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Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:15 am
by Audie
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Do you believe dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators ? Because there are evolutionists that teach these myths despite the lack of evidence.
This is typical of your invention of facts to suit yourself. Nobody with an ounce of intelligence would teach such gibberish. The myth here is entirely yours, you made it up, and it is yet another of your falsehoods.

EVERYTHING you say that falls short of providing data contrary to ToE is just nattering.
Irrelevant, feckless, vacuous, trivial and utterly without any evidentiary value whatever

I suggested that you refrain from saying anything further to me until you can produce at least one fact contrary to ToE. You have not done so, you are simply incapable of doing so.

Are you capable of even the honesty to admit it?

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:36 am
by abelcainsbrother
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Do you believe dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators ? Because there are evolutionists that teach these myths despite the lack of evidence.
This is typical of your invention of facts to suit yourself. Nobody with an ounce of intelligence would teach such gibberish. The myth here is entirely yours, you made it up, and it is yet another of your falsehoods.

EVERYTHING you say that falls short of providing data contrary to ToE is just nattering.
Irrelevant, feckless, vacuous, trivial and utterly without any evidentiary value whatever

I suggested that you refrain from saying anything further to me until you can produce at least one fact contrary to ToE. You have not done so, you are simply incapable of doing so.

Are you capable of even the honesty to admit it?

Are you denying that there are evolutionists that teach dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators?You should not take it personally that I reject evolution especially when I explain why and it is truthful. There is a reason why I believe Francis Crick's "Central Dogma" and I've explained why and it is based on evidence in evolution science that confirms it to be true,otherwise it just comes down to me believing the link you posted over Crick.Should I just accept what the link you posted says when I don't have evidence to confirm it?I get the feeling that I'm just supposed to believe what it says without evidence and when I don't just believe it you get offended. There is a reason I brought up "Central Dogma" because evolutionists do teach that environmental pressures causes life to evolve. Atleast I'm not just denying it without explaining why.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:01 am
by crochet1949
Audie -- to back up a bit -- there Are animals that live both in water and on land -- they are alligators / lizards / crocodiles. And whales are considered to be mammals.

It's been commented that it doesn't matter Where we came from How we got here -- just how we are developing now that we're here. Well -- when a person is born-- it Does matter. We Want to know Where we came from / our parents / ancestry. Even adopted children with wonderful adoptive parents have a curiosity about their biological parents. Maybe they can't know because of circumstances out of their control. But there's Still that inborn curiosity. I came From Wisconsin and my parents Are -- and I Do have beliefs that are important to Me and I have no problem sharing them.

Someone was suggesting that if I wanted to know Where the water came from -- to Google it and learn. But then 'he' went ahead and answered the rest of the questions. Maybe he didn't know the answer?!

It has Also occurred to me that there are those who boohoo God's Word and His plan and way of doing things. That this world is doing / going okay without Him. Well -- at Some point we'll find out just how well this world does Without Him. Cause He Will be coming back to take born-again believers out of here to be with Him. We Do have His presence with us Now. But, as we can all probably notice. This world is getting worse and worse Not evolving gradually for the Better. Sure we have greater technology -- but our Behavior / morals / ethics is going down the tubes. And Part of this is due to the gradual disbelief in God and by default that this world / mankind came from 'nothing' and evolving with no particular purpose. Which Seems to be giving license to doing what ever seems right in our own eyes.
Because if there is no creator with no purpose, then what's really the point. If we simply are born and live and die and go by-by back to nothingness.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:05 am
by Audie
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Audie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Do you believe dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators ? Because there are evolutionists that teach these myths despite the lack of evidence.
This is typical of your invention of facts to suit yourself. Nobody with an ounce of intelligence would teach such gibberish. The myth here is entirely yours, you made it up, and it is yet another of your falsehoods.

EVERYTHING you say that falls short of providing data contrary to ToE is just nattering.
Irrelevant, feckless, vacuous, trivial and utterly without any evidentiary value whatever

I suggested that you refrain from saying anything further to me until you can produce at least one fact contrary to ToE. You have not done so, you are simply incapable of doing so.

Are you capable of even the honesty to admit it?

Are you denying that there are evolutionists that teach dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators?
Read for content. I said you made it up. As in fictional nonsense from your imagination,

I notice that you changed your wording, trying to hedge a bit. This is your original wording:

Do you believe dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators ? Because there are evolutionists that teach these myths despite the lack of evidence.

Nobody with any sense at all believes that. It is nowhere to be found in anything about ToE itself, even if some stupid person says it.
It is utter drivel now, it was drivel the first time.

You should not take it personally
More of your fantasy that you made up.
. Atleast I'm not just denying it without explaining why

Whatever ill informed personal reason you have is of no interest or evidentiary value.

You are denying that ToE is valid though you have, as noted some few times before,
not so much as one fact that is contrary to ToE.

You keep dodging that fact.

Something personal with you, that you cannot just admit you have no facts to offer?

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:13 am
by Audie
]Audie -- to back up a bit -- there Are animals that live both in water and on land -- they are alligators / lizards / crocodiles. And whales are considered to be mammals.
"Are", not "considered to be".
It's been commented that it doesn't matter Where we came from How we got here -- just how we are developing now that we're here.

