Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by JurassicTerrorist »

We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.]
Declares himself God? Wants to become a very powerful leader? Kanye West is the anti-christ? :shock:

Kanye West runs for president in 2020: ... ident-vma/

Also to quote Kanye West:" The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don't think that i would be one the characters of today's modern Bible?"
"I am a God, so hurry up with my d*** massage; in a French-a** restaurant, hurry up with my d*** croissants."

Btw please don't take this too seriously.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

B. W. wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
Here is one verse that is troubling...

Dan 11:38 "But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures." NASB

Ancient Rome assimilated other nations gods and attached their Latin names to the pantheon. They did not have a god their fathers did not know, Just finished a big history study on the ancient gods of Cypress, Canaan, Edom, Moab, Mindina; then Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. These all shared the same pantheon of gods and merely changed the names.

Interesting history is of Mecca and the black meteorite known as a place where the goddesses Al-Uzza/ Ishtar was worshiped along with the goddesses Al-Lat and Menat. Al-Uzza/ Ishtar are well known, even today. What makes a god not know by his fathers indicates and new religion. This religion will be war like as indicated by god of fortresses. It would have blended many of the pagan themes as there were three deities whose goal was to resurrect the serpent/dragon to take over the earth and universe. They shared the shapes of a lion with eagles wings and a man's heart/head, a Leopard with wings, and a Bear and were all related or bound to in some way to the the moon god Nanna / Sin.

Al-Uzza/ Ishtar stood on top of a lion and leopard and had both male and female side. The female side was worshiped and she loved to wade in blood, and behead folks, and go about in war. I find it interesting that Muhammad left the meteorite in Mecca intact and continues some of the same rituals like the walking around the stone and erotically kissing it. the Tenants of Islam is submission under the crescent moon and star symbol. Their colors are white, black, red, and green. However, Islam is a new religion made from old religious sources the chap's fathers in Daniel 11:38 would not have known because the sexual acts of worship were removed and saved, instead, for the afterlife 70 virgins in a land of delights. Islam also has one head god not many. Its one god is a form of the many pagan deities complied into one new one making it far worse than brutal Rome was.

Mecca was known as demon central as that is the area of Midina where according the pagan myth, a serpent /dragon came to land nearby and freed man from the great sky god's rule by giving man wisdom /knowledge in turn for service for him. Iron was forged there and metal smithing/arts of warfare spread. The other three deities mentioned above came with him along with their cohorts becoming the pagan pantheon you read about in history books.

In Islam, look up the Islam 'Green Man' in a google search and see what you shall see... and then look of the deity Nabu. Nabu was the prophet for Marduk (serpent dragon)... And the green man appears where and lives near...???

There has not been a religion like Islam in world history where all the ancient deities are untied as one for the purpose of the serpent dragon appearing. Now look in Rev 13:1-5 and you see a blended beast made from the parts of the three mentioned in Daniel chapter seven making one beast to stand before the dragon.... and then the Antichrist chap comes worshiping a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know...

Enough said...

These is a new picture out with Obama and the pope and Obama has horns...

However, I absolutely do not think these two are the false prophet or antichrist as some other folks may assume. While we look at that Rome connection, one can be blindsided from another direction which is common in the art of warfare. How all the players play out, remains to be seen, and we may just see the beginnings of the play and the stage is the Middle East and Rome a mere side show to draw attention away from the main blow mirroring the same prophetic themes because the world is under the sway of whom?
I know that not everyone agrees with this but I have been reading and following the views on the "divine council" and "unseen realm" of Dr. Micheal Hesler and it seems to agree with my understanding about the agents of evil that are in control.
That the nations were divided among the Sons Of God ( Angels) and that some of them became/passed themselves off as gods to men.
The notion of the whole world being under Satan makes more sense when we realized that it was the nation of Rome that was given to the Angel we call "satan".
My point is that it does seem that the Arab/ME nations influenced under the religion of Islam could be being influenced by the "god" of that nation.
It makes some passages make more sense ( The different princes of the nations in Daniel for example).
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:...I know that not everyone agrees with this but I have been reading and following the views on the "divine council" and "unseen realm" of Dr. Micheal Hesler and it seems to agree with my understanding about the agents of evil that are in control.

