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Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:27 pm
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote:And there's the problem with fake news getting all mixed up with real news...
"Fake news", I think "fake journalism" is more correct. Where are the true journalists today seeking truth and pushing the tough questions? I look around and see none, except a few old school types.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:57 pm
by Hortator
Nothing is immune to politics. Journalism is no exception. Heck, we have seen Christianity mixed up with party politics, so why should anything else be sacred? Child-rearing, education, how you even conduct yourself on a daily basis. All are in the realm of politics now like never before.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:55 am
by PaulSacramento
edwardmurphy wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:In case you guys haven't noticed yet, ALL media is bias.
That is why if you truly want to know the truth you MUST reads BOTH sides.
AND, FYI, ALL politicians lie. ALL of them.
True, but news, punditry, and fake news are three distinct categories and shouldn't be lumped together. There's a difference between unconscious bias, deliberate bias, and outright lies. Any news consumer should be thinking about who a provider represents and what biases they might have as a result, but they should also be aware of what they're consuming. News tells you some of the facts, punditry tells you how the presenter wants the facts to be interpreted, and fake news tells you nothing of value.
True, it's just sad the mainstream media has become either fake news or punditry news.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:34 am
by edwardmurphy
I don't think that it has. Yes, CNN and BuzzFeed screwed up, but everybody else did it right. Were you aware that Trump had (has?) a court date to look into a woman's charge that he raped her when she was 13? Probably not, because the MSM investigated that story, decided that it wasn't credible, and left it alone.

The main issue I see with the MSM isn't bias, it's sensationalism, short-sightedness, and a tendency to dumb things down. Check out Jon Stewart's many, many comments on the MSM. Conservatives hate him, but he's actually one of the harshest, and most insightful, critics of the MSM. He routinely blasts them for their failure to ever put events in context. They act like kids with ADHD, running from one Big Event to the next without ever stopping to breathe.

That said, that's really a criticism of the 24-hour news networks. The print media, despite huge financial challenges, still does a lot of excellent investigative pieces.

Long story short, simply saying that the MSM is garbage is a gross oversimplification.