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Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:49 am
by Hortator
The impeachment process in America is a bit of a joke.
Andrew Johnson - 35:19, 1 vote short of conviction in the senate.
Richard Nixon - Resigned prior to vote.
William Clinton - 1st count, 45:55, 2nd count 50:50

There is no way an impeachment, even one driven by the GOP, could get a 2/3rds majority in the senate.

On a more important note, how far down the ladder is Ben Carson? Maybe we could get him instead, just sayin'

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:58 am
by edwardmurphy
Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached by the House, but acquitted at trials held by the Senate. Nixon would have been impeached and convicted, but he saw the writing on the wall and resigned.

The Democrats don't have the power to impeach Trump. When it comes it will to be a bipartisan effort.

There is no vast criminal network conveniently encompassing all of Trump's political enemies, and Trump isn't a political genius lulling his enemies into carelessness with a show of staggering incompetence. I hope that you're not paying subscription fees to whoever is filling your head with this nonsense.

I don't love the swamp. In fact, I'd love to see it drained. Where we differ on that topic is in our assessment of one Donald J. Trump. You think he's a tough-talking, steely-eyed crusader here to fix all that ails our nation, while I believe that he's an immoral, unethical swamp creature here to cozy up to the leeches and salamanders in order to enrich himself and his tadpoles. Another difference is that my position is supported by evidence.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:09 am
by abelcainsbrother
abelcainsbrother wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:I still think an impeachment is still coming. Give it time.

You're going to be wrong again.No US President has ever been impeached and Trump will not be impeached as a matter of fact this is going to backfire on the Democratic Party and the MSM because Trump will hit back at the right time and take out much of the establishment based on real crimes,not just made up conspiracy theories.This is what Trump has been doing consistently since he first got in this race and it always works for him and it is not going to change.When you hit him he hits you back even harder at the right time. This is one reason I supported Trump because I know liberals like yourself are used to wimpy Republicans who always give in and cave to political corectness but Trump does'nt and he won't.But your tactics will not and do not work against Trump,it is because he is a fighter and he hits you back harder than you hit him and he does far more damage to those who first attacked him.He is drawing you into investigating this Russia thing because he knows you're going to lose and he has said so.It was the Trump administration that leaked the information about Comey and you Democrats are falling into the trap Trump has set for you.He has been doing this from the start and he has won every battle.The swamp you love and defend so much is going to be drained.This is what is going to happen.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:18 am
by Hortator
is there an echo in here?

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:19 am
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached by the House, but acquitted at trials held by the Senate. Nixon would have been impeached and convicted, but he saw the writing on the wall and resigned.

The Democrats don't have the power to impeach Trump. When it comes it will to be a bipartisan effort.

There is no vast criminal network conveniently encompassing all of Trump's political enemies, and Trump isn't a political genius lulling his enemies into carelessness with a show of staggering incompetence. I hope that you're not paying subscription fees to whoever is filling your head with this nonsense.

I don't love the swamp. In fact, I'd love to see it drained. Where we differ on that topic is in our assessment of one Donald J. Trump. You think he's a tough-talking, steely-eyed crusader here to fix all that ails our nation, while I believe that he's an immoral, unethical swamp creature here to cozy up to the leeches and salamanders in order to enrich himself and his tadpoles. Another difference is that my position is supported by evidence.
No US President has ever been impeached. Neither were Andrew Jackson,Bill Clinton and even Nixon/ Impeached means removed from office and no US President has ever been removed from office by impeachment.You've got everything wrong and backwards where you think Trump is worse than these politicians in Washington.You think you've had evidence many times and have turned out to be wrong. I have been far more right than you have and I'm not bragging.I told you that I would remind you to try to help you see,but you still can't see yet.Like the polls you go by they cannot be trusted and nobody believes [polls anymore because they were totally wrong claiming Hillary would win easily and yet Trump won only spending millions,less than any modern President ever has spent while running for President. He showed that money does not mean you're going to win because they spent over two billion dollars trying to help Hillary win and she lost. You look at polls but you overlook money spent and Trump spent alot less money than any of his opponents did,including Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:30 am
by abelcainsbrother
Ed,Trump wants this Russia investigation because he knows they will lose and has said so.It is the Trump admnistration that leaked the info about Comey and the Democrats and MSM are falling into the trap set by Trump because he is gathering his own evidence and this takes the focus off of it because everybody is focused on this Russia investigation while the real evidence is being gathered.They are doing exactly what he wants and he is controlling everything.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:46 am
by edwardmurphy
Hortator wrote:The impeachment process in America is a bit of a joke.
Andrew Johnson - 35:19, 1 vote short of conviction in the senate.
Richard Nixon - Resigned prior to vote.
William Clinton - 1st count, 45:55, 2nd count 50:50

There is no way an impeachment, even one driven by the GOP, could get a 2/3rds majority in the senate.
A joke? Impeachment is 1 for 3. Sure, Nixon wasn't actually impeached, but he was so certain of the outcome that he resigned in disgrace. That's a clear win for the process. I think that seems pretty good. The bar is high enough to prevent impeachment from being used to dump a president for purely political reasons, but it's still attainable.

I don't know much about Johnson, but Clinton was impeached at a time when the economy was doing well, the nation was at peace, and Slick Willie was pretty popular. Beyond that, the crimes they impeached him for - perjury and obstruction of justice - had nothing to do with his job performance or his administration. Not only that, but his approval ratings actually went up throughout the scandal and during his trial. He a slimy guy, but he was a popular and effective President. There was no political risk for a Democrat who voted to acquittal, so obviously they did.

Trump is a different story. He lost the popular vote badly. His approval rating is at 40% and falling and he's been producing scandals as reliably as an Advent Calendar produces chocolate. They're discussing obstruction of justice in the halls of Congress, while the FBI tees off on Manafort and Flynn and a politically untouchable special prosecutor probes for evidence of Russian interference in the election. And it's only Day 117. If Trump is impeached by the House it will be because the Republicans believe that any other move would be politically catastrophic for them. I think that we'll get there sooner or later. And when we do there will be almost no upside for any Senator to vote to acquit, so they won't.
Hortator wrote:On a more important note, how far down the ladder is Ben Carson? Maybe we could get him instead, just sayin'
He's #13.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:47 am
by edwardmurphy
abelcainsbrother wrote:Ed,Trump wants this Russia investigation because he knows they will lose and has said so.It is the Trump admnistration that leaked the info about Comey and the Democrats and MSM are falling into the trap set by Trump because he is gathering his own evidence and this takes the focus off of it because everybody is focused on this Russia investigation while the real evidence is being gathered.They are doing exactly what he wants and he is controlling everything.
He's incompetent like a fox. Got it.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:27 am
by Kurieuo
The one person I wish there was a special investigation into, would be Seth Rich.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:22 am
by B. W.
I Apologize for my outburst last Sunday evening...

My wife came close to dying on Sunday before my eyes.

As I mentioned, we were being pushed down a one person at a time steep rocky and dangerous shoot by a group pf CU leftist leaning students. Left leaning - yes - you can tell by their conversation which I never responded too. I held back that group by slowing down at the shoot for my wife to get safely down. Another group of CU students were waiting to go up the shoot and you can hear their conversations too as of the narcissistic class.

This put pressure on my wife to hurry up and she took a tumble went airborne and landed on her upper left leg and her left side rib cage smashed into a small boulder. I saw this as in slow motion and was seven feet away from her and quickly got to two feet of her when she hit. The crowd behind was glad I moved fast then saw her hit too.

I have years and years of first aid training and if you all know anything about hitting the left side of your rib cage knows what can happen. She had the wind knocked out of her and could not breath. My first thought was, fractured ribs, puncturing the left lung, 3 miles from help - not good. Possibly add to this, a ruptured spleen or bruise spleen - not good either.

Quickly prayed and she was able to breathe. Next, left leg, was it broken and if so it would be the Femur - not good. Thankfully it wasn't. The two groups of students just ask, are you all right, then walked off laughing and carrying on some in their leftist dialogue amongst each other and just quickly passed by avoiding any delay to their pleasure.

So There I was holding my wife, examining the extent of her injuries and had to make quick decision. She could stand and breathe which was good and the leg badly bruised but not broken. She was fighting back the tears because those people pushed us and caused her to fall and walked away with not a care in the world. If a spleen was ruptured or bruised I had to get her back down off the mountain fast. No ling issues but breathing painful.

So we walked and climb up and then back down the mountain trial back to the car. So it appears that her ribs are bruised or maybe cracked. The bruise on the leg will heal. However, we are on spleen watch as this organ can cause issues later. So far so good but she is in pain.

The type of fall and landing she had could have killed her and that shook me up especially in the light of whom caused it and how narcissistic these students were as well as everyone on that trail. Boulder Colorado was once a nice place but now has changed so much I advise folks not to go there because how weird the people are, unless you want to see it for yourself. It is a place where the atmosphere matches the description of 2 Tim 3:1,2,3,4,5 to a tee. A real liberal leftist dream hiding behind words like tolerance, love, fairness to mask the truth from themselves. I really feel sorry for the people who live there and those who are Christians too. Very dark place full of false light.That place need intercession but i feel it is too late for some areas there.

So try to understand that I almost lost my wife last Sunday afternoon so I lashed out wrongly at anyone who is left leaning in haste.

Any Christian believers reading this, please pray for her to recover fast and no complications develop.

We have been married 28 years and soon to be 29 years this June. When you are married for that long, you grow on each other and to lose her would have been a real hurt-- especially the manner and circumstances which it happened -- and witnessing it.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:35 am
by Philip
I would be okay with a President Pence. Trump is an easy target. I think he thought being president would be the same as bossing the flunkies in Trump Inc. - that he'd just command and it would be done. And how stupid to hand people and easy thing to attack, and put his SIL and daughter into positions of power within the White House! What the heck do they know about policy and governing - not to mention, they'll never be perceived as incurring the same level of scrutiny and expectation as appointments made independent of family or business: VERY stupid!

But the one thing ANY new cabinet or president would also incur, is that there are way too many people who have access to information, and many of them are high up in government. You've got people so determined to bring Trump down, that they could care less if it ends up hurting the country in the process. He needs to clean house, tighten his information access, quit tweeting stupid, impulsive stuff. Really, I have high hopes he'll learn. But WILL he???!!! He said a lot of "red meat" stuff that a lot of fed up people loved and voted for him over - but how naive are they? "We're gonna build a wall across our border with Mexico and THEY are going to pay for it!" How laughable! But if Trump can't straighten out his act, I'd love to see Pence in the Oval Office. But I will say that his Supreme Court pick is very important - great choice! Hope there will be others soon - Ruthie's not getting any younger!

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:38 am
by Philip
B.W., so glad she's not hurt far worse. I'll pray for full recovery! It MIGHT be that those clueless people didn't realize the potential seriousness of her injuries - but they surely should have shown concern, offered to help!

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:21 pm
by B. W.
Philip wrote:B.W., so glad she's not hurt far worse. I'll pray for full recovery! It MIGHT be that those clueless people didn't realize the potential seriousness of her injuries - but they surely should have shown concern, offered to help!
No, they did saw her hurt and only asked her if she was alright but never waited to hear from her or me about this but moved on as I describe.

The reality of the hypocrisy of the liberal leftist is amazing and while this went on, this hit me real hard traveling back to the car... I feel sorry for these folks and see how bible prophecy is unfolding...

For example, what is at stake is not Trump...

The stake is overturning the results of an election by means of a fabricated political coup to silence the voice of all who voted to to restore America back to greatness again.

If Trump is removed, they will attack Pence the same way and then on down the line. The reality is that these minions of the left hate despise and seek to rule by the mob. They rule ny lynch mob mentality to win public approval for a crime they knowingly want to commit.

What we see here is mob rule. Obama traded secrets with the Russians and Iranians, etc, and not a peep.

It appears that around August 9 a DNC staffer was gunned down and it was not a robbery as nothing was taken. This murdered man was the source of the leaked emails and documents, not the Russians. The Clinton's do have a list of dead people who cross them die mysteriously: Vince Foster etc and etc...

Those in the Media in conclusion with the leftist politicians in office are pushing a false narrative to overthrow the election result as they were rigged to win but lost states they thought they had control over. These people are crazy and we are at war. This is not some game, These people want to silence all opponents in the meanest cruelest way. They are the true brown shirts and now seek to intimidate political rivals openly. This is what you see in 3rd world countries and when Marxist seek power - same pattern and it is happening here.

The evidence of is overwhelming so much so that even the leftist cannot hide the truth by the tactic of ridicule and tin foil hat shaming. ... ump-staff/ ... -dems.html ... nal-break/ ... nce-trump/

Recent: ... ey-tactic/

Boulder Colorado - CU is a hot bed of this sort of leftism at work and the calls for violence from the left grows stronger.

Let is not forget who these people are and the values they hold too are not at all about fairness, equality, rights, it is about using these to take away our Civil Rights and destroy the US Constitution and impose New Marxism - globelism as the new rule.

Our very way of life is threatened as well as or kids and grand kids future. The line has been crossed by the left who seek to overturn a free and fair election and enslave the USA to be governed by Political Correctness and utter hate.

The vast majority of the people on that trail reeked of this sort of hate toward all things truly good...

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:26 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Philip wrote:I would be okay with a President Pence. Trump is an easy target. I think he thought being president would be the same as bossing the flunkies in Trump Inc. - that he'd just command and it would be done. And how stupid to hand people and easy thing to attack, and put his SIL and daughter into positions of power within the White House! What the heck do they know about policy and governing - not to mention, they'll never be perceived as incurring the same level of scrutiny and expectation as appointments made independent of family or business: VERY stupid!

But the one thing ANY new cabinet or president would also incur, is that there are way too many people who have access to information, and many of them are high up in government. You've got people so determined to bring Trump down, that they could care less if it ends up hurting the country in the process. He needs to clean house, tighten his information access, quit tweeting stupid, impulsive stuff. Really, I have high hopes he'll learn. But WILL he???!!! He said a lot of "red meat" stuff that a lot of fed up people loved and voted for him over - but how naive are they? "We're gonna build a wall across our border with Mexico and THEY are going to pay for it!" How laughable! But if Trump can't straighten out his act, I'd love to see Pence in the Oval Office. But I will say that his Supreme Court pick is very important - great choice! Hope there will be others soon - Ruthie's not getting any younger!

That would change nothing if Pence became the President because he is too nice to fight back like Trump does and they would control him with political correctness and nothing would change. The American people are not upset with Trump,it is Washington that is the problem and they sent Trump to drain the swamp and so this is why both parties are blocking Trump's agenda.They are part of the problem and are circling the wagons covering up the corruption.This is our last chance to have real true change and to clean out the corruption in Washington.If Trump does not succeed then our country is over.Trump will succeed though eventhough it might get worse for him until it gets better. You don't clean out the corruption in Washington fast when it has been in place for years,it takes time,but it is going to happen and America will be better off for it. Pence is too nice to get this done and nothing would change. It is gonna take a tough brawler like Trump to do it and he is a winner and when the dust settles he will be the winner.

You should not be expecting the wall to be built or many other things Trump ran on getting done right now because both parties are blocking him,just like they did Reagan by the way. It took Reagan three years to get taxes cut,it has only been four months for Trump,but both parties were blocking Reagan too and he had to make deals and it hurt him later on.He allowed Congress to spend like drunken sailor's because of the deals he had to make and honor.

Trump is well aware of Reagan's mistakes though and he knows that he has to drain the swamp first before we can have the things he ran on and so he is just biding his time and getting done what he can as the President until he has enough evidence.He won't be making deals that come back to haunt him later on like they did Reagan,instead he is focused on gathering the evidence he needs to start prosecuting.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:22 pm
by abelcainsbrother
B. W. wrote:I Apologize for my outburst last Sunday evening...

My wife came close to dying on Sunday before my eyes.

As I mentioned, we were being pushed down a one person at a time steep rocky and dangerous shoot by a group pf CU leftist leaning students. Left leaning - yes - you can tell by their conversation which I never responded too. I held back that group by slowing down at the shoot for my wife to get safely down. Another group of CU students were waiting to go up the shoot and you can hear their conversations too as of the narcissistic class.

This put pressure on my wife to hurry up and she took a tumble went airborne and landed on her upper left leg and her left side rib cage smashed into a small boulder. I saw this as in slow motion and was seven feet away from her and quickly got to two feet of her when she hit. The crowd behind was glad I moved fast then saw her hit too.

I have years and years of first aid training and if you all know anything about hitting the left side of your rib cage knows what can happen. She had the wind knocked out of her and could not breath. My first thought was, fractured ribs, puncturing the left lung, 3 miles from help - not good. Possibly add to this, a ruptured spleen or bruise spleen - not good either.

Quickly prayed and she was able to breathe. Next, left leg, was it broken and if so it would be the Femur - not good. Thankfully it wasn't. The two groups of students just ask, are you all right, then walked off laughing and carrying on some in their leftist dialogue amongst each other and just quickly passed by avoiding any delay to their pleasure.

So There I was holding my wife, examining the extent of her injuries and had to make quick decision. She could stand and breathe which was good and the leg badly bruised but not broken. She was fighting back the tears because those people pushed us and caused her to fall and walked away with not a care in the world. If a spleen was ruptured or bruised I had to get her back down off the mountain fast. No ling issues but breathing painful.

So we walked and climb up and then back down the mountain trial back to the car. So it appears that her ribs are bruised or maybe cracked. The bruise on the leg will heal. However, we are on spleen watch as this organ can cause issues later. So far so good but she is in pain.

The type of fall and landing she had could have killed her and that shook me up especially in the light of whom caused it and how narcissistic these students were as well as everyone on that trail. Boulder Colorado was once a nice place but now has changed so much I advise folks not to go there because how weird the people are, unless you want to see it for yourself. It is a place where the atmosphere matches the description of 2 Tim 3:1,2,3,4,5 to a tee. A real liberal leftist dream hiding behind words like tolerance, love, fairness to mask the truth from themselves. I really feel sorry for the people who live there and those who are Christians too. Very dark place full of false light.That place need intercession but i feel it is too late for some areas there.

So try to understand that I almost lost my wife last Sunday afternoon so I lashed out wrongly at anyone who is left leaning in haste.

Any Christian believers reading this, please pray for her to recover fast and no complications develop.

We have been married 28 years and soon to be 29 years this June. When you are married for that long, you grow on each other and to lose her would have been a real hurt-- especially the manner and circumstances which it happened -- and witnessing it.