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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:42 pm
by Storyteller
Then I stand corrected.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:29 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
I would like to point that it was actually Catholic bible prophecy teachers that started teaching that Mystery Babylon is the RCC ...
then, acb, you'd better find another source because this aticle is not it. :pound: In fact not even close. :shakehead: If this is your idea of correct "end times" interpretation you need to go back over the article... from the beginning and read slowly.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:21 pm
by abelcainsbrother
EssentialSacrifice wrote:
I would like to point that it was actually Catholic bible prophecy teachers that started teaching that Mystery Babylon is the RCC ...
then, acb, you'd better find another source because this aticle is not it. :pound: In fact not even close. :shakehead: If this is your idea of correct "end times" interpretation you need to go back over the article... from the beginning and read slowly.
I did not claim I agreed with it.I just pointed out it first came from a Catholic.The Catholic church may deny it and call it a forgery but alot of people disagree.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:51 pm
by Storyteller
Just because it's author was Catholic doesn't mean the Catholic Church endorse it. Or make it true, or stop people believing it.
*(I mean some people believe in the gap theory :D)

* just to clarify, that is meant in good humour acb x

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:27 am
by EssentialSacrifice
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Abraham Lincoln

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:46 am
by RickD
The problem with quotes found on the Internet, is that one cannot always depend on their accuracy.

-Abraham Lincoln

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:27 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
The problem with quotes found on the Internet, is that one cannot always depend on their accuracy.
attribution of the quote is in no way compromising to the intent of the message ... whomever said it, any and all who ever have .... are correct.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:30 pm
by B. W.
I'll try to get back on topic. During my research a came across a Thesis entitled:

(10,000 - 330 BCE)

You can read the paper here at this link: ... tation.pdf

Rather dry and formal as most thesis are concerning ancient archaeology but informative. It does point out the importance of the Leopard, Bear, Lion, Bull, etc in ancient pagan Middle East religions related to goddess worship.

It appears that pagan goddess worship was in reality anthropomorphic deities both animal as well as human male... In fact several major deities appear as male or female or animal. Since the bible mentions that the ancient world of Moses' time sacrificed to demons, not idols, thus these represent the major leading fallen angels. Which appears to me from the research that Islam fashioned four of these into one being - allah - to establish power for one to come for whom we would call the dragon/serpent.

Most people don't like to read the dry historical aspects ancient archaeology and reports on ancient religions. However, if we look at the ancient world of Daniel in Babylon, the of imagery his visions would make more sense to us today if we understood the pagan religious symbols as the folks of Daniel's time would have seen them in the temples in Babylon.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:02 am
by B. W.
I thought this was interesting regarding the goddesss religion as well as why Judah fell too.

8-Year-Old Boy on Family Hike Makes 3,000-Year-Old Discovery Dating to Biblical First Temple Period

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:26 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
As usual, another topic by B.W. that caught my attention and provided impetus to dig deeper. I found this as addendum to B.W.'s article. It simply shows the veracity of the idolatrous in Judah in both a literal and historical sense, and posits the very real damage done by breaking one command that leads to another ... to another ...

The historical and literal flavor of this "dig" helps illuminate history, which is always a treat when discussing events of the bible that are archaeologically verified. ... olatry.htm

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:29 pm
by B. W.
Bump moved this up again to review it so I can located easier...

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:46 pm
by JButler
Walid Shoebat is firmly convinced that Islam and its forces are the Anti Christ, not the RCC/Popes.

If you're not familiar with Shoebat he's a former PLO terrorist who did prison time for planting bombs in Israel. He converted to Christianity and has been a leading voice against the false prophet. Also constantly warning the Western nations of Islam's danger and its true intentions of destruction with world domination.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:57 pm
by Kurieuo
RickD wrote:
The problem with quotes found on the Internet, is that one cannot always depend on their accuracy.

-Abraham Lincoln
What an extraordinary seer Lincoln was! :lol:

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:55 am
by abelcainsbrother
I too believe the anti-christ will be Islamic or a muslim however something that I noticed is Daniel says he will not regard the God of his fathers(Daniel 11:37 also I think it is supposed to be a little g instead of capitalized)and so instead of saying the Antichrist will be Islamic or a muslim we need to realize the Antichrist is Satan but he uses Islam to gain control and to get his power but he is not really Islamic or a muslim.He decieves the whole world and uses Islam to gain his power.He will be seen as the Mahde to Muslims. This is why he goes into the Jewish temple that will be rebuilt,shuts down animal sacrifices and claims he is God,then Muslims will realize they were decieved but it will be too late to do anything about it because he has so much power.

Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:29 am
by JButler
abelcainsbrother wrote:I too believe the anti-christ will be Islamic or a muslim however something that I noticed is Daniel says he will not regard the God of his fathers(Daniel 11:37 also I think it is supposed to be a little g instead of capitalized)and so instead of saying the Antichrist will be Islamic or a muslim we need to realize the Antichrist is Satan but he uses Islam to gain control and to get his power but he is not really Islamic or a muslim.He decieves the whole world and uses Islam to gain his power.He will be seen as the Mahde to Muslims. This is why he goes into the Jewish temple that will be rebuilt,shuts down animal sacrifices and claims he is God,then Muslims will realize they were decieved but it will be too late to do anything about it because he has so much power.
I know Rome has been the most common "usual suspect" in trying identify the physical anti-christ for years. But it certainly appears that islam fits the profile much better. I'm not a prophesy buff but I'm thoroughly convinced that islam is the enemy.

Islam tries to use a thin veneer to appear as a legitimate religion but when you study it closely you'll realize islam is 180 degrees opposite of the Bible and Christianity. What could be more anti than 180 degrees opposite?