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Re: Making the rounds on Easter Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:09 pm
by Storyteller
Audie wrote:So, S, do you agree with this..."Without it NOTHING in Christianity woks, it all falls apart."
Christianity without the resurrection falls apart. It hinges on the fact that Christ died for our sins and overcame death. If he did not rise from the dead than we have no salvation.
Without that, all that is left is perhaps a good, moral way to live but there is no purpose, no reason.

Re: Making the rounds on Easter Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:17 pm
by Audie
Storyteller wrote:
Audie wrote:So, S, do you agree with this..."Without it NOTHING in Christianity woks, it all falls apart."
Christianity without the resurrection falls apart. It hinges on the fact that Christ died for our sins and overcame death. If he did not rise from the dead than we have no salvation.
Without that, all that is left is perhaps a good, moral way to live but there is no purpose, no reason.
Ok, a belief system based on the idea that Jesus was some sort of immortal who came back to life, that falls apart if in fact he just plain died.

Why tho would the teachings be reduced to a mere
"perhaps" a good, moral way to live?

As for no purpose and no reason to live a moral life, is that something you have really thought through?

The majority of people on earth do not buy into the resurrection story, any of it.
Do you think that none of them, including me, have reason or purpose in life?

Re: Making the rounds on Easter Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:17 pm
by PaulSacramento
Storyteller wrote:
Audie wrote:So, S, do you agree with this..."Without it NOTHING in Christianity woks, it all falls apart."
Christianity without the resurrection falls apart. It hinges on the fact that Christ died for our sins and overcame death. If he did not rise from the dead than we have no salvation.
Without that, all that is left is perhaps a good, moral way to live but there is no purpose, no reason.
Some would argue that a good and moral life is in itself a good reason and a purposeful life.
I don't begrudge anyone that lives, according to the laws of the society they live in ( what other gauge can they be measured by in this case?), a good and moral life.
We don't need God to act in a good way.
Self-preservation is enough of a reason for most people.

I, however, believe there is MORE.
I believe that WHY we try to be good is more important than actually being good.
I do NOT think that self-preservation is a good enough reason to be good ( and history shows I am right).
I believe that we are far more, capable of far more, KNOW that we NEED far more than simply existing.

Christianity is the answer to the question that my soul and spirit always asked and nothing was ever able to answer.

Re: Making the rounds on Easter Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:23 pm
by Storyteller
Christianity is the answer to the question that my soul and spirit always asked and nothing was ever able to answer.

How absolutely beautifully put.

Re: Making the rounds on Easter Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:47 pm
by PaulSacramento
Storyteller wrote:Christianity is the answer to the question that my soul and spirit always asked and nothing was ever able to answer.

How absolutely beautifully put.
I have my moments :)

Re: Making the rounds on Easter Sunday.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:31 pm
by cled
The great cover-up. For a Roman soldier to loose his prisoner ment that he would have to suffer the same fate as the person who got away. So think about it, these soliders Were not rent a cops for Kmart. These guys were like marines. They had no love for the new Jesus moment and could careless about it. How ever they did care about their lives and ran and told the high priest what they saw. Instead of the high priests saying we're messed up and He really was the Son of God and make it right , they chose to cover it up . They musta really freaked out at the time of offering when the vale just ripped in half by its self. They loved their power and all the glory more than God so sad. And what did Jesus say , what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul. He also said it in another way to the disciples. Rejoice not the devils are subject to u , but your names are writing in heaven.