Miraculous healings today

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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Kurieuo »

Kurieuo wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Broadly, yes. I used to be a cessationist. I am not any longer. I believe the gifts of the Spirit are still active in the church today. Hopefully I can offer some more thoughts both with reference to this and my OP a bit later this evening.
I've never understood through-going cessationists.

I mean, it's always been logical to me, that if God is personal, then so too are his interactions with people which would be "supernatural". Furthermore, I'd counter those who say miracles aren't common -- sure the variety where you're healed and the like may not be so common -- but then the Holy Spirit ministering to people directly (even such a person might be unaware if they're quite dense, nonetheless the Holy Spirit guides such a person closing doors and opening others). All such counts as "miracles" in my opinion, they're just less obviously so since there are no bright lights in the sky.

That said, I do not believe the gifts given to the Apostles have, that we have such today. Though there is no reason as I see not to see such happen to same extent but it's just not the status quo or to be expected as I see things. They were responsible for laying down the foundations to Christ's church, so it was important God more directly lead and intervenes to help the Apostles -- "on this rock I'll build my church", Christ said to Peter. They certainly weren't left alone, as Christ promised, but were helped by the Holy Spirit.

Look forward to reading over your own post when you get to it Jac.
Furthermore, I'd add the world being sustained and being continued in each moment, running in an orderly manner as it does, is a miracle. That life eventuated on Earth, and the like. Much as what is counted as "natural" and taken for granted itself speaks of the miraculous. It's just that what we grow accustomed to, what we experience on a day-to-day basis, just becomes natural to us all.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Philip »

Yes, K, unquestionably God is still in the miracle biz! But those claiming that healing and other instant miracle gifts are commonly distributed across today's Church are strangely unable to validate such. Now, are there a few or small numbers of people with these "sign" gifts today, and only very obscurely known - I can't say. But those claiming that there are people all over known to have these gifts, that they are able to do all that the Apostles did - this lacks credibility. REAL miracles like Jesus and the Apostles did were obvious to all in the region! If this were happening today, there is no way it wouldn't be widely known. And every church that I see claiming they have such gifted people amongst them strangely have parking lots with plenty of parking available. So, something doesn't add up to the widespread assertions and claims.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Nicki »

Kurieuo wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:Broadly, yes. I used to be a cessationist. I am not any longer. I believe the gifts of the Spirit are still active in the church today. Hopefully I can offer some more thoughts both with reference to this and my OP a bit later this evening.
I've never understood through-going cessationists.

I mean, it's always been logical to me, that if God is personal, then so too are his interactions with people which would be "supernatural". Furthermore, I'd counter those who say miracles aren't common -- sure the variety where you're healed and the like may not be so common -- but then the Holy Spirit ministering to people directly (even such a person might be unaware if they're quite dense, nonetheless the Holy Spirit guides such a person closing doors and opening others). All such counts as "miracles" in my opinion, they're just less obviously so since there are no bright lights in the sky.

That said, I do not believe the gifts given to the Apostles have, that we have such today. Though there is no reason as I see not to see such happen to same extent but it's just not the status quo or to be expected as I see things. They were responsible for laying down the foundations to Christ's church, so it was important God more directly lead and intervenes to help the Apostles -- "on this rock I'll build my church", Christ said to Peter. They certainly weren't left alone, as Christ promised, but were helped by the Holy Spirit.

Look forward to reading over your own post when you get to it Jac.
Furthermore, I'd add the world being sustained and being continued in each moment, running in an orderly manner as it does, is a miracle. That life eventuated on Earth, and the like. Much as what is counted as "natural" and taken for granted itself speaks of the miraculous. It's just that what we grow accustomed to, what we experience on a day-to-day basis, just becomes natural to us all.
Totally - that's expressed beautifully in the song 'Ordinary Miracle' by Sarah McLachlan. I was amazed at the truth in that when I first heard it.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Kurieuo »

Just listened to the Ordinary Miracle song, and yes, see much truth.

Seeing my kids grow up from babes, always captured in the moment, whether it was some leaf, an ant or spider ;), wanting to experience the rain falling on them, run up and away from waves crashing on the shore, play in sand, mud and the like, their own fascination and awakening to the natural miracles of the world.

