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Re: Miss Socialist Lite Snubbed by Obama

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:49 am
by RickD
This video came out yesterday. It's a great explanation about why socialism is theft.

Re: Miss Socialist Lite Snubbed by Obama

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:09 am
by edwardmurphy
I only watched to the four minute mark, which is when Mr. Shapiro explained what some here fail to grasp - socialized medicine within a capitalist economy does not a socialist country make. Canada has both a safe, happy population (due to the socialist policies that they've enacted) and a high standard of living (due to their capitalist economy).

Perhaps you'll hear it from him, if not from me.

Thanks, Ben.

Re: Miss Socialist Lite Snubbed by Obama

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:07 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:09 am I only watched to the four minute mark, which is when Mr. Shapiro explained what some here fail to grasp - socialized medicine within a capitalist economy does not a socialist country make. Canada has both a safe, happy population (due to the socialist policies that they've enacted) and a high standard of living (due to their capitalist economy).

Perhaps you'll hear it from him, if not from me.

Thanks, Ben.

I might watch the rest later, but I have some stuff I want to do while the kids are at the beach.
I'd suggest you watch more of the video, and maybe more of Shapiro's other videos. Of course having socialized healthcare doesn't, in itself, make a nation socialist.

Ben also has stated something that many in the left fail to grasp. That nations like Sweden, became prosperous under a free market system. Then Sweden adopted a socialist type healthcare system. And since Sweden was a prosperous nation, it was able to sustain socialized healthcare for a time. But now it's taking its toll on the nation.

Re: Miss Socialist Lite Snubbed by Obama

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:55 pm
by edwardmurphy
I listened to it. It's a bunch of half-truths and misrepresentations. Shapiro is trying to convince us that the Democrats are actually socialists looking to abolish profit incentives because a few of them claim to be socialists and favor some tried and true programs from other countries. It's [nonsense]. The Democrats are capitalists, the actual socialists are a fringe group, I've never heard anyone, anywhere claim that the USSR wasn't socialist, and so on and so forth. Shapiro is a pundit. He has no interest in fairness or balance, just in attacking the other side.

Also, last I heard those countries with socialized medicine are actually spending a lot less per capita on healthcare than we are, while somehow managing to provide decent care for everyone. Part of that is that our system is so stupid and inefficient. Basically, some people don't want to give healthcare to people that don't "deserve" it but at the same time aren't quite willing to leave them to die in the street. Consequently poor people can't get routine check-ups or preventative care, but when things go completely to hell they can take an ambulance to the ER, where they'll receive insanely expensive treatment that the rest of us will pay for. The result is the same, only we arrive there via the stupid, wasteful path rather than the smart, efficient one. So we all pay more for less in a vain attempt to avoid giving anyone more than we think that they deserve. Super.

Conservatives spend too much time worrying about who deserves what and too little thinking about how to solve problems. It's disheartening.

Re: Miss Socialist Lite Snubbed by Obama

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:00 am
by Philip
Ed: Conservatives spend too much time worrying about who deserves what and too little thinking about how to solve problems. It's disheartening.
Don't kid yourself, Ed - that same statement could easily be applied to MANY Democrats! And both sides of the political aisle feature way to much pandering to low-information types or the very young who are easily persuaded by promises that appeal to their desires of the moment.