That the nations were divided among the Sons Of God ( Angels) and that some of them became/passed themselves off as gods to men.
The notion of the whole world being under Satan makes more sense when we realized that it was the nation of Rome that was given to the Angel we call "satan".

My point is that it does seem that the Arab/ME nations influenced under the religion of Islam could be being influenced by the "god" of that nation.
It makes some passages make more sense ( The different princes of the nations in Daniel for example).
What does the bible reveal on this matter in Eph 6:10-13? There are principalities and powers and ruling host over geographic locations. For example, God's angelic messenger wrestled with the Prince of Persia and was delayed a bit in giving Daniel an answer. The Prince of Persia would be symbolized by a bear type entity.

What I find interesting, is according Pangaea Continent Maps Plate Tectonic maps, the area roughly from Cyprus, to Canaan, Edom, Moab, Midina which also connects to area of UR along the mouth of the Euphrates area in a broad straight line. In Military terms, an army forms a line and advances. As an army advances in battle line they gain territory and set up shop there and move on latter to the next goal. Lining up from UR/Medina you have the serpent dragon mixed with lion deity worship and in Moab - Lion-serpent-bull deities symbolized. In Edom bear and leopard deities symbolized and Canaan/Cyprus - Leopard and bear deities symbolized.

According to the pagan myth, the serpent dragon rebelled against the head sky god and overthrew him and came to earth to have man serve him in exchange for gaining wisdom and knowledge. There were three over beings that came with him as well to help in this endeavor. These taught how to work with metals and Iron was forged in the serpent dragon area.

The role of the three other beings were to have their cohorts feed the serpent dragon men through enticing them to kill each other for various reasons. They would influence the action pf people to do so in various ways and make people feel good and justified in do so even through the use of perversion and various multiple sex acts (diseases) too. The reason was to entice the great sky god into action so that the new serpent dragon overthrows the great sky god in one final conflict by entrapment. That is the basic template and there are variations in it as well too confusing to go into now,

The Lion symbolized deity (Nergal) allied with the serpent dragon made 7 ruling Sebbitti. These ruling Sebbitti were also known as the ruling/leading Watchers mentioned in the book of Enoch and are also identified with the Nephilim in the bible. The bear deity had a council of 6, and Leopard had 7 helpers or rulers connected to the watchers. These 20 were the ruling watchers.

They aided killing off raucous, over-populous people and wildlife. They create turmoil, death, disease, by means of pleasure and violence. The Sebbitti rulers also aided Nergal’s sending people into the netherworld. ... aki12a.htm

All this is interesting in that what you have appear is an invasion of spiritual beings who desire man to serve there need for power. They formed a line and advanced to Euphrates valley and along the Nile, and then slowly worldwide spreading the same story lines in pagan myths, changing names having countries use the symbols of the Sun disk, Leopard, Lion, Bear, Eagles, Birds, various animals as a national animal symbol, even today.

The Euphrates river valley line you have the same pantheon appear in the Chaldean (UR - Lion/serpent), Assyrian (Bear/Leopard), and Hittite (Leopard) symbolized deities. Along the Nile, the same...

It appears that these are the four rulers of darkness over all countries, today, along with their helpers or legions. The Medes/Persian Empire had the bear deity known as Verethragna / The Persian god of victory and the personification of aggressive triumph. See... ... desses.htm

Assyrian Empire had the Bear and the Leopard deities and switched to the Leopard...

History: This Deity had other names such as Dionysus/Greece and Set/Egyptian and was the Assyrian/Babylonia symbol for Nimrod who had a chariot/car pulled by Leopards, and Ishtar who also rode a leopard, lion, etc, into battle Also the Assyrian form of Dionysus is also associated with the Leopard.

Ishtar also known as Astrate rode a Leopard and other beasts into battle (lion, bear leopard, dove, etc). She was the goddess of battle, sex, seduction, occultic arts, and fertility. Her origins appeared in Canaan, Edom, as Anat and Syria as Astarte and then about everywhere else as Ishtar. Anat pictures her killing the enemies of Ba’al Hadad, lopping off heads, torturing enemies, and wading knee deep in blood. (See Wikipedia Anat online)

Astarte uses the crescent Moon symbol, denoting wisdom, cunning, writing, trickster, violence, disorder, fieriness, watching, swift stealthy attacks and also known for two horns facing downwards or upwards – a reverse crescent moon shape or two horns of the moon god of conquest demanding submission.

