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Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:19 am
by IceMobster
PaulSacramento wrote:OK then, I guess that only applies to the English since, for example, to Latin based countries it is not Easter but Pasqua.

So much for the name I guess, that was easy enough.

As for the rest: ... liday.html
Yes, which is why I always laugh at these nonsense.

In the Slavic language group, the word for the Resurrection of our Lord is simply that -- Resurrection/Resurrection Day or Пасха/Paskha

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:29 am
by PaulSacramento
It seems that some Christians simply want orthodox / mainstream Christianity to be wrong and I really don't know why.

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:26 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:
Sharia law gets a bad rap.
Looks like somebody just fell off the turnip truck.

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:48 pm
by PaulSacramento
Like any Law, there are parts on the Sharia law that are good, quite good, then you have others like:
(p17.3) - The Prophet (Allah Bless him and give him peace) said: "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him."
Which is practiced in Islamic countries.

AND before anyone pulls the OT laws of of their proverbial asses, please show me where, in Christian or Jewish countries the practice is condoned.

Here in Brampton, we have a large muslim population and there have been quite a few criminal cases that have been prosecuted in which males (fathers and sons) have killed daughters that "disobeyed" them. ... arvez.html

Now, the funny thing is that while the newspapers REFUSED to mention Sharia law, as a person that was THERE IN THE COURT ROOM, I heard it myself, how they did what was right under their Law.


Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:21 pm
by B. W.
jenna wrote:
B. W. wrote:
It is called by the ancient Babylonians - Shamash - whom they worshiped by bowing to the east at sunrise, noon, and sunset. This was a pre-Islamic Arabic sun deity who was also related according to the mythological narrative to the Moon gods triad which Ishtar is apart of...

That is what you are seeing Ice - the rise of the Satan's rebellion going for broke now through the religion of submission the same the ancient pagans used in ancient Mesopotamia employing similar methods to conquer their known world of their era in time.
ishtar? you mean easter? oh never mind, not gonna derail the thread. carry on. :oops:
After reading your post Jenna let me reveal who Istahr is, Anat, Inanna, etc who through time known by other names as well such as Astarte, see this link for more detials

Do you know history?
see Flavius Josephus of the Antiquities of the Jews — Book I quoted below from chapter three
1. Now this posterity of Seth continued to esteem God as the Lord of the universe, and to have an entire regard to virtue, for seven generations: but in process of time they were perverted, and forsook the practices of their fore-fathers; and did neither pay those honours to God which were appointed them, nor had they any concern to do justice towards men. But for what degree of zeal they had formerly shewn for virtue, they now shewed by their actions a double degree of wickedness. Whereby they made God to be their enemy.

For many Angels of God (14) accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good; on account of the confidence they had in their own strength. For the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call Giants. But Noah was very uneasy at what they did: and being displeased at their conduct, persuaded them to change their dispositions, and their actions for the better. But seeing they did not yield to him, but were slaves to their wicked pleasures, he was afraid they would kill him, together with his wife and children, and those they had married. So he departed out of that land.
Book of Jubilees Chapter 8 mentions
Book of Jubilees Chapter 8

Witnesses and Precepts included, Book of Jasher Chapter 10 and Inserts from Website of land division and location of Garden of Eden

[Chapter 8]
1 In the twenty-ninth jubilee, in the first week, in the beginning thereof Arpachshad took to himself a wife and her name was Rasu’eja, the daughter of Susan, the daughter of Elam, and she bare him a son in the third year in this week, and he called his name Kainam.

And the son grew, and his father taught him writing, and he went to seek for himself a place where he might seize for himself a city. And he found a writing which former (generations) had carved on the rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens of the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of heaven. And he wrote it down and said nothing regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on account of it.
You have a clear plan on how the fallen angels planned to bring God's plan of redemption for man into disrupt as well as teach people ancient occultic paganism in various ways. That is what most folks miss...

Most folks have no idea that Astrate is mentioned in the bible as well as 'hi's symbol, it is not a 'she', it is a ruling principality over the earth revealed as the the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation...

