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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:30 pm
by Mastermind
kmart, you can sow all you want, but when you have rebels and bandits burning down your lands, killing your family and livestock and pretty much razing everything you have off the face of the earth once in a while, it's kind of hard to reap anything. Keep in mind that not everybody has an opportunity to live a decent life like we do.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:47 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Forgot to tie in man's evil actions with the greed part 8) my bad. It isn't all because of what one does, it can be the fault of others (in the case or rebels and bandits).


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:50 pm
by Mastermind
Actually, it's usually not their fault. It's hard to break the chain when most 3rd world countries are either ravaged by war or under greedy dictators.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:51 pm
by Mastermind
The only countries in which I CAN blame the people however are those like my native country which no longer have an excuse but still aren't doing much.

Re: Is being Gay really that bad?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 6:19 am
by ochotseat
Darwin_Rocks wrote:One of the main arguments against gays presented by Christians is that by being gay you are not contributing to the population of the human race and are therefore going against god's plan.

However with todays overpopulation and dwindling resources is it really enough? I mean who really gets hurt by gay people? If they are two consenting adults what is wrong with a little boy on boy or girl on girl action?

Feel free to leave your comments, honesty is obliged.
Are you an atheist or agnostic?

Homosexuality is disapproved by all nationalities and religions, not just Christians, so why just target Christians?

Homosexuality is despised because it's going against nature and God. There's a reason why only a man and woman can reproduce, why the vast majority of humanity is heterosexual, why a husband and wife serve as the ideal parents and cannot be replaced by two men or two women, and why the anal tissue tears more easily and is not as suited for intercourse as the vagina is.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 8:59 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Actually, it's usually not their fault. It's hard to break the chain when most 3rd world countries are either ravaged by war or under greedy dictators.
Same difference. Bandits, robber, psychotic dictators causing a genocide...

And, wow, I didn't know Darwin's argument was so weak and obviously invoking the straw man fallacy. :wink:


Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:16 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything. im sorry if this sounds vulger, however anal sex, why would God create the prostate gland, for any of you who do not know this gland is like the female g-spot but in the males renal area. why would our God give us this blessed part of our body if not to use it?

Re: homosexuality

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:33 am
by Felgar
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything. im sorry if this sounds vulger, however anal sex, why would God create the prostate gland, for any of you who do not know this gland is like the female g-spot but in the males renal area. why would our God give us this blessed part of our body if not to use it?
Just because something feels good does not mean it is not sin. In fact most sin is pleasurable to our inherently sinnful flesh. But in Christ, we are dead to sin and we our called to live righteously in faith. God's Word says homosexuality is a sin, and therefore it is - plain and simple.

Does that mean that no gay person is saved? No, because we're all sinners and are yet saved. But active unrepentant sin is one sign that perhaps one doesn't actually believe what is proffessed. My question to you is simple and direct: How can you claim to be a Christian, yet ignore the Bible?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 12:27 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Scratching when you have the chicken pocks feel good, your nails seem made for it...but you shouldn't scratch because it's just going to tear your skin, and it's not really gonna help-it'll just intensify, so you have to keep point? If it feel good...SO? And, then as a counterattack, why didn't God give women penises so they could be lesbians? And why don't guys have a vagina? If God wanted homosexuality, why don't you have both! It sounds good, he gives you a choice! Or, he would at least have allowed your anus to beating. But, no, if you do that...anal seepage anyone?

Re: homosexuality

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:02 pm
by Dan
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything. im sorry if this sounds vulger, however anal sex, why would God create the prostate gland, for any of you who do not know this gland is like the female g-spot but in the males renal area. why would our God give us this blessed part of our body if not to use it?
Did you fail biology?

The prostate gland actually DOES something, it wasn't intended for stimulation. :roll:

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:07 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
And the prostate grand is not on the surface, it's a way in there, it's near, I think under, the bladder.

Re: homosexuality

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:08 pm
by ochotseat
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything. im sorry if this sounds vulger, however anal sex, why would God create the prostate gland, for any of you who do not know this gland is like the female g-spot but in the males renal area. why would our God give us this blessed part of our body if not to use it?
By the way, fundamentalist Christians don't hate you for being homosexual. They care for you, which is why they want to help you learn about the Gospel and possibly turn straight.

Re: homosexuality

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:13 pm
by Dan
ochotseat wrote:
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything. im sorry if this sounds vulger, however anal sex, why would God create the prostate gland, for any of you who do not know this gland is like the female g-spot but in the males renal area. why would our God give us this blessed part of our body if not to use it?
By the way, fundamentalist Christians don't hate you for being homosexual. They care for you, which is why they want to help you learn about the Gospel and possibly turn straight.
I don't ask him to do the impossible. :roll:

Everyone has a main vice that should be the focus of their struggle against sin. This is the sin that afflicts them the most and attacks them every day. For me, it is blasphemy, for others its abomination, and others adultery, the vice of some people is homosexuality.

I ask them to turn away from their vice and find Christ, and RESIST sin, not REMOVE it because only Christ can remove it. Just as I struggle with blasphemy every day so should a homosexual struggle against what their body lusts for every day.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:16 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Yeah, good job mentioning that...should have myself, but...didn't think of it :cry: Also, homosexuality (the act) is not a bigger sin than anything else. All sins are the same-they are all things that are against God's nature. So, just because we may be more aggressive on this one, an active homosexual is no worse than a guy who constantly swears, or a liar...we're all on the same level.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:54 pm
by August
im sorry but i am a christian, i also am a normal person, and finally i am as gay as God is the creator as everything.
Do you ever want to change? Or are you content with being gay?