Interesting note is that Nimrod was known as one who subdues leopards to pull his chariot car to hunt men, commanded compete submission is also associated with Assyria and Babylon. The Assyrian Dionysus is also related with the Leopard and its priests used its skin to dress in. Also same as Edom’s Deity – Qos/Quos/Kaush – expander of culture – related to Moon god and symbol is of the star and crescent and demands total submission… or else! In fact all three of these beings are related or allied with the Moon god in some way whose symbol is the Crescent Moon and star - the current Islamic symbol.

So what else can I say? It appears these beings govern nations with one goal, to bring forth the serpent dragon into one last conflict with the great sky god by using humanity as mere pawns. Therefore, yes all nations are under the influence of these beings. Look at Iran (home of the Bear) who is allied with Russian bear and the little bear Syria! Area of old Assyria they use Leopard and fighting rooster style fighting tactics by a thousand cuts of death, the beheadings, and brutral acts upon a population. Also, other nations are swayed with intoxication for power and the loosening of sexaul restraints - the Leopard. Islam's paradise is erotic full of thousand delights.

The Lion/Eagle/Man deity is royal, regal, lofty, proud and arrogant and influence peoples and nations to be lofty in power and politics, modern liberalism fits here as does socialism's utopia visions, and country with central planning. The Lion symbol is old Babylon, and England shares that symbol too as do other other countries. Fabain Socialism came form what country? Then the symbol of eagle wings and heart or head of a man - which countries share these symbols?

All are connected in some way to the moon god and serpent dragon on the old myths - so yes all nations can be used for this end. However, it appears from the bible that the Assyrian mentioned in Isaiah 10:24 and Micah 5:5-6 refers to Militant Islam is rising again.

There is a prophetic cycle mentioned in Eccl 3:15 NKJV and thus accordingly events will mirror each other in other countries so that in is difficult to grasp where and when the final blow will be. The Pope and Antichrist in modern teachings on end time prophecy fits here and are decidedly western ethnocentric. To be sure, Western countries can mirror events. However and closer study of the bible reveals things concerning the end times concern Israel and its location and the Middle East.

With the rise of Islam and its Leopard like infiltration through immigration and terrorism and warfare along with the Shiite Bear gaining Nukes. The two legs of Iron of the Statue in Dan 2 may not be the old roman empire at all but rather Sunni and Shiite, whose link is the area where fallen beings granted the working with Iron to man around the area of Ur- Mecca regions. Where both await the Green One to come and revise Islam into its correct form... a new religion of peace...

Please note that accord to Daniel chapter two the kingdoms that follow after Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom indicate that they will rule from Babylon or it environs. Persia did and well as Greece, however Rome did not. The Islamic Empire which was larger than Rome's did. Islam eventually suffered a major defeat, a wound, but has now recovered and is alive and spreading again all in according to the prophetic template... which will next involve individual rulers following a similar pattern again.

The whole world according to the Hypotheses just presented is going crazy and heading toward the idea of one world Utopian fantasies of the Lion, Leopard, and Bear... Visions... Think about it... test this Hypotheses with scriptures and history and lay aside ethnocentrism.

PS Type this fast so sorry about the typos...
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Add to that the Enhochian view that the fallen watchers were suppose to have taught humans warfare and things of that nature, that the fallen watchers passe themselves of as gods and manipulated kings and empires from behind the scenes and what we get is a very uniform view of fallen angelic beings working behind the scenes to cause humans to rebel against God.
When Satan brought Jesus up on the high cliffs and showed Him the whole world that was under his ( Satan's) dominion, he didn't show Him the whole planet, he showed Him the kingdoms of the Roman Empire in the ME, the area that belonged to him ( Satan).
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:Add to that the Enhochian view that the fallen watchers were suppose to have taught humans warfare and things of that nature, that the fallen watchers passe themselves of as gods and manipulated kings and empires from behind the scenes and what we get is a very uniform view of fallen angelic beings working behind the scenes to cause humans to rebel against God.
When Satan brought Jesus up on the high cliffs and showed Him the whole world that was under his ( Satan's) dominion, he didn't show Him the whole planet, he showed Him the kingdoms of the Roman Empire in the ME, the area that belonged to him ( Satan).
Yes agree..