The occutic goal is to bring forth the anitichrist onto the earth...

Nothing more - nothing less...

Islam borrowed heavily on these fallen ones and blended them together to define who Allah is...

...with the goal is to bring the Green Rider - the Mahdi - into rulership of the world...

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:55 pm
by Hortator
RickD wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:
Sharia law gets a bad rap.
Looks like somebody just fell off the turnip truck.
That's going to be a GaS meme from now on. :pound:

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:14 pm
by edwardmurphy
PaulSacramento wrote:Like any Law, there are parts on the Sharia law that are good, quite good, then you have others like:
(p17.3) - The Prophet (Allah Bless him and give him peace) said: "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him."
Which is practiced in Islamic countries.
Yep, that's a dumb, dangerous, unfair law, but it's not on the books and/or enfored in ALL Islamic countries. Sharia is religious law, and like everything else related to religion, it's interpreted differently by different people and enforced differently in different settings.

Sharia is a complex, nuanced topic regardless of how much some want to oversimplify to fit their own narratives.
PaulSacramento wrote:AND before anyone pulls the OT laws of of their proverbial asses, please show me where, in Christian or Jewish countries the practice is condoned.
Persecution of homosexuals, including detainment and torture, is government policy in Zimbabwe. At this point I expect someone to inform me that Zimbabwe isn't a Christian country and the fact that 85% of the people there identify as Christian is irrelevant, but whatever. There's your example. There are also places where homosexuality is illegal and gay-bashing is overlooked by authorities. That's apparently pretty common in some of the former British Caribbean colonies, such as Jamaica, which also has a large Christian majority.

If you were thinking more of the the predominantly Christian Western democracies then yeah, you're right, homosexual sex between consenting adults is currently legal in all of them. But before you get too cocky, bear in mind that it was a crime in most of them as recently as the late 1960s and there are a few spots where it wasn't decriminalized until the early 1990s. Granted, none of them listed homosexual sex as a capital offense - it just got you jail time, mandatory institutionalization, or chemical castration - but that's still pretty heinous.

To find capital punishment for homosexual activity in the Western democracies we have to go back to the mid to late 1800s. In Canada buggery could be punished by death until 1869, for example. In the US it varied by state, but it was mostly a capital offense until the 1860s. South Carolina kept it on the books until 1873. In the UK it was 1863, if I remember right. Granted, those laws were rarely enforced during the 19th century, but they enforced prior to that and they remained on the books and could have been.

Regarding pulling the OT out of ones ass, that would also have been a capital offense. Also, here's an example of an overtly OT-derived sodomy law from the New Haven colony:
If any man lyeth with mankinde, as a man lyeth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination, they both shall surely be put to death. Levit. 20. 13. And if any woman change the naturall use into that which is against nature, as Rom. 1. 26. she shall be liable to the same sentence, and punishment, or if any person, or persons, shall commit any other kinde of unnaturall and shame full filthines, called in Scripture the going after strange flesh, or other flesh then God alloweth, by carnal knowledge of another vessel then God in nature hath appointed to become one flesh, whether it be by abusing the contrary part of a grown woman, or child of either sex, or unripe vessel of a girle, wherein the natural use of the woman is left, which God hath ordained for the propagation of posterity, and Sodomiticall filthinesse (tending to the destruction of the race of mankind) is committed by a kind of rape, nature being forced, though the will were inticed,' every such person shall be put to death. Or if any man shall act upon himself; and in the sight of others spill his owne seed, by example, or counsel, or both, corrupting or tempting others to doe the like, which tends to the sin of Sodomy, if it be not one kind of it; or shall defile, or corrupt himself and others, by any kind of sin full filthinesse, he shall be punished according to the nature of the offence; or if the case considered with the aggravating circumstances, shall according to the mind of God revealed in his word require it, he shall be put to death, as the court of magistrates shall determine.
Is it recent? No, not at all. But the fact remains that similar laws with similar justification were on the books in the US, UK, and Canada for hundreds of years, when they were finally repealed in the 1860s they were replaced with harsh non-lethal penalties, government-directed suppression of homosexuals didn't end until the mid to late 20th century, and there was Biblical justification for all of it. So yeah, Christian democracies are more tolerant than some of the most repressive, least tolerant societies currently in existence, and they have been for a while. High praise, indeed.

