Should women breastfeed their babies?

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Re: Should women breastfeed their babies?

Post by RickD »

Wacky kiwis!

Funny sayings and strange infatuations with sheep!
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Re: Should women breastfeed their babies?

Post by Nicki »

Philip wrote:
Don't you guys have that saying?

Choka block as in full as, as in FULL?
Nope. y:-? Weird - not sure the connection of the term.
Just looked it up - it actually comes from the UK and refers to nautical equipment. Basically means 'crammed tightly together'. I remember a brand of choc chip cookies in New Zealand used to be advertised with 'chock a block with real chocolate chips!' I'm just helping increase your neuronal connections with new information here.
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Re: Should women breastfeed their babies?

Post by Philip »

Americans sometimes do use the term "chock" - as in, "That soup is chock full of rich nutrients."
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Re: Should women breastfeed their babies?

Post by melanie »

Women should always breastfeed unless they are medically unable too. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, not enough supply or occasionally not nutritionally adequate.
But it’s interesting that when Nessa first posted the thread ‘should women breastfeed’ it was presumed she meant ‘in public’.
Naturally so, if there is not a medical reason not too then I think you’d be crazy if you didn’t. It’s better, as great as formula is it doesn’t contain passed down antibodies, it’s cheaper, it’s easier (ever tried sterilising bottles daily, and it’s bond forming.
I’ve seen this shift with younger mothers away from breatfeeding, like they are embarrassed or they are unable to recognise their breasts in a maternal way away from the sexualisation.
I get giving it a go but sometimes it doesn’t work out. Breast is best there is no argument around that but fed is better.
If woman refuse to try, are grossed out (I have actually heard that) or think a bottle is any easy option then that’s a shame!
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Re: Should women breastfeed their babies?

Post by melanie »

As far as breastfeeding in public? Get your milk on wherever you want, babies are demanding things and if tits can be splashed everywhere for advertising and entertainment then a breastfeeding mother should never have to feel like she’s exposing herself to feed her Bub.
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