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Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:52 pm
by Dan
Kurieuo wrote:Atheists certainly do attack OEC, especially Day-Agers. We aren't on their side and they aren't on ours.

I think the main thing to remember is that despite our disagreement on creation, both sides uphold Scripture as authoritative. Our disagreement isn't over Scripture being wrong, but rather interpretations. And let's say we're both wrong somehow ;), at least we got the main thing which is that everything was created by God, and we once had a close relationship with Him until our sin separated us.

That's completely and totally insightful. That's exactly the reason why the Bible isn't detailed about how God created everything; it is irrelevant to what His purpose was in giving the word to us. Besides, no one would've understood red shift or cosmological constants at that time ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:54 pm
by Battlehelmet
Hmm. I never noticed the OT laws Dan brought up.

I will remain an OEC because there are references of YEC's and thier scriptural inerrency. YEC is supported by in terms of interest and general faith, but I truly believe that OEC is the only UNirrefutable creationist argument againist ToE regarding thier evolutionistic principles.

Because we as OEC's do not deny the Creator nor Scriptural truth. YEC's take the literal intrepretation of the seven days in Genesis too literal. IMO

1 day can mean a 1000 to the Creator or 1 second.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:56 pm
by Battlehelmet
Kurieuo wrote:Atheists certainly do attack OEC, especially Day-Agers. We aren't on their side and they aren't on ours.

Tell me about it Kurieuo! I have recieved many of those attacks..:cool:
I think the main thing to remember is that despite our disagreement on creation, both sides uphold Scripture as authoritative. Our disagreement isn't over Scripture being wrong, but rather interpretations. And let's say we're both wrong somehow ;), at least we got the main thing which is that everything was created by God, and we once had a close relationship with Him until our sin separated us.


That's completely and totally insightful. That's exactly the reason why the Bible isn't detailed about how God created everything; it is irrelevant to what His purpose was in giving the word to us. Besides, no one would've understood red shift or cosmological constants at that time ;)
And true also. :cool:

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:27 am
by CountryBoy
Well of course they attack OEC and YEC. Of course, they only attack OEC because of the 'C'. They embrace the OE.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:35 pm
by Kurieuo
Your reasoning is silly though if that is a major reason why you reject an older Earth position. It would be like Flat Earthers rejecting all those who accept a spherical Earth on the grounds that most Atheists accept such a thing. How does that make any sense? It doesn't as it avoids the facts surrounding the issue of a flat/spherical Earth altogether.

Now Atheists and Old Earthers may both be in agreement on an old Earth, but the reason is not because both are amiable towards each other.


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:07 am
by CountryBoy

I give the OE'ers a ribbing that they are blinded by science by putting it in front of the bible and sleeping with the enemy and, of course, I get it back (equally good naturedly I hope) that I am simple and blind to science and have a very blind faith.

Well, I've read enough evidence on both sides and made up my mind based on that, that's all I can do. God didn't make us all scientists, I'll never understand red shifts or bending space-time or most of those heavy duty explanations of why OE or YE may be true. And I know there are great Christian minds on both sides of the argument...much greater
minds than mine. I'm convinced that it can't be figured out scientifically...either way...certainly not by me.

Honestly, we must all admit that there is no scientific way to test how old a rock is past a few millenium or so (centuries for that matter). We can't ever know just how much of a certain gas has escaped out of anything from anytime past a few centuries ago. These dating methods are all based on assumptions...good scientific assumptions I might add...but none the less...falible assumptions that can never be verified for their accuracy, we will never go back 20 million years to see if a dinasaur died in's not fact. Our great scientific minds (mine is excluded here :oops: keep coming up with wonderful new discoveries everyday about many things, some testable, some not.

Vvart (sp) was talking about how he's seen someone pick a random person and show how all of the profecies of the messiah worked for him...I don't doubt that one bit. Facts are always going to be distorted to fit the desires of those who want them to look a certain way. Christians rearrange things to fit their desires, OE'ers and YE'ers do the same, and so do atheists and moslems, etc. And most of this may even be done with good intentions. But we've all seen how people distort bible verses, and that can be done with anything written.

So, battlehelmet, you said
YEC is supported by in terms of interest and general faith, but I truly believe that OEC is the only UNirrefutable creationist argument againist ToE regarding thier evolutionistic principles. [quote]

That's great BH, you've taken a stand that you can believe in (I think you believe in OE, I can't wrap my brain around what UNirrefutable means, so you know I'm lost on the confusing scientific theories).

The bottom line is, we still live by faith. We can't prove to the sceptic that Jesus ever even lived, much less that he died and rose again. All we can do is present people with what we say are facts. I'm a simple person, most of us are either incapable of understanding these great scientific theories, or at least aren't willing to sacrifice the time it takes to try to understand them. I'm never going to learn Hebrew, Latin or Greek so I'm depending on the groundwork others have done there to help me, same with the scientific arena, I'm having to trust other people's
research...I only have so much time and energy and I don't feel led to use it up on those things. God may be leading some of you to make amazing new discoveries, but I don't think that's my forte. So faith is a major part of my lifestyle

At some time or other in all Christian lives we will come upon something that strips everything else away and all we will be left with is faith. It's not blind, because we have the Holy Spirit assuring us, but from a scientific perspective, it's plain ole silly blind faith.