Here is more from Google books and hope the link remains active to the correct page for awhile" ... ol&f=false
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

PaulSacramento wrote:For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
The Babylonian whore refers to all false religions and they are all crushed by the anti-christ system.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

JurassicTerrorist wrote:
We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.]
Declares himself God? Wants to become a very powerful leader? Kanye West is the anti-christ? :shock:

Kanye West runs for president in 2020: ... ident-vma/

Also to quote Kanye West:" The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don't think that i would be one the characters of today's modern Bible?"
"I am a God, so hurry up with my d*** massage; in a French-a** restaurant, hurry up with my d*** croissants."

Btw please don't take this too seriously.
Kanye West has not stopped animal sacrificing in the jewish temple and declared he is God.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by JurassicTerrorist »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
JurassicTerrorist wrote:
We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.]
Declares himself God? Wants to become a very powerful leader? Kanye West is the anti-christ? :shock:

Kanye West runs for president in 2020: ... ident-vma/

Also to quote Kanye West:" The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don't think that i would be one the characters of today's modern Bible?"
"I am a God, so hurry up with my d*** massage; in a French-a** restaurant, hurry up with my d*** croissants."

Btw please don't take this too seriously.
Kanye West has not stopped animal sacrificing in the jewish temple and declared he is God.
I know, but my post was not supposed to be taken seriously anyway.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
The Babylonian whore refers to all false religions and they are all crushed by the anti-christ system.
I have heard that before and, to be honest with you, it seems to be a stretch and for a few reasons:
1) Prophecies never mention "false religions" in an abstract way, they always are explicit about false worship and Revelation does that also, it just doesn't do that in regards to Babylon the "great harlot".
2) There are geographical and historical reference to WHAT Babylon is and that includes leadership.
3) The issue of false religion is dealt with in regards to the best and the antichrist and so forth.
4) Unless by false religion you mean Islam, the issue of the martyrs is not addressed by false religions
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
The Babylonian whore refers to all false religions and they are all crushed by the anti-christ system.
I have heard that before and, to be honest with you, it seems to be a stretch and for a few reasons:
1) Prophecies never mention "false religions" in an abstract way, they always are explicit about false worship and Revelation does that also, it just doesn't do that in regards to Babylon the "great harlot".
2) There are geographical and historical reference to WHAT Babylon is and that includes leadership.
3) The issue of false religion is dealt with in regards to the best and the antichrist and so forth.
4) Unless by false religion you mean Islam, the issue of the martyrs is not addressed by false religions

"Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits, 10 and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while." Rev. 17:9–10, NASB

Please read carefully Revelation 17:9-10 again without preconceived bias promoted by standard prophecy scholars. Verse 10 actually tells us what these mountains are - 7 Kings who ruled 7 kingdoms. These mountains are not literal mountains or hills of any city at all but rather kings and their kingdoms.

The Greek word translated mountain in is verse is, horos, and it means simply Mountain. Mountains in bible symbolism often refer to kingdoms such as in Psalms 68:15, Daniel 2:35, Obadiah 8–21, and Amos 4:1, 6:1. The grammar points out a direct connect to the 7 mountains being seven kings/kingdoms of which at the time John penned Revelation five have already fallen therefore these are not literal hills a city sits on.

Biblical symbolism does not have to refer to only one thing in sequence. In Rev 17:1-8 the seven heads of the beast may refer both to seven mountains and seven kings, or the seven heads refer to kingdoms and the mountains the thrones where a king rules from or a combination of both which is more likely here. The prophetic word is repeating itself, using the method of emphasis in Biblical Hebrew. Two of the same words repeated next to each other in biblical Hebrew indicated a special Emphasis. Biblical Hebrew did not use punctuation marks as we do, they used double words or phrases for emphasis.

Why would Revelation chapter seventeen be different? The seven heads and mountains both refer to kings/kingdoms the woman rides on - meaning influences and controls for emphasis. The beast with seven heads may also refer to a connection to the dragon serpent (due to the description of the beast) and the connection to these kings/kingdoms. Five have fallen and one now is (in 90 AD) can be easily deduced and these six all shared with Ishtar and the serpent dragon symbols and pantheon.

