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Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:16 am
by LittleShepherd
I dunno...but then I never had too much trouble with abstract concepts or the existence of infinity. If the universe was, indeed, infinite in size...I wouldn't be surprised. However, remember that it doesn't occupy an infinite number of dimensions. Only...10? I think 9 of space and 1 of time.

Even if the universe was infinite, God is still bigger. Now how's that for abstract?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:07 am
by Felgar
kateliz wrote:It sure sounds infinite to me! Or is it somehow self-contained? Is it more similar to the rubber of the balloon than that was intended? Is it somehow like the infinity symbol or an "8"? Without a shape, is it somehow like those shapes in the sense that it's all connected to itself?

Maybe it's just the concept of nothingness that's creating all of my confusion on this. No edges or dissipation all because of nothing!
The balloon analogy was used in a science show that I saw, and I assumed that you saw it too. Maybe not.

Anyway, I may not have done a good job to explain it. Consider that the universe does have a shape, but it's a 4-dimensional object. The consequence of this: We could start off in 1 direction (or send a beam of light or whatever) and eventually come back to where we started. Can we walk in 1 direction indefinately? Yes. Is it infinite? No. One implication of this is that if we could see far enough, we might be able to see ourselves. But could we recognize our galaxy that long ago?

So going back to the balloon, it does have a shape and it's not infinite. But the ant can walk forward indefinately in his 2 dimensions, not realizing that he's moving through the 3rd dimension in order to arrive back where he started. Just like on Earth, we can move 3 feet to the right, by walking 20,000 miles to the West.

Clear as mud?

Regarding nothingness, I should point out that space itself is not nothing. It's actually sort of like a bubbling froth of energy, with particles coming into existance and being annhilated nanoseconds later. In fact, it's been speculated that there is A LOT of energy, just in a given part of space. The problem is that we cannot seperate space to get at a portion with no energy, and we need that differential to actually tap into the energy. This is research being currenlty being done on Zero Point... So it would seem that the Stargate writers do keep up on the latest science too. :)

Space-time is an "8"

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:10 pm
by kateliz
Good stuff Felgar. It would make things much easier for there to be a fourth dimension in all this! And what you described about going in "circles" infinitly is like an "8"! I know that space is not nothing, but I've heard that outside of our universe is this nothing. Hmmm, I guess I had my understanding of nothing wrong. Nothing does not mean there is "space" that is full of "nothing" as I stupidly was imagining- it means that the only thing in existence on our level is our universe! Other than that, there's nothing! What a concept! No wonder there can't be an edge! I don't believe something created in the realm of physical particles could be infinite. The laws of that realm are, according to me, that there has to be boundaries around objects of some sort, or, in other words, that they aren't infinite. But if it's not infinite in the sense we would normally think of, and there's truly nothing besides our universe, then it does demand (right?) that space-time is self-contained in the same way an "8" is! Aha! I get it!!! :D Yay!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:47 am
by Felgar
Yeah I agree Kateliz - I think you've got it. Well, at least that's one theory at work now, anyways.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:08 am
by The edge
Back to the original Q.
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:
They say that we were made FOR sex. What is your thought on this? What is the evidence against evolution?
The evidence against evolution is in the first sentence. We were MADE. Then, you have to realize that the chances of two genders evolving randomly at the same time, so that their sex organs can still work together, is entirely ridiculous. Natural selection keeps defects which would help something evolve (if it could) from becoming prominent by diluting the mutations in the gene pool.
Not forgetting at the same geographical location. And then having both knowing how to use it for the intended purpose, be it intercourse or simple deposite of sperm. On top of that, the egg must conincidently be evolve to allow for fertilisation & growth in whatever environment it is in.

The chances of all that happening is so small that the faith required to believe that such an event would occur would be larger than simply believing in the existence of God.

To trust in evolution from protein to human, so much strings of events must occur that requires one to keep believing in it's every stagesof development or evolution. On the other hand, there's only 1 event that require faith for those that believe in God. He created.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:22 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Actually, I've got a funny story about that-two gorrilas in a zoo weren't procreating, and nobody could tell why. Eventually someone hit upon it, and they showed the gorrilas a video of Jack and Jillrilla do you say it...IT 8) . That solved the problem...they hadn't learned how to do that yet.