He is what social justice has become in the USA and the West...
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Sixteen Points
Quoted from
This brief article
Although the bourgeoisie has been overthrown, it is still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs, and habits of the exploiting classes to corrupt the masses, capture their minds, and stage a comeback.
The proletariat must do just the opposite: It must meet head-on every challenge of the bourgeoisie [...] to change the outlook of society.
Currently, our objective is to struggle against and crush those people in authority who are taking the capitalist road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary bourgeois academic "authorities" and the ideology of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes and to transform education, literature and art, and all other parts of the superstructure that do not correspond to the socialist economic base, so as to facilitate the consolidation and development of the socialist system.
This is from China's Cultural Revolution.
It is being implemented in our education and political system by modifying the same set of tactics used from 1966 to 1973 in China. As of now, the left of this country and the west are not killing anyone physically, yet. They do character assassination viva news media and media forms. Currently SEIU unions and George Sorros and other leftist groups fund and pay professional agitators to protest under the guise of promoting social justice.
Not much difference between a communist, fascist, or progressive socialist. The ends justify the means for these people. They exploit the term social justice to attain governing power over all people and then dispense with the people they claimed to be defending under social justice later as so much soiled trash.
Italian fascist came to power using this method. So did the Nazi's. The Italian fascist mixed a form of controlled capitalism and the Nazi's went all out for central planned economy controlled solely by the party/state. Italian style fascism has morphed into the liberal progressive approach we see today. Communist use the same approaches as the two share the same end goal - total control over everything and all aspect of life.
Here is another article By William S Lind on this matter that sheds light on the history of PC and its purposes...
The Roots of Political Correctness
By WILLIAM S. LIND • November 19, 2009, 2:30 PM
Quotes from
This brief article
Political Correctness is cultural Marxism, Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. Its history goes back not to the 1960s but to World War 1....
Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary, independently came up with the same answer. They said that Western culture and the Christian religion had so “blinded” the working class to its true (Marxist) class interests that Communism was impossible in the West until traditional culture and Christianity were destroyed.
Georg Lukacs...first acts was introducing sex education into the Hungarian schools. He knew that destroying traditional sexual morals would be a major step toward destroying Western culture itself.
The Frankfurt School...Theirs was not the Marxism of the Soviet Union – Moscow considered them heretics – but it was Marxism nonetheless...
The Frankfurt School’s key to success was crossing Marx with Freud.... From psychology they also drew the technique of psychological conditioning. Want to “normalize” homosexuality? Just show television program after television program where the only normal-seeming white male is homosexual.
In 1933 the Frankfurt School moved from Germany to New York City. There, its products included “critical theory,” which demands constant, destructive criticism of every traditional social institution, starting with the family. It also created a series of “studies in prejudice,” culminating in Adorno’s immensely influential book, The Authoritarian Personality, which argued that anyone who defends traditional culture is a “fascist” and also mentally ill. That is why anyone who now dares defy “PC” gets sent to “sensitivity training,” which is psychological conditioning designed to produce submission.
When I was in college, gaining my Social Work Degree, the entire program was geared toward the Frankfort school ideology modified and tweaked a bit for the modern era and times.
Critical Theory was the norm for the social sciences. see this link for details:
My old upper level Sociology Professor one day extolled the glories of socialism/Marxist didactic use of
ideas. He went on and on how the new Marxist thought would liberate people by use of
idea ie thought and liberate humanity to new equality and freedom. So I opened my big mouth midst my mind numbed classmates and asked, "So you are saying that socialism offers only ideas?"
He responded a resounding yes and went on rambling about how ideas for social change by social change agents using language of justice to achieve the socialist idea. I had to respond to him this way, "Hey, Ideas cannot feed you...can they?"
With that, he gained that
deer in the headlight look and was speechless. The silence was deafening. He then said that was an interesting thought and class dismissed. I was on of the rare students who challenged these intellectual elites and did graduate with a 3.8. It would have been a 4.0 if I had been a mind numbed yes-man type of student. Oh well...
Look at what is going on in Venezuela currently as well as in other socialist countries and the grand experiment in Puerto Rico.
Idea's cannot feed you...
Social Justice is a tool for total take over of all aspects of human life and order by a group of governing elites enforced by the idea of central planning as supreme. This is nothing more than a corrupt form of new a monarchy system governed by a savior control freak dictator instead of a king.
Social Justice concept will adapt and use new names as it did in the
Cutlrual Revolution to silence opponents of social-fascism ie new Marxism...
http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... -dunn-mao/