There will be a seventh kingdom and then an eighth kingdom. These last two also will share a direct connection to the dragon serpent and Ishtar whom have deceived the whole would into accepting the last kingdom and king (Ruler). According to the hypothesis I am working on, dragon serpent, Ishtar, etc are demonic rulers over countries worldwide and started in the area of UR to Canaan to Cyprus region and spreading outward from the regions around 45 miles around Meccan Epicenter where these host had what we could term their HQ as this is the area where these pagan myths indicate the dragon serpent, Ishtar, moon god, lion, leopard, bear, bull, eagle, owl, etc... deities started their spread world wide.

It is interesting how Islam is also connected to this same area as well as their Green Man of Islam legend who will begin a revised form of pure peaceful Islam from somewhere within the old Islamic Empire at its height. The Islamic Empire could be the seventh kingdom which fell, but now is arising into the eighth. It all fits as all the world will wonder at the beast as well be preparing for him in their own own ways so even Rome and Europe will mirror these events so as to throw people off from where the main blow will fall...

Recall that according to the ancient pagan pantheon, the Lion, Leopard, Bear symbolized pagan deities and seek to bring forth the Serpent Dragon's rule over all.. in one last act to overthrow the the great sky god by using humanity as pawns. Now read Rev 17:13,14-17. In Rev 17:18 it mentions a City and context is important in knowing what a City symbolizes in the bible. City in the bible symbolizes commerce, trading, habitation and the seat or rule that goes out to govern a region. It can be either bad or good. However, city most often symbolizes evil, sin, arvice, sickness, disease, and power corruption. Rev 17:18 is referring to evil halls of power influencing nations.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by PaulSacramento »

A view that the great harlot is Jerusalem:
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by tunde1992 »

Shouldn't this go into end times prophecy thread? :D
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by JurassicTerrorist »

tunde1992 wrote:Shouldn't this go into end times prophecy thread? :D
Yeah it should, but at the time i made this topic, i forgot that thread existed.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

PaulSacramento wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:For the 1st century reader it was probably quite clear that the Babylon of Revelation was Rome.
It was called that for one thing and they way it is described in Revelation is consistent with Rome.
Rome was viewed as the "whole world" in the ANE and AME ( by Rome I mean of course the Roman Empire).
That said, we also know that Prophecies have more than one level and a prophecy that is aimed at current and near-future situations CAN also refer to what may happen in the far distant future.
The Babylonian whore refers to all false religions and they are all crushed by the anti-christ system.
I have heard that before and, to be honest with you, it seems to be a stretch and for a few reasons:
1) Prophecies never mention "false religions" in an abstract way, they always are explicit about false worship and Revelation does that also, it just doesn't do that in regards to Babylon the "great harlot".
2) There are geographical and historical reference to WHAT Babylon is and that includes leadership.
3) The issue of false religion is dealt with in regards to the best and the antichrist and so forth.
4) Unless by false religion you mean Islam, the issue of the martyrs is not addressed by false religions
I was trying to help you out because of some peoples view that the Babylon whore is the Vatican. My mind could be changed but I've always seen it as false religions there are alot of people lost because of false religion. leading people astray.There is only one way and it is narrow and few there be that find it.False religion can be appealing.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Doomsday 24th-28th September 2015?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

JurassicTerrorist wrote:
We know Ezekiel 38 has to be fulfilled,we know a jewish temple has to be built and the jews sacrificing animals because the anti-christ goes into this temple stops the sacrificing and declares he is God,And also the anti-christ takes over the one world government and turns it into the mark of the beast system and yet if the rapture happened now,we must cram these unfulfilled prophecies into the 7 year tribulation,plus all of the other things that happen during the tribulation and all these thingsjust cannot happen that fast.]
Declares himself God? Wants to become a very powerful leader? Kanye West is the anti-christ? :shock:

Kanye West runs for president in 2020: ... ident-vma/

Also to quote Kanye West:" The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don't think that i would be one the characters of today's modern Bible?"
"I am a God, so hurry up with my d*** massage; in a French-a** restaurant, hurry up with my d*** croissants."

Btw please don't take this too seriously.

Bone Digger
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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