The part that I find most ironically amusing is that current social conservatives are lambasting Muslims for doing the things that prior generations social conservatives either did or fought like hell to maintain, while simultaneously opposing the goals of the contemporary gay rights movement. The reason that we're better about gay rights than the Muslims is that liberal Christians and gay rights activists fought and bled to get us here while conservatives screamed that treating homosexuals equally would destroy our society, and now this generation of social conservatives is using the fights that their predecessors lost as evidence of Christian superiority over Islam. That's rich.
PaulSacramento wrote:Here in Brampton, we have a large muslim population and there have been quite a few criminal cases that have been prosecuted in which males (fathers and sons) have killed daughters that "disobeyed" them. ... arvez.html

Now, the funny thing is that while the newspapers REFUSED to mention Sharia law, as a person that was THERE IN THE COURT ROOM, I heard it myself, how they did what was right under their Law.
Is there some reason that Sharia law must be specifically mentioned by everyone who reports on honor killings? Anyone who knows anything about honor killings is aware that there are religious underpinnings and that the perpetrators think that their actions are right and proper. The article you linked made those facts perfectly clear, even if it didn't specifically use the word "Sharia."

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:29 pm
by B. W.

Ed could you please move to Saudi Arabia and enlighten them by your superior leftist intellect...

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:13 pm
by Hortator
Were he not a simple contrarian, I'd think he was the strangest atheist in the world, being an apologist for Islam when it's the lowest-hanging fruit there is. You can't throw a dart in the Koran without hitting something lulz-worthy

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:48 pm
by edwardmurphy
I'm hardly an apologist for Islam. Islam is nonsense. My argument is against all of the folks saying that their religions are superior because they no longer kill homosexuals.

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:45 pm
by Kurieuo
I've changed my opinion over the years, and do see Muslims in different stripes.

Melanie pointed out some time back, that many Saudi Muslims are Wahhabists. This is considered an aberration and blight upon Islam by many Muslims, although some stand saying Muslim is Muslim (internal dispute).

Fact of the matter is, it are such who cause problems in the Middle East as far as I see. With their extreme ideology, they too target many others who have been abused by Western interventions and conquests. For example, Iraq, which goes back to early 1990's and the Gulf War, sanctions imposed by the US security at the time which literally resulted in whole generations being wiped out, borderline genocide of infants and children -- all for what we know to be a "false" fear (flag) the fabled "weapons of mass destruction".

The increase in cancer and child deformities due to the uranium in bombings, the lack of medicines and destablisation of society, children growing up without parents, having relatives and friends die due to Western sanctions, indeed such feeds quite easily in the West being Satan. Such people were ripe for the picking by "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" (ISIS/ISIL) and an ideology that would allow some sort of rising and revenge.

Now, when we have "terrorist attacks" it is screamed, Muslim, Muslim... and indeed, such are likely Muslim due to their location and Arabic origins. Yet, then, prior to such, many didn't mind Westerners, in fact England in early 1900s was throughout the Middle East without much issue -- and they too started opening up channels for distribution of the wealth of Middle Eastern states (aka oil) to the West (e.g., Saddam Hussein being installed, helping establish the State of Israel on top of Palestine, etc).

One fact of the matter is, that Qu'ran can be used to support violence, yet many Muslims never considered such in this light and preferred to live peacefully side-by-side. Syria was perhaps a model state of Muslims and Christians living along side each other in relative peace, until extreme Muslims (that is Al-Qaeda who make up the bulk of ISIS/ISIL) entered and killed both Muslim and Christians (though Christians had no real chance from escaping eradication).

