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Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:01 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Richard wrote:abelcainsbrother, you are asking me to change how I think but providing no logic or reason to do so other than just think angels are real which is like asking me to accept that Darth Vadar is real. There is a difference between true faith and wanting to believe in something. I just described in my previous post what real faith is, real faith is not something you can conjure up out of nothing, out of imagination, real faith is the observation of the unknown and accepting it for what it is. In basic terms, no single person on the planet knows if God really exists, some people forcefully think with the mind, that they know one way or the other, the only people who are truly interested in getting an answer accept that they do not know but are willing to learn and dedicate themselves to finding out. If God is a programmer, that is how he would program a sentient being to be, any sentient that chooses to be any other way will never get an answer. If a being chooses to have no interest, well that's like a fish that has no interest in swimming. Choosing yes or no to God is irrelevant and a flaw, you are not in a position to choose yes or no so don't even bother trying to make that choice, the only choice you can make is whether or not you have an interest in finding out if God exists and what God is.

For example, I said previously that the soul is connected to a planetary body. That now has me asking, does that mean my soul is bound to Earth? What happens if the Earth is detroyed, is my soul destroyed too, is that the end of me for all eternity? Where in the bible can I find an answer to that? I don't know the answers, that doesn't stop me thinking such things and asking such questions, I can only put those questions aside and have faith, what else can I do? I don't mean faith as in some day an angel will appear and explain everything to me, I mean faith as in I'll have the strength to keep those questions in heart and mind and the patience to find the answers myself. Real faith is faith in ones self.

Yes I am asking you to change how you think but I also know it can be difficult to do.I am asking you to believe the bible by faith .We are Christians so we believe the bible by faith and you could too.It really is not as big of a change as you think either.It is not hard to see what people call aliens fallens angels or demons instead.You can do this and then you won't be decieved if we are ever re-visited by fallen angels. If it happened now the way you think? Let's just say a giant space craft landed on earth you would think they are aliens and I'm trying to get you to think of them as fallen angels instead,again you can do this.

Even if you have peronally communicated with what you thought was an alien you must think it was a fallen angel trying to decieve you instead.This earth will be destroyed by fire by God in the future and then restored again and you can spend eternity in heaven.You don't want to spend eternity in the other place.We can know God is real too by his Spirit. Instead of putting faith in yourself it would be so much better to put your faith in Jesus Christ.

I actually believe its possible life existed on other planets before God created this world however because it is not mentioned in the bible I have to shun what I think to go by God's word atleast until I have evidence and I don't so I wait n see. You can do this also.

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:39 am
by Storyteller
Hey Richard :)

We are in a postion to choose whether we believe in God. We do choose.
If God exists, the God of the Bible (and I believe He does) then its not irrelevant at all. Its the most important thing to consider.

The idea of aliens being real, for me, is as likely as you finding the possibility that Darth Vader is real.

We can find proof of God. In the Bible. But proof of aliens? Not so much.

I have read your posts, with an open mind, but sorry... makes no sense to me.

Have you read The Celestine Prophicies by James Redfield? I think you would find it interesting given what you have posted here. y@};-

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:39 am
by B. W.
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Hi Richard,

I'm an alien myself, though I have adopted human form since arriving from Zyklon 36DD, a planet orbiting the star you know as Sirius. Our prophet, His Holiness Raël, has often been to Z-36DD where all the great prophets of your planet presently live. Please visit our website:

I look forward to discussing this further with you.

Hail FL,

I too am an archaeologist and alien from the Planet Pepto from far far flung Bismol galaxy.

When will the Zykonians aid us in the fight against the the almond headed Flatulengians and led by their noble leaders NE, AR, KR, XE, RN, HE and their imperious leader Uuo?

This primitive planet is in the cross hairs of the Flatualenians and their nobles. FL did you not know your home world asked us to remove you and all Zyklonians from this planet on the star battle cruiser Nexi and transport Xium blau?

WE must unite against the intrusive Flatulengians so we can carry out our mission on this primitive 32D planet...

Generations of excellence to you from Pepto

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:11 am
by RickD
B. W. wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Hi Richard,

I'm an alien myself, though I have adopted human form since arriving from Zyklon 36DD, a planet orbiting the star you know as Sirius. Our prophet, His Holiness Raël, has often been to Z-36DD where all the great prophets of your planet presently live. Please visit our website:

I look forward to discussing this further with you.