Sadly, as we age, get older, we experience bad things in our lives that want rip and tare such innocence away. It's kind of sad, the miracle of it all becomes dimmed and squashed to us. It is refreshing to come across someone who still appears to retain it, so positive and such an innocent-like joy to be around. Many kids have it too, which is probably why many in the world will try take it from them.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Philip »

K: Sadly, as we age, get older, we experience bad things in our lives that want rip and tare such innocence away. It's kind of sad, the miracle of it all becomes dimmed and squashed to us. It is refreshing to come across someone who still appears to retain it, so positive and such an innocent-like joy to be around. Many kids have it too, which is probably why many in the world will try take it from them.
K, a great book on that is "Recapture the Wonder," by Ravi Zacharias. I'm leading a community group right now using it. I'm also incorporating a lot of other stuff that relates to the "wonder's" of God part. Last session I covered sexuality.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by crochet1949 »

Part of the problem is that churches have gradually gotten Away From God's Word. They are teaching lots of Other things but don't teach what people don't want to hear. People are paying their salaries -- if a man feels called to preach but churches no longer Want to hear Bible -- either they leave the ministry and go into secular work (which isn't really a bad idea / being where their people are) or they stay behind the pulpit and cater to the 'people's wishes'. AND higher education is debunking Bible / God / Christianity Greatly.

Which does Not encourage people to anticipate or talk About the 'unusual' that happens to them. There might not be very many people who will encourage them with a "Praise the Lord" / "Praise God for performing that miracle in your life".
And there are Lots of people who refuse to accept the concept Of 'miraculous' -- they will attribute 'it' to Anything else possible.

And - when So Much of life 'has' to be scientifically based to be taken Seriously --

As someone has commented -- miracles are something God performs -- Not people. God works Through people. God brings attention to Himself Through miracles. That which people watch with Awe Knowing that something miraculous is Happening in front of them.

The faith healers are frequently a disgrace. People Know they are Not authentic, but are either getting Paid behind the scenes or are so emotionally stirred up that 'temporary' fixes Do happen. Adrenalin Can enable people to do the 'miraculous'.

And miracles Do happen on the mission field -- but missionaries are usually of the mindset to give God the glory and Not get on a megaphone and Shout it out.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Philip »

but missionaries are usually of the mindset to give God the glory and Not get on a megaphone and Shout it out.
This is true! But those having received and observed amazing miracles aren't so quiet! And is ANYONE has such a GIFT, and they regularly use it to miraculously heal, that person would be quickly known, followed, and sought out!
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by jpbg33 »

Miracles are still happening today from time to time I here testimonies of miracles that have happened from the prayers of my home church. Not only that but God has preformed miracles for me personally which I have listed on other post.

Miracles still happen to day, the gifts of the Spirit are the same gifts as they were back then. Show me in the bible where it says that the gifts will stop happening or change after the church gets started up. It doesn't say that. People say that because they do not see miracles happening in there churches.

Just because the Spirit isn't working the same in your church as it did in the early church doesn't mean that the Spirit of God has changed. It is just an indication that your church may have changed from the truth.

Experience doesn't dictates truth but truth dictates experience
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by RickD »

Good point jpbg.

I think I mentioned this before, but I used to go to a church where the pastor had the gift of healing. For the longest time, I couldn't sleep. Really bad insomnia.

The first time I went to this particular church, and the pastor began his sermon, I fell asleep.

Praise the lawd!!! My insomnia was healed!!!!
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Philip »

jpbg: Miracles still happen to day, the gifts of the Spirit are the same gifts as they were back then.
jpbg: People say that because they do not see miracles happening in there churches.
NO! They say that because there is no evidence of this occurring. OK, jpbg, give us the proof. Show us a guy documented born blind that went to someone with the supposed gift of healing, he walked in blind, hands were laid, he comes out seeing in 20/20 perfect vision. Just ONE, mind you. Any marathon runners you know who spent their lives from birth unable to walk, come out of a healing service running like Usain Bolt? Know of any dead people called back from the grave? Instantaneous cures of disease BY a person with such a gift? Where are these DOCUMENTED stories???

Give us a name - just ONE name - of anyone with such a gift, with the ability to perform an instant such transformation or healing, or multiple names of those that have received such an instant miracle, from someone claiming such a gift.

