. Also, he was born in Innsbruck, Austria, of a self-effacing mother and a domineering father, not the other way around. I'm the one who was born of a domineering mother and an absentee father. Do you see what that does?

FL :cuckoo:
But you being a former atheist might know how to reach them with the gospel better than somebody who was not an atheist.