Hail FL,

I too am an archaeologist and alien from the Planet Pepto from far far flung Bismol galaxy.

When will the Zykonians aid us in the fight against the the almond headed Flatulengians and led by their noble leaders NE, AR, KR, XE, RN, HE and their imperious leader Uuo?

This primitive planet is in the cross hairs of the Flatualenians and their nobles. FL did you not know your home world asked us to remove you and all Zyklonians from this planet on the star battle cruiser Nexi and transport Xium blau?

WE must unite against the intrusive Flatulengians so we can carry out our mission on this primitive 32D planet...

Generations of excellence to you from Pepto
B. W.,

It's beyond me how you can mock such a serious topic as this. The nerve of some people. :mrgreen:

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:04 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
B. W. wrote:Hail FL,I too am an archaeologist and alien from the Planet Pepto from far far flung Bismol galaxy.
Hail, Fellow Star Traveller!

I have seen your conferences on youtube and must ask you, is that your usual form or have you adopted human form as have I? (Forgive my ignorance, as I am a simple archaeologist with little understanding of the Bismol galaxy...)
B. W. wrote:When will the Zykonians aid us in the fight against the the almond headed Flatulengians and led by their noble leaders NE, AR, KR, XE, RN, HE and their imperious leader Uuo?
I'm sorry but I'm not privy to politics on 36DD. I don't know what our Glorious Leader, WonderBro (Power Be Upon Him), has decided in this matter.
B. W. wrote:This primitive planet is in the cross hairs of the Flatualenians and their nobles. FL did you not know your home world asked us to remove you and all Zyklonians from this planet on the star battle cruiser Nexi and transport Xium blau?
No one tells me anything! I am presently on a barren portion of this world, in the village of Ivujivik. Please advise the Star Battle Cruiser of my exact position which I shall transmit to you via Neutrino Sub Temporal Radio. I do not wish to stay here on this planet during the war with the Flatulengians.
B. W. wrote:WE must unite against the intrusive Flatulengians so we can carry out our mission on this primitive 32D planet

Generations of Excellence to All Star Travellers!


Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:25 am
by B. W.

Hail, Fellow Star Traveller, FL!

Surprised that you haven't heard about the Flatulengians and their ruling nobles. Their world is a galaxy located in the direction from this speck of star dust towards Uranus when it is in the house of Aquarius during the full moon on any given sunday from noon.

Our world, Pepto is really above and to the right of the Flatulengian world. In our world, the men are red and the women are white and our children first born appear pink but after their first year they transform into their respective gender color.

However the Flatulengians are the almond headed chaps that dress in all grey hazmat suits hiding their true color which is really all pink as they are the real pinko's. In fact they created star children on this speak of star dust and one was formed and made the Prez of the USA where I currently reside. Rumors abound that they also inserted another star child to rule Canada too but that has not been verified yet as he maybe another star child.

However rumor has it that the Flatulengians made them both from an experiment on earth woman named Pelosi from California. You can tell you are near a Flatulengian by all the hot air and they have a certain smell that earthlings can't detect unless enlightened.

As for Pepto, the leader of our advanced civilization, is Seabiscuit from the township of Atodds 22-11. So your leader is Wonderboy? We have heard of a Wonderboy who hailed well at the Breeders Cup Del Mar region of California but not sure if that is the same. We investigated this but he retired and went into hiding. Last we heard, he started a glue factory - is that the same WonderBoy?

As for the mothership. It has been delayed by the Flatulengians so we will have to wait a bit longer on this speck of star dust fellow star traveler

Generations of Excellence to All!