So then, while I think Ed you might be naive in striping Islam and it's origins in Muhammad the same as say Christianity and it's origins in Christ; I myself accept there is also truth in not calling the issue Islam. The issue runs much deeper and spans over a hundred years, Western intervention and our partnering with Saudis since early 1900s to conquer the Ottoman Empire and like -- decisions to have such a partnership helped set the stage today. To this day, we turn a blind eye to the Saudis, even though we know Saudis were responsible and even funded 9/11, not Saddam who was repulsed by use of chemical weapons, not Iraq, not Islam in such places.

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:32 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:I'm hardly an apologist for Islam. Islam is nonsense. My argument is against all of the folks saying that their religions are superior because they no longer kill homosexuals.
No longer kill homosexuals?

When did Christianity EVER promote the killing of homosexuals?

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:31 am
by PaulSacramento
I think that Ed maybe confusing "in spite of" with "because of".
While homosexuals MAY be persecuted to some extent in some countries that have a majority Christian population, that is IN SPITE of them being Christian and NOT because of it.
In Islamic countries that is not the case.
Persecution DOES exist, it IS condone and IS BECAUSE of the tenets of Islam.

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:48 am
by bbyrd009
Kurieuo wrote:I've changed my opinion over the years, and do see Muslims in different stripes.

Melanie pointed out some time back, that many Saudi Muslims are Wahhabists. This is considered an aberration and blight upon Islam by many Muslims, although some stand saying Muslim is Muslim (internal dispute).

Fact of the matter is, it are such who cause problems in the Middle East as far as I see. With their extreme ideology, they too target many others who have been abused by Western interventions and conquests. For example, Iraq, which goes back to early 1990's and the Gulf War, sanctions imposed by the US security at the time which literally resulted in whole generations being wiped out, borderline genocide of infants and children -- all for what we know to be a "false" fear (flag) the fabled "weapons of mass destruction".

The increase in cancer and child deformities due to the uranium in bombings, the lack of medicines and destablisation of society, children growing up without parents, having relatives and friends die due to Western sanctions, indeed such feeds quite easily in the West being Satan. Such people were ripe for the picking by "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" (ISIS/ISIL) and an ideology that would allow some sort of rising and revenge.

Now, when we have "terrorist attacks" it is screamed, Muslim, Muslim... and indeed, such are likely Muslim due to their location and Arabic origins. Yet, then, prior to such, many didn't mind Westerners, in fact England in early 1900s was throughout the Middle East without much issue -- and they too started opening up channels for distribution of the wealth of Middle Eastern states (aka oil) to the West (e.g., Saddam Hussein being installed, helping establish the State of Israel on top of Palestine, etc).

One fact of the matter is, that Qu'ran can be used to support violence, yet many Muslims never considered such in this light and preferred to live peacefully side-by-side. Syria was perhaps a model state of Muslims and Christians living along side each other in relative peace, until extreme Muslims (that is Al-Qaeda who make up the bulk of ISIS/ISIL) entered and killed both Muslim and Christians (though Christians had no real chance from escaping eradication).

So then, while I think Ed you might be naive in striping Islam and it's origins in Muhammad the same as say Christianity and it's origins in Christ; I myself accept there is also truth in not calling the issue Islam. The issue runs much deeper and spans over a hundred years, Western intervention and our partnering with Saudis since early 1900s to conquer the Ottoman Empire and like -- decisions to have such a partnership helped set the stage today. To this day, we turn a blind eye to the Saudis, even though we know Saudis were responsible and even funded 9/11, not Saddam who was repulsed by use of chemical weapons, not Iraq, not Islam in such places.
Western Christianity = Wahabbi, and we are in an unholy alliance with them, and they mirror each other. Wahabbi = Islam like WC = following after Christ, which is to say "not."

Re: R E L I G I O N O F P E A C E

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:45 pm
by Hortator
bbyrd009 wrote:Western Christianity = Wahabbi, and we are in an unholy alliance with them, and they mirror each other. Wahabbi = Islam like WC = following after Christ, which is to say "not."
To bring other users up to speed here, you spent how many years abroad in Islamic countries before you settled in the U.S.?