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Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:45 am
by PaulSacramento
There are many reasons AND also many excuses to doubt the existence of God.
Problem is some people don't know the difference.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:29 am
by Nicki
Nicki wrote:
Audacity wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Why would you think God wouldn't prefer us to seek truth out, including Himself, rather than present everything on a silver platter?

Haven't the slightest idea. Why does he want the Christian to play a game of Seek and Find, with a real chance of failure, rather than simply tell a person that in order to get into his heaven all one has to do is adore, praise, and supplicate himself before god?
Well, if you knew that yourself, it must be quite clear in the Bible. ;)
Grr, I wonder why that quote got cut off? It comes up in full here in the reply...

Edit - now it's in full in the original again - maybe I'm seeing things - or maybe it's my computer y:-/

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:55 am
by RickD
Nicki wrote:
Nicki wrote:
Audacity wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Why would you think God wouldn't prefer us to seek truth out, including Himself, rather than present everything on a silver platter?

Haven't the slightest idea. Why does he want the Christian to play a game of Seek and Find, with a real chance of failure, rather than simply tell a person that in order to get into his heaven all one has to do is adore, praise, and supplicate himself before god?
Well, if you knew that yourself, it must be quite clear in the Bible. ;)
Grr, I wonder why that quote got cut off? It comes up in full here in the reply...

Edit - now it's in full in the original again - maybe I'm seeing things - or maybe it's my computer y:-/
Clearly, operator error. :poke:

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:09 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: I think you're taking the lazy approach,looking for an excuse to not trust God's word.
Actually, I need no excuse. Christians provided plenty of them.
The bible is written in a way to where God wants us to seek and find the truth,but we must be willing to do it and you are not.

By insuring that it be translated into almost 200 English versions? Evidently then, with the passage of time as more and more versions have become available god is increasing the difficulty in finding this truth. One would best to have been born 1,500 years ago when the selection of Bible translations was much narrower and the task much easier.

And really, you think god is playing a game of Seek and Find? Got any idea why he would play such a game? And, what happens to those who, for whatever reason, fail to "Find"? "To bad, sonny, I know you tried as best you could, but the door to Eternal Fire and Brimstone is right behind you."
It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too. Jesus told us to seek and find. You can know the truth of God's word but your excuses get in the way.You expect God to do things your way,instead of you repenting and doing things God's way.Why would you choose to do things your way and make up excuses to believe you cannot really get to the truth of God's word? I mean you can believe that,but you're wrong. Plenty of Christians have found truth in God's word and you can too,but you've got to get rid of your excuses that are biased opinions. God does care too,don't fool yourself into thinking God does'nt care.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:35 pm
by Audacity
Storyteller wrote:Hi Audacity :)

Tell me where it says anywhere that you are condemned for not finding.
But isn't this what finding the truth is all about, to find it so as to avoid being condemned to hell?
As for the Sunday School question of why anything exists at all.... you dismiss it, why? Surely that is the first question to ask?
First of all, what is there to say about it? Contemporarily, either one proposes that its a result of the Big bang, or one contends it's god's wish. After that, what? The topic is dead. Secondly, it's irrelevant to the issue here, and I don't want to take the thread of track.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:36 pm
by IceMobster
Audacity wrote:
Kurieuo wrote: I think your guess (premise) is wrong that God would not confuse.
Somewhere in there, amidst the Abrahamic stories, you'll found a Tower of Babel, right?
So you think that because god had reason enough to make people speak different languages, he had good reason to make sure his message was so confusing as not to be understood? REALLY?
Maybe you should work forwards starting with the question why anything exists at all.
But why should I care about such an uninteresting question. It's a question better posed to young children in Sunday schools.
How and why is that an uninteresting question?

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:48 pm
by Storyteller
Audacity wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Hi Audacity :)

Tell me where it says anywhere that you are condemned for not finding.
But isn't this what finding the truth is all about, to find it so as to avoid being condemned to hell?No, the point is in the looking and not rejecting Christ. Rejecting Christ is the only thing that condemns you to hell. Its just easier to accept Christ if you accept truth.
As for the Sunday School question of why anything exists at all.... you dismiss it, why? Surely that is the first question to ask?
First of all, what is there to say about it? Well, its got you all prickly.Contemporarily, either one proposes that its a result of the Big bang, or one contends it's god's wish. or both.After that, what? The topic is dead. why? is dead? Then so is humanity.Secondly, it's irrelevant to the issue here, and I don't want to take the thread of track.depends on how you see it.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:58 pm
by Audacity
abelcainsbrother wrote: It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too.