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:02 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
B. W. wrote:Hail, Fellow Star Traveller, FL!
Hail to you, Benevolent Alien!
B. W. wrote:...the Flatulengians are the almond headed chaps that dress in all grey hazmat suits hiding their true color which is really all pink as they are the real pinko's. In fact they created star children on this speak of star dust and one was formed and made the Prez of the USA where I currently reside. Rumors abound that they also inserted another star child to rule Canada too but that has not been verified yet as he maybe another star child.
You are correct! The Canadian Prime Minister is a Flatulengian. However, he is an even bigger bag of Fetid Wind than the One ruling your Benighted Nation! y**==
B. W. wrote:However rumor has it that the Flatulengians made them both from an experiment on earth woman named Pelosi from California. You can tell you are near a Flatulengian by all the hot air and they have a certain smell that earthlings can't detect unless enlightened.
We have gotten Wind of this creature Nancy Pelosi. When we first heard her spew, we were hoping she were sterile. Alas, not. The Flatulengians have scored an impressive victory against US us through her.
B. W. wrote:As for Pepto, the leader of our advanced civilization, is Seabiscuit from the township of Atodds 22-11. So your leader is Wonderboy? We have heard of a Wonderboy who hailed well at the Breeders Cup Del Mar region of California but not sure if that is the same. We investigated this but he retired and went into hiding. Last we heard, he started a glue factory - is that the same WonderBoy?
You are mistaken! The Glorious Leader of Zyklon 36DD is WonderBro, not Wonderboy. The Glorious Leader of our Sister World, Zyklon 36D is PlayTax.
B. W. wrote:As for the mothership. It has been delayed by the Flatulengians so we will have to wait a bit longer on this speck of star dust fellow star traveler
Very well. I have received new orders from my home world. I am to investigate the populace of a country that is an important exporter of a commodity much in use in your y**== . I leave next Saturday by a vessel known as a «Boeing» for the Glorious Nation of Columbia.

Generations of Excellence to All!


PS...Where on Earth is Richard?

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:26 pm
by Storyteller
Abducted by the Paleaidians no doubt.

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:39 am
by B. W.
Storyteller wrote:Abducted by the Paleaidians no doubt.
Hail fellow Miz Star traveler!

You know about the Paleaidians - please enlighten us with thy knowledge.

Generations of Excellence to You!

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:33 am
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:Abducted by the Paleaidians no doubt.
It's Pleiadians.

We don't take kindly to you female earthlings spelling our kind wrong! y>-) y>-)

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:17 am
by Storyteller
B. W. wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Abducted by the Paleaidians no doubt.
Hail fellow Miz Star traveler!

You know about the Paleaidians - please enlighten us with thy knowledge.

Generations of Excellence to You!
Greetings fellow Star traveler!

Generations of Excellence to you too!

Alas! My knowledge of these beings is highly sensitive but I can tell you it is rumoured that a few renegades have settled on Earth in the guise of humanoids. They are easy to spot as their true nature is reptilian. There have been Earthlings that have tried to alert their fellows but due to a powerful flouridic substance in the water supply these enlightened humans are ridiculed and mocked.

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:21 am
by Storyteller
RickD wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Abducted by the Paleaidians no doubt.
It's Pleiadians.

We don't take kindly to you female earthlings spelling our kind wrong! y>-) y>-)
Enoch explains it well which might explain why it was left out of the bible. Just have to replace star with space craft, angel with alien, abyss with quarantine, white men with Paleaidians, the animals refer to human races i.e black, white and red Indians.
Greetings fellow Star traveler!

There appears to be more of us than first thought.

I notice I fooled you into thinking I was an Earthling :wave:

As you can see from the quote above, it is indeed spelled Paleaidians. I forgive your, what we call, clanger (named after the friends of the soup dragon)

Generations of Excellence to you!

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:24 am
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:
There have been Earthlings that have tried to alert their fellows but due to a powerful flouridic substance in the water supply these enlightened humans are ridiculed and mocked.
I think the "enlightened" humans are mocked, because they can't spell!

In fluoride, the u comes before the o. ;)

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:26 am
by Storyteller
RickD wrote:
Storyteller wrote:
There have been Earthlings that have tried to alert their fellows but due to a powerful flouridic substance in the water supply these enlightened humans are ridiculed and mocked.
I think the "enlightened" humans are mocked, because they can't spell!

In fluoride, the u comes before the o. ;)
Perhaps on Earth fellow star traveler but not on my planet Flourid.

Generations of excellence to you!

Re: Enoch interpretation (aliens)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:26 am
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:
I notice I fooled you into thinking I was an Earthling :wave:

I knew from the day you joined the board, that you were waaaaay out there! :pound: