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Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:23 am
by SourceofLiFe
The edge wrote:God forgive me...

but I've this thot that God will return in a form that's "Alien-like".
Why else would pple still hide in caves & rock & rather die than to meet the returning Christ.
...I know....some say it's because of their hardened hearts....but just as Christ came in a form that's not recognizable to the Jews despite the prophecy, He may returned in a form that's not recognizable to Christian too.
You are a wicked man.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:32 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
SourceofLiFe wrote:
The edge wrote:God forgive me...

but I've this thot that God will return in a form that's "Alien-like".
Why else would pple still hide in caves & rock & rather die than to meet the returning Christ.
...I know....some say it's because of their hardened hearts....but just as Christ came in a form that's not recognizable to the Jews despite the prophecy, He may returned in a form that's not recognizable to Christian too.
You are a wicked man.
Edge, Jesus did came in a recognizable form to the Jews. He came with all the bells and whistles He could! He fulfilled a hill of prophecies which were quite obvious, as even I, MYSELF, MR. DENSE, could see them a mile off. Then, there's everything He did, his ministry, his miricles. The Jews saw it all, they just blamed anything miraculous on the devil.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:29 pm
by CountryBoy
God forgive me...

but I've this thot that God will return in a form that's "Alien-like".
Why else would pple still hide in caves & rock & rather die than to meet the returning Christ.
...I know....some say it's because of their hardened hearts....but just as Christ came in a form that's not recognizable to the Jews despite the prophecy, He may returned in a form that's not recognizable to Christian too.
Oh yeah, His sheep will recognize Him, the others will have problems indeed.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:18 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Everyone will recognize Him, it's just that non-Christians won't be mighty happy about it...something about they will want the mountains to fall on them and hide them. Sounds scary to me.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 6:58 pm
by Mastermind
SourceofLiFe wrote:
The edge wrote:God forgive me...

but I've this thot that God will return in a form that's "Alien-like".
Why else would pple still hide in caves & rock & rather die than to meet the returning Christ.
...I know....some say it's because of their hardened hearts....but just as Christ came in a form that's not recognizable to the Jews despite the prophecy, He may returned in a form that's not recognizable to Christian too.
You are a wicked man.
You have returned, Judicator.