I know some fundie Christians think that believing in the Christian god is kind of a binding default position everyone is expected to adhere to, and that to not believe in him one must come up with some kind of an excuse. But let me ask you, do you find it necessary to excuse yourself from believing in the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda? How about Hinduism's Krishna? I sure don't, just as I don't find it necessary to excuse my disbelief in the god of Abraham. Your god is hardly any better than any of the others. In fact, considering some of the dastardly things he is said to have done, I'd put him below some of the others.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:03 pm
by Audacity
IceMobster wrote:
Audacity wrote:
Kurieuo wrote: I think your guess (premise) is wrong that God would not confuse.
Somewhere in there, amidst the Abrahamic stories, you'll found a Tower of Babel, right?
So you think that because god had reason enough to make people speak different languages, he had good reason to make sure his message was so confusing as not to be understood? REALLY?
Maybe you should work forwards starting with the question why anything exists at all.
But why should I care about such an uninteresting question. It's a question better posed to young children in Sunday schools.
How and why is that an uninteresting question?
See my reply to Storyteller, above.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:07 pm
by Audacity
Storyteller wrote:
Audacity wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Hi Audacity :)

Tell me where it says anywhere that you are condemned for not finding.
But isn't this what finding the truth is all about, to find it so as to avoid being condemned to hell?No, the point is in the looking and not rejecting Christ. Rejecting Christ is the only thing that condemns you to hell. Its just easier to accept Christ if you accept truth.
As for the Sunday School question of why anything exists at all.... you dismiss it, why? Surely that is the first question to ask?
First of all, what is there to say about it? Well, its got you all prickly.Contemporarily, either one proposes that its a result of the Big bang, or one contends it's god's wish. or both.After that, what? The topic is dead. why? is dead? Then so is humanity.Secondly, it's irrelevant to the issue here, and I don't want to take the thread of track.depends on how you see it.
Sorry, but it's just to difficult to reply to your points in this kind of format. Want a response, then please use the

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:08 pm
by Storyteller
on kindle, low battery. that was easier, sorry.

another time :)

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:16 pm
by RickD
Audacity wrote:
And really, you think god is playing a game of Seek and Find? Got any idea why he would play such a game? And, what happens to those who, for whatever reason, fail to "Find"? "To bad, sonny, I know you tried as best you could, but the door to Eternal Fire and Brimstone is right behind you."
God promises that all those who seek Him with all their heart, will find Him.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:21 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too.

I know some fundie Christians think that believing in the Christian god is kind of a binding default position everyone is expected to adhere to, and that to not believe in him one must come up with some kind of an excuse. But let me ask you, do you find it necessary to excuse yourself from believing in the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda? How about Hinduism's Krishna? I sure don't, just as I don't find it necessary to excuse my disbelief in the god of Abraham. Your god is hardly any better than any of the others. In fact, considering some of the dastardly things he is said to have done, I'd put him below some of the others.
One Headline. For you.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:29 pm
by Kurieuo
Audacity wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Hi Audacity :)

Tell me where it says anywhere that you are condemned for not finding.
But isn't this what finding the truth is all about, to find it so as to avoid being condemned to hell?
As for the Sunday School question of why anything exists at all.... you dismiss it, why? Surely that is the first question to ask?
First of all, what is there to say about it? Contemporarily, either one proposes that its a result of the Big bang, or one contends it's god's wish. After that, what? The topic is dead. Secondly, it's irrelevant to the issue here, and I don't want to take the thread of track.
Not at all. Here's a resource more to your liking.

Re: Does God Really Care?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:32 pm
by Audacity
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audacity wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote: It is not an excuse,it is you with the excuse to not believe in God and I bet you have a list of excuses too.

I know some fundie Christians think that believing in the Christian god is kind of a binding default position everyone is expected to adhere to, and that to not believe in him one must come up with some kind of an excuse. But let me ask you, do you find it necessary to excuse yourself from believing in the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda? How about Hinduism's Krishna? I sure don't, just as I don't find it necessary to excuse my disbelief in the god of Abraham. Your god is hardly any better than any of the others. In fact, considering some of the dastardly things he is said to have done, I'd put him below some of the others.
One Headline. For you.
AND . . . . . . . . . . . ?