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Re: How do we stop terrorism?

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:09 pm
by crochet1949
We Don't stop terrorism -- we react To it. That's the only thing we have control over -- Our actions -- people who are determined to thwart our freedom -- our daily life -- our freedom to act on our religious beliefs.
One solution would be to have the inner peace that whatever happens -- we Can know that if standing up and stating I Believe in God -- He is My Savior -- is going to mean our Dying -- then so be it. Because we know that absent from the body means presence with the Lord immediately.
Being willing / ready to share our faith with whomever comes across our path in daily living.
The book of Revelation -- the end of the book tells us who wins. God always has been the winner. Satan has been on the loose on earth for a long time -- what we 'feel / see' is the effect of spiritual warfare. Good vs evil. It's not been pretty and it's only going to get worse -- until the physical return of Christ. Then -- eventually -- heaven.
So -- we live our daily lives in Spite Of terrorism -- we live Godly lives -- our light should shine so that people will see Christ and be drawn to Him. To glorify God.