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Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:12 am
by Anonymous
You're very welcome - although I think Christians should be quite a step above the rest with regards to sincerity, meekness, and kindness; that's not always the case. Maybe you'll just see all the good sides and not when we slip up!
That said, I highly doubt that I'll ever become religious, I was Catholic/Christian for the first ten years of my life and religion's definately not for me.
I greatly understand. I grew up Catholic for 18 out of 20 years of my life. Yet, I'd hope and even exhort you to never become religious. Why? Because no matter what people might tell you, being a Christian is not some religious experience/church thing. Unfortunately, today's statistics state that 'Christians' live the same type of lives that non-Christians do. Go to any atheist's webpage and hear the whole speal:
"How dare those Christians tell us what to do and how to live our lives when they get divorced the same amount if not more than us!"

When I got saved at age 16, I started distancing myself from contemporary Churchdom. Now, they'd similarly distance themselves from me and my doctrines/views/lifestyle. Maybe it can be a point in matter to find out why that is. I think that you'd discover some interesting facts there.

By the way, where are you from? I'm in Northern New York.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:11 pm
by M0le
*Points to left*
Melbourne, Australia.

finally found it!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:51 am
by Anonymous
Finally found what you ask? This! A creation forum! A few months back I became determined to find a conservative discussion forum and a creation one. I found a conservative one right away
But kept having to go though one site of "athism vs. evolutionism" after another, each one usually stacked heavily against creationism. I'm looking for ammo, not something to shoot at.

Well yes, hi guys, I'm Black Phoenix. (for shame, I still cut and paste that name... can't remember how to spell pheonix... one of those things I guess, for some reason it never clicks. I feel so stupid!)
I'm 20, I know I konw, pipsqueak!
I'm a christian-action-sci-fi-fantasy comic writer, and if you guys would like, I would very much like to show you guys some comics once their done...

Hey ah, how do ya make a signature here? I looked but there's no place in my profile for it.

Ya know who I really would like to talk to here... or anywhere. John Mackay. My all time fav creation scientist.

Re: finally found it!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 1:14 pm
by BavarianWheels
Black Phoenix wrote:Hey ah, how do ya make a signature here? I looked but there's no place in my profile for it.
First of all...welcome!

The signature area is in the's not difficult to reads, "Signature".

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:21 pm
by Anonymous
The signature area is in the's not difficult to reads, "Signature".
You probably intended it that way around here but for some reason I see no such catagory... what's just above it?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:00 pm
by BavarianWheels
Black Phoenix wrote:You probably intended it that way around here but for some reason I see no such catagory... what's just above it?
Interests, Occupation,...Just before Preferences.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:21 pm
by Kurieuo
Hi BP, welcome to the forums.
Black Phoenix wrote:Finally found what you ask? This! A creation forum! A few months back I became determined to find a conservative discussion forum and a creation one.
Some great resources to do with creation which should provide some helpful information can be found on the website at

Black Phoenix wrote:
The signature area is in the's not difficult to reads, "Signature".
You probably intended it that way around here but for some reason I see no such catagory... what's just above it?
New users are prevented from adding a signature or website to their profile until they reach at about ten posts. The reason for this is to stop false users registering and those who just wish to spam their website. So as soon as you reach the required amount of posts, you should see both within your profile.


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:33 pm
by Anonymous
Hello everyone. My name is Mark. I am currently residing in Cumbria, England although I am originally from Northern Ireland. I am a chef and I am 34 years old. I was saved at the age of 11 in a childrens' meeting. I drifted away about 11 years ago :( and recommitted my life to the Lord in February of this year. :D I have a little knowledge of the Scriptures but probably not as much as anyone here, so please be patient if I don't understand something. :oops: I came to this forum from the website. It is a fantastic website and has been useful. So greetings to you all from the lovely Lake District. :D


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:20 am
by RGeeB
Hi Mark, greetings from Surrey:D Hope its not raining all the time up north! God Bless

I can't possibly be the only South African here!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:14 am
by Anonymous
Sawubona! That means "hello" in Zulu. For those who aren't familiar with sunny South Africa: we have 11 official languages - so don't ask me for all the official greetings. But generally Howzit! is pretty common all over.

I'm really, really excited to have stumbled upon this site. This is exactly what I need at this point in my life - substance. And this site has a lot of that. I'm not going to ramble on too much. I'll be around popping in and out of various discussions.

Overall I am a Christian by choice, but raised Catholic - sort of. So I still tend to question all the time. I love information and understanding through communication.

Fav quote: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!"

Ciao (Portuguese for cheers/goodbye... I'm Portuguese crossed Swazi)
Chat Soon!

Hi there

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:57 pm
by Anonymous
Hello fellow Christians.
I'm a new member, the name's Kirk Shelton.
I'm 14, I'm a high school student and very dedicated to God.
I registerd here for the sake of staying pure to God. I figure I'd better decidate internet time to him as well, so this forum looks like a good place to frequent.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:24 am
by Kurieuo
Welcome guys. I always look forward to seeing new posters, so don't feel shy about contributing.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:05 pm
by Anonymous
Greetings to you all.

I think it only fair to let you know a little about me.

I'm an MK (missionary kid) from America to America. I know sounds strange, but I rather enjoy it. Because of this background I may appear a little too sure a myself at times, and for that I apologize in advance.

I have been saved for 16 years (Okay, so I'm not a kid anymore). And I rather like debating. I found this site surfing Google. If you want to know more ask me.


me and my stupid life!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:20 am
by Shirtless
Oh!--who's gonna read this? Okay, fine:

I'm a college student and former athiest. I did a strange thing couple years back. I prayed, telling God that I wanted to believe in him but that there were so many silly things in the Bible which made it hard. I felt stupid for saying that 'cause I never read the Bible. To make a long story short, I've discovered things about authentic Christianity that BLEW MY MIND!! Thankfully GodandScience has been there to hold my hand along the way. If only the world knew how much of a hole this faith has been in for 1,700 years!

I have the utmost empathy for athiests because I think they have some very good questions that mainstream "christians" haven't been willing to answer.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:25 am
by Felgar
Excellent. Welcome to the forums Shirtless!

As a former athiest you are in a position to provide some unique insight into the mind of the atheist. It's also neat that you're the living embodiment of the promise "seek and you shall find."