Oh, it matters, just that it makes no difference to the ToE. The origin of the universe is not a consideration in auto mechanics or music theory, either.

Well -- when a person is born-- it Does matter. We Want to know Where we came from / our parents / ancestry. Even adopted children with wonderful adoptive parents have a curiosity about their biological parents. Maybe they can't know because of circumstances out of their control. But there's Still that inborn curiosity. I came From Wisconsin and my parents Are -- and I Do have beliefs that are important to Me and I have no problem sharing them.
It matters to me that I am from Hong Kong. But it has no effect on the validity of ToE, or, you know, auto mechanics.

It has Also occurred to me that there are those who boohoo God's Word and His plan and way of doing things
Who does that? I dont. i do sometimes point out that some people get ideas about
what they think is god's word that is at variance from reality.

That this world is doing / going okay without Him. Well -- at Some point we'll find out just how well this world does Without Him. Cause He Will be coming back to take born-again believers out of here to be with Him. We Do have His presence with us Now. But, as we can all probably notice. This world is getting worse and worse Not evolving gradually for the Better. Sure we have greater technology -- but our Behavior / morals / ethics is going down the tubes. And Part of this is due to the gradual disbelief in God and by default that this world / mankind came from 'nothing' and evolving with no particular purpose. Which Seems to be giving license to doing what ever seems right in our own eyes.
POV, but not relevant to the discussion.

Because if there is no creator with no purpose, then what's really the point. If we simply are born and live and die and go by-by back to nothingness.[
So say the same of fireworks, or a symphony performance. When it is over it is gone.
May as well not bother. But you know better than that, dont you?

Buddhist teaching has much to do with living in, fully experiencing the moment, mindfulness.

Talk about a pointless life;-spend it thinking of a tomorrow that never comes.

But of course, none of this has to do with evolution.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 1:45 pm
by hughfarey
Abelcainsbrother, I'm afraid you still show a profound lack of understanding of the phenomena you deny so vehemently. Evolution requires a number of factors to produce new species, the most important of which is environmental pressure. As the area around Chernobyl is entirely suitable for wolves as we know them, and test-tubes of sugar are entirely suitable for fruit flies as we know them, it is no surprise that these animals have not evolved into something else.

There are no evolutionists who teach that "dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators, or fish evolved blindness because they live in dark water with no light" in such crude terms. If you think you have heard such teaching, then you probably weren't paying sufficient attention. If a modification in the DNA of a single animal of a single species of reptile, resulting in split scales which trapped air between them and the skin, was not deleterious to that animal, then that DNA would have been passed on to some of that creature's offspring, and then to their offspring, and so on. Some scientists think that such creatures were able to be more active in cooler periods, as they were covered in better insulation. If these creatures, in falling from trees, found that their layer of air protected them from breakage, then a further use for their peculiar skin-covering had been discovered and put to use. If they used this facility to escape from predators, then their preferential survival, over their fellows with no such modification, would have tended to increase their numbers at the expense of their fellows, poor things. This is a far cry from the teleological "dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators".

You cannot believe Francis Crick's 'Central Dogma' because you don't really know what it is, and when I present it here you won't understand it. Here it is: "The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information. It states that such information cannot be transferred back from protein to either protein or nucleic acid." Note that it says nothing at all about the copying of DNA, nor of mutation caused by radiation. You also seem to confuse environmental pressure on groups of organisms, causing them to evolve, with environmental pressure on DNA, which doesn't make a lot of sense (although nuclear radiation can and does alter DNA.)

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 2:40 pm
by crochet1949
And, yes, it Does mater where we came from / how we got here. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created ........and the rest of the chapter explains how and when. He said He did it in 6/24 hr days. And we have 24 hr days. And, then, we have John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ..... All things were made through Him , and without Him, nothing was made that was made."
And , as someone previously pointed out, who are We to say He Didn't do it that way.
So -- where Do people get their ability for Auto mechanics / music theory. Just happenstance? A Lot of beautiful happenstance 'out there'. As well as talent for fixing cars. We know what happens when an amateur mechanic tries to fix our car -- we end up having to go to the pro to really fix it. The question IS Where does that knowledge come from -- our Brain -- our ability to Learn. A Wondrous brain -- not happenstance.
You Do like to be cute, don't you. Who knows -- you and I Could have a little ape/chimp DNA in us instead of being a complete human being. And, after all, sometimes kids Can be 'little monkeys' when they're growing up.

Oh, and Now you're suggesting that some of my ideas about God's Word or what I Think is God's Word isn't really based on reality.

That which God's Word teaches us vs evolution. Doesn't evolution suggest that mankind is progressing forward? Just suggesting that we're Not. The prison population increasing not decreasing. Those who aren't in jail/ prison because of their crimes Should be.

And, of Course it has to do with evolution. Evolution is based on happenstance. This world is Not from happenstance. But a Designer -- an Intelligent One.

Google it -- whales Are mammals.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 2:57 pm
by RickD
crochet wrote:
And, of Course it has to do with evolution. Evolution is based on happenstance. This world is Not from happenstance. But a Designer -- an Intelligent One.

