Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

ronald reagan ... I like Rubio the most but if they were able to make a move on trump, all of them that could would have and there are no takers ... so who i like seems, right now irrelevant. I absolutely vote, have consistently since Carter v Reagan in 80'.

I'm just speechless at the opportunity the country might have in reversing some of the error of this administration, but feel the republican party's disunity will collapse any possibility. imo, if hillary gets in, if the democratic party asserts itself for another 4 -8 years... we're in the kind of trouble at home and globally no one in my generation ever expected.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by crochet1949 »

As a Republican woman -- most Anyone would be preferred to Trump. Can't think of the gentleman's name -- but, at least in Iowa -- presently -- he's ahead of Trump.
So -- how would socialism be better than what we have Now.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by PaulSacramento »

All politicians are self-serving.
It is a sad statement that those that win elections are the most ill suited to serve the public.
First priority is always to the political elite that gets them elected ( funding).
Sure they do some things to look good for the electorate because they know they need them but it is simply window dressing.
People are self-serving and the drive for power is a very attractive and powerful one.

Those best suite to serve will never win ( many don't even try) because they know they have to compromise too much of what they hold as right to win.
Some argue that the end justifies the mean BUT those best suited to serve know that this is false and that is why they don't run.

In politics, the very little good that gets don,gets done IN SPITE of the people in power and not because of them.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by Philip »

BUT those best suited to serve know that this is false and that is why they don't run.
People of integrity also often don't run because they know they realistically have no chance. Because so much is controlled and vetted at the party level, by the guys in the back room. By the time a candidate hits the primaries, he must have the support of the political machine AND the guys with the money bags. National campaigns hinge on name recognition, and that takes money to build ad campaigns. Really, the party boys are going to weed out maverick candidates with altruistic views and values well before they even hit the primaries. The fat cats want to KNOW what they are buying, as they see it as an investment in swaying public opinion and policies. And the immense costs of a national campaign in an era of 24/7 media makes the money men evermore important to candidates. And yet, to some degree, that is how it's always been. Uplifting, eh?
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by edwardmurphy »

Sounds like a great reason to vote for Bernie Sanders. He's challenging the Democratic Party establishment, he's the only candidate not taking PAC money, and his focus is entirely on how to level the playing field for people like you and me. Assuming you're not all Fortune 500 CEOs.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

edwardmurphy wrote:Sounds like a great reason to vote for Bernie Sanders. He's challenging the Democratic Party establishment, he's the only candidate not taking PAC money, and his focus is entirely on how to level the playing field for people like you and me. Assuming you're not all Fortune 500 CEOs.
Vote for Sanders??? That won't happen Comrade Eddy because Sanders has the unfortunate title of "Socialist" attached to him. That would not be so bad except that your compatriots think that socialism equals a police state (which you already have...ask any negro) and rule by a privileged elite (ditto, less the negro bit) and a population steeped in voluntary political ignorance (doh...)

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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by edwardmurphy »

Yeah, yeah, I know.

The quality of political debate down here is pathetic. "The Left" doesn't even really exist anymore. Now it's just the Center defending itself from folks on the Right calling them communist, fascist, progressive, liberal socialists. It's probably because we're ruled by an iron-fisted, lilly-livered, imperial, weak, ineffective, ruthless, pansy dictator in mom jeans. It doesn't matter if the words are contradictory. Truth means less than repetition...

The other day I was sitting in a coffee shop listening to two morons behind me talking about how Obama was going to run for a third term if nobody stepped up and shot him. I wanted to grab them by their throats and scream-teach them about the 22nd Amendment, but I had a baby strapped to my chest so I just took a deep breath and counter to four. Thanks, Daniel Tiger.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

Thanks, Daniel Tiger.
ok, that's just good memories stuff right there :D
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by Philip »

Unless some disaster befalls him (as in, his own BIG MOUTH), it would appear that Trump will be the Republican nominee. And you just know, IF backroom brokering for another candidate takes place with the Republican Party powerbrokers, Trump's ego will drive him to run independently. Resulting, likely, in a first First Dude - as horrifying as that thought is. Not to mention who Madam President will be :esurprised: :shock: :esurprised: :shock: .

Look at the SIZE of this recent rally of Trump ( ... e-popping/).


But most interesting, is WHERE it occurred - in Massachusetts, near New Hampshire - not exactly known for people attracted to conservative values - even if those values have merely been conveniently co-opted by Trump, as he knows people are sick of where the Democrats have led us. If Trump is generating that kind of excitement in the Northeast, ya have to wonder what will stop him, as the primaries are nearly upon us.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Whether you like him or not the only thing that could derail Trump is some scandal that comes out that nobody knows about right now. He has the momentum and even moderate Democrats are supporting him and I believe it is mostly because he is talking about the Islamic Jihad we face and is not effected by PC and how they are trying to take our guns away in the face of it. He knows and understands what is most important to the American people and he is hammering any other candidate with it who seem more PC when it comes to what really concerns the American people. It is not the manufactured issues the media makes a big deal about. I personally don't know if Trump would be a good President but if he actually does what he's saying? I think he would be a good president. Both the Republican party and the Democrat party are worried about the impact Trump could make.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by RickD »

Donald Trump, President of the United States of America.

Doesn't sound quite right.

But I guess it could be worse.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by Philip »

Abel: Both the Republican party and the Democrat party are worried about the impact Trump could make.
No doubt about THAT!
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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by Philip »

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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by RickD »

Wow ! That survey polled 3,700 people. Talk about meaningless.

If anything, I think Trump's popularity is a result of America's frustration with the political establishment. People are tired of politics as usual, from both sides.

Does Trump really want to be president? If elected, would he really want to do everything it takes to be president? Or, is it a power trip for him?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Strange Bedfellows Supporting Trump

Post by Philip »

Wow ! That survey polled 3,700 people. Talk about meaningless.
And yet, the AVERAGE national political poll samples 1,000 adults - and depending upon the methodology, that can be relatively accurate. What is far more important than the numbers above 1,000 - or even that number - is HOW were those sampled chosen and how were they REACHED. Did they cherrypick a demographic that would better produce a desired result? My big question about these polls - if they are telephone polls - is most no longer answer such calls/just screen them. Vast millions of cellphone numbers are essentially off the grid. So, exactly WHO are they sampling? And WHERE?
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