And, let's be clear, this is very different from people that suddenly they go back to their doctor and their cancer is gone, or whatever - because I DO know of such cases - which indicates to me that GOD healed them. But not by some guy with a gift, babbling and laying on hands!
jpbg: It is just an indication that your church may have changed from the truth.
A stunning accusation! So now we are getting closer - you apparently believe that those with these supposed miracle "sign" gifts are somehow more spiritual than those without such gifts? Bingo! Once one begins to believe that, they are immediately ripe for deception. This is an unScriptural belief! Jpbg, you have a great burden of proof needed to substantiate your claims of such MODERN GIFTS. So I'm waiting upon proof of such. Because if modern media had been around in Jesus' day, the proof would have been overwhelming and abundant, as to however God would have allowed it to be filmed or whatever, to have spread far beyond the region. But today, such asserted miracles demand great proof - proof that should be undeniable. And why are these things so obscure???!!! Are they not to encourage faith where none exists? Is someone in your midst breaking new Scripture from the Lord???!!! So, here's your chance, jpbg - let's convince some people. We're waiting for PROOF!

And, BTW, I'd love for this to be true!
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Jac3510 »

Philip wrote:Give us a name - just ONE name - of anyone with such a gift, with the ability to perform an instant such transformation or healing, or multiple names of those that have received such an instant miracle, from someone claiming such a gift.
See the first video I linked in this thread.
And, BTW, I'd love for this to be true!
We'll see. ;)
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by jpbg33 »

that is what I thought. The bible doesn't say the gifts will stop.

Since y'all can't show me were it says it will stop I will show y'all were it says it will not stop.

Mar 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 
Mar 16:16  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned
Mar 16:17  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues
Mar 16:18  They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover

That was Jesus's promise to people that believe. So if your church has believers in it then these thing will happen there.

youtub is not full of believers but full of nonbelievers.

there is not that many miracles happening because there is not that many believers in the world to day. the bible says few there be that find the right way.

the musicales that are happening are being credited to other thing because people do not wont to believe

Instead of getting saved people wont to just say it is not for us today, because like the bible says there deeds are evil and they like there deeds and they would rather have there deeds then the gifts of God.

I believe that through the power of God that I could lay hands on the sick and they would recover.

my name is Joshua there's you one

Jesus said it was for those that believe I believe

I have already told y'all of miracles God has done through me.

You wont an amassing one well like I said I have prayed for someone that could not have kids to have a kid and with in a mater of weeks or so they found out they were pregnant, that was a miracle from God.

it was a well know fact that they could not have kids
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by RickD »

Jac3510 wrote:
Philip wrote:Give us a name - just ONE name - of anyone with such a gift, with the ability to perform an instant such transformation or healing, or multiple names of those that have received such an instant miracle, from someone claiming such a gift.
See the first video I linked in this thread.
And, BTW, I'd love for this to be true!
We'll see. ;)
I watched that first video. I didn't see anything indicating that someone in the video has a gift of healing. I saw a video that attempted to show that someone got prayed for, and she says she was healed. So if the story is true, God healed her.
John 5:24
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by Jac3510 »

RickD wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:
Philip wrote:Give us a name - just ONE name - of anyone with such a gift, with the ability to perform an instant such transformation or healing, or multiple names of those that have received such an instant miracle, from someone claiming such a gift.
See the first video I linked in this thread.
And, BTW, I'd love for this to be true!
We'll see. ;)
I watched that first video. I didn't see anything indicating that someone in the video has a gift of healing. I saw a video that attempted to show that someone got prayed for, and she says she was healed. So if the story is true, God healed her.

Your qualifying language is pretty disheartening, Rick.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Miraculous healings today

Post by RickD »

Jac3510 wrote:
RickD wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:
Philip wrote:Give us a name - just ONE name - of anyone with such a gift, with the ability to perform an instant such transformation or healing, or multiple names of those that have received such an instant miracle, from someone claiming such a gift.
See the first video I linked in this thread.
And, BTW, I'd love for this to be true!
We'll see. ;)
I watched that first video. I didn't see anything indicating that someone in the video has a gift of healing. I saw a video that attempted to show that someone got prayed for, and she says she was healed. So if the story is true, God healed her.

Your qualifying language is pretty disheartening, Rick.
Watched 1:00-1:50 again. The story goes, that two people prayed for her, and she was healed the next day. Again, if it's true, God healed her. I don't see what your issue is. It certainly doesn't necessitate that the couple that prayed, had any gift of healing.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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