That's simply not accurate. Evolution does not equal Godless happenstance. That's another misrepresentation by certain people, as part of presenting an either/or false dichotomy. It's just dishonest rhetoric.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:30 pm
by hughfarey
crochet1949 wrote:Who knows -- you and I Could have a little ape/chimp DNA in us instead of being a complete human being. And, after all, sometimes kids Can be 'little monkeys' when they're growing up.
Almost all our DNA is exactly the same as that of chimpanzees. A fair amount is the same as a chicken, or a goldfish, or a daffodil...

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:38 pm
by crochet1949
RickD. Then what Is evolution --Your perspective. Just Yours.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:19 pm
by abelcainsbrother
hughfarey wrote:Abelcainsbrother, I'm afraid you still show a profound lack of understanding of the phenomena you deny so vehemently. Evolution requires a number of factors to produce new species, the most important of which is environmental pressure. As the area around Chernobyl is entirely suitable for wolves as we know them, and test-tubes of sugar are entirely suitable for fruit flies as we know them, it is no surprise that these animals have not evolved into something else.

There are no evolutionists who teach that "dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators, or fish evolved blindness because they live in dark water with no light" in such crude terms. If you think you have heard such teaching, then you probably weren't paying sufficient attention. If a modification in the DNA of a single animal of a single species of reptile, resulting in split scales which trapped air between them and the skin, was not deleterious to that animal, then that DNA would have been passed on to some of that creature's offspring, and then to their offspring, and so on. Some scientists think that such creatures were able to be more active in cooler periods, as they were covered in better insulation. If these creatures, in falling from trees, found that their layer of air protected them from breakage, then a further use for their peculiar skin-covering had been discovered and put to use. If they used this facility to escape from predators, then their preferential survival, over their fellows with no such modification, would have tended to increase their numbers at the expense of their fellows, poor things. This is a far cry from the teleological "dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators".

You cannot believe Francis Crick's 'Central Dogma' because you don't really know what it is, and when I present it here you won't understand it. Here it is: "The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information. It states that such information cannot be transferred back from protein to either protein or nucleic acid." Note that it says nothing at all about the copying of DNA, nor of mutation caused by radiation. You also seem to confuse environmental pressure on groups of organisms, causing them to evolve, with environmental pressure on DNA, which doesn't make a lot of sense (although nuclear radiation can and does alter DNA.)
I know evolutionist Sean B Carroll teaches that dinosaurs evolved wings to escape predators and that fish living in dark water with no light evolved blindness. But also just to back myself up so that you know I'm not just making it up I found this link that shows that there are evolutionists that teach dinasours evolved wings to escape predators. Now maybe not all evolutionists agree,and there are denominations in evolution science but I'm not just making up stuff. My point still stands about the environment cannot modify the DNA of any life and the reason why is the evidence used in evolution science that shows it to be true.Unless there is evidence I overlooked,but I doubt I did.

From this link :
Two theories have dominated most of the discussion since then: the cursorial ("from the ground up") theory proposes that birds evolved from small, fast predators that ran on the ground; the arboreal ("from the trees down") theory proposes that powered flight evolved from unpowered gliding by arboreal (tree-climbing) animals. A more recent theory, "wing-assisted incline running" (WAIR), is a variant of the cursorial theory and proposes that wings developed their aerodynamic functions as a result of the need to run quickly up very steep slopes such as trees, which would help small feathered dinosaurs escape from predators.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:53 pm
by Audie
Could someone from the theist side, a person who can read English, explain to abe how thoroughly he
changed what is in that quote to the claim he nade based on it? Krink, bw, ardy?

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:54 pm
by Audie
RickD wrote:
crochet wrote:
And, of Course it has to do with evolution. Evolution is based on happenstance. This world is Not from happenstance. But a Designer -- an Intelligent One.

That's simply not accurate. Evolution does not equal Godless happenstance. That's another misrepresentation by certain people, as part of presenting an either/or false dichotomy. It's just dishonest rhetoric.

And evolution is not "the world".

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:57 pm
by RickD
crochet1949 wrote:RickD. Then what Is evolution --Your perspective. Just Yours.

All I'm saying is that plenty of people, even many on this board, believe that the Theory of Evolution is true, AND ALSO BELIEVE that God is the one who started the process in motion. Belief in Evolution and belief in God are not mutually exclusive.

Evolution is not an evil word. Those who choose to believe the evidence points to God using evolution, are not evil people. They just believe in a different creation belief than you or I do.

And yes, **gasp** :shock: they even believe it's compatible with scripture. Just like you and I believe our respective creation beliefs are compatible with scripture.

Re: What is an "evolutionist"?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:03 pm
by RickD
Audie wrote:
RickD wrote:
crochet wrote:
And, of Course it has to do with evolution. Evolution is based on happenstance. This world is Not from happenstance. But a Designer -- an Intelligent One.

That's simply not accurate. Evolution does not equal Godless happenstance. That's another misrepresentation by certain people, as part of presenting an either/or false dichotomy. It's just dishonest rhetoric.

And evolution is not "the world".

I think crochet means the world, and the life in it.