Jenna: If Christ and God the Father are one being, then they cannot be with each other.
They can if they are both persons that inhabit the same Being!
Jenna: also, the verses that say "Let US make man in OUR image", says that there is more than one being, unless you think God talks to Himself.
The pronouns all point to three persons with individual roles, and never are two actual beings referred to. God is not us - we cannot easily understand what God is, but He is not a person just like we are - He is Holy, set apart, there are none like Him.
The problem, Jenna, is you are reading these verses through your own theological beliefs of how to interpret them. Again, where are we told there are two beings who are God???!!! Where are we told there is some kind of God family? NOWHERE, that what. Only by reading into such passages can you arrive at such an interpretation.
Jenna: AND if Christ and God the father are the same being, how did Christ separate Himself from Himself, come to earth, resurrect Himself, and then go to be at the right hand of Himself? And why did Christ say He is not equal to the Father if they are the same being?
Do not confuse Jesus as He was in His Incarnation on earth so as to also become fully human. During the incarnation, Jesus was temporarily “made lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:9), which refers to Jesus’ status. That is not to say that Jesus wasn't also fully divine/fully God. When you look at Philippians 2:5-11, we see that the second Person of the Trinity took on human form, and that Christ “made himself nothing.” This means Jesus voluntarily relinquished the prerogative of freely exercising His divine attributes while on earth. Again, the Persons of God's Trinity have different roles, but are of one will, authority and essence What Jenna suggests is that two different beings are fully one God, but that they are unequal in some way - that makes no sense at all, as there can only be one God, and unequal separate beings cannot be equal Gods.
Let us also not forget that the "right hand of God is figurative of God's authority and the agent of that (Jesus). God is spirit. The Father does not have a body, the Son does. But the Son, before being born into the world, likewise, once did not have a physical body, while inhabiting the same Spirit of the One God, but took on the cloak of humanity, in which His Spirit became a baby and fully human. So God, who is Spirit, cloaked Himself in humanity, per the Personage of the Son. So God, in His personage of Jesus, the Son, became a new
physical addition (and forever more) to how God now manifests Himself. So, be careful in how you interpret "the right hand of God," in how that relates to what Jesus is. If Jesus were subservient, positionally, then He could not also be fully God as the Father is.
But the bigger issue is, there are no Scriptures that teach multiple beings being God, nor some such God family. I keep waiting on some clear passage of either one, but all I'm seeing are assertions based upon a certain theological belief.