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Re: Charismatic chaos?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:11 am
by bizzt
Dale Tooley wrote:Earl Moon? No! Is he a Mooney ????

Obviously not a big star.
LOL no he was just doing some Ministry work with Len up in Kelowna BC I believe (or was it Kamloops :? )

Charismatic Chaos?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:34 am
by Dale Tooley
A response to Kurieuo.

For Len lindstrom to be in the Philippines in June would be a very long shot. Lately Len (apart from Canada crusades) has been concentrating on India and Africa and particularly Liberia, travelling city to city trying to help restore a destroyed nation. He is being made "Canadian honoray ambassador" for his efforts. I suggest you make contact with Len directly
Kurieuo. He connects easily with the ordinary bloke ( I'm hoping you are one) and he has only been known to bite after the third or fourth contact.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:09 pm
by Metacrock
j316 wrote:In answer to your question about the baptism of the spirit I think the answer lies in where the experience comes from. I have had some in depth experience with meditation and one of the first things I realized was how easy it is to create experiences, it is hard to tell a difference between genuine inputs or experiences and those that are self created.

With that in mind think about the emotional state of someone who has been moved by a sermon or other influence to the point of acceptance of Jesus, it is a very overwhelming and emotional experience. It would not be surprising to me to find out that some of what occurrs at that time is due to suggestion. I'm not saying it is bogus in any way, but it may be greatly exaggerated.

The real baptism is when the Holy Spirit affirms His acceptance of you. You had previously chosen the Lord, this is the response. I think it marks the beginning of the transformation process.

My experiences have somewhat mirrored Paul, I actually sought none of what has happened to me. The tongues experience was not the first that I had. I do think that seeking predefined experiences is an invitation to those who want to do harm.

well I did seek tounges, and in fact sought the baptism but didn't think I would get it. It was ony when I quite seeking and just decided to take on faith that God would grant my request and it was "on the way" that I began to have those experinces and to exhibit the gifts. I spoke in tounges that first night that i experinced "baptism of the Holy Spirit"

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:19 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Metacrock wrote: well I did seek tounges, and in fact sought the baptism but didn't think I would get it. It was ony when I quite seeking and just decided to take on faith that God would grant my request and it was "on the way" that I began to have those experinces and to exhibit the gifts. I spoke in tounges that first night that i experinced "baptism of the Holy Spirit"
I thought I would share this story.
I was once a Presbyterian.
On one occation at a retreat many people were confessing Jesus as their Lord and Saviour for the first time, Including myself. All of a sudden the room seemed to grow real warm, and the lights dimmed considerably. Spontaneously everyone began speaking in tongues. It was a surreal experience. It's not like what I had imagined, I could not "understand" anyone. Yet I understood everyone. It's like a strong emotion pouring out of you, like tears or screams, but positive in a way, like tears of joy, bittersweet. I was awash in emotions. All the weight was lifted off of me as I no longer had to bear the burden alone. I felt as if I had surrendered myself, I had let go of the last bit of pride inside me. I was a servant to the Lord.

It was a shock to the youth leaders. We recently debated whether speaking in tongues was a sin. It was a miracle and some of the leaders insisted that this was adding to the book. This was explicitely forbidden in revelations. Now, for those who are not familiar with presbyterians, we communicate with God constantly. Prayers were like meals, we would pray throughout the day and we would spend the entire day at church on Sundays, and several nights at bible study throughout the week. We all prayed out loud as a group praying for the ones next to us as well as family and friends. We would pray for each other. At home we would pray some more after a short reading and contemplation.

One girl from the retreat insisted on speaking tongues and praying very loudly every time. She eventually left and went to a Pentecostal church. The rest of us did not know what to think of that night...
She left under church pressure.

Those who know me may wonder why I have chosen the path I have chosen. You may wonder what effect this sort of experience has had on me. I don't think I should share it here. If you want to know more you can message me, I won't reply if I don't know you.
Gman you are welcome to send me a message if you are reading this.
I have no ill feelings towards anyone on this site.

But I though I would share this much with the general readership.


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:15 am
by Kurieuo
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Metacrock wrote: well I did seek tounges, and in fact sought the baptism but didn't think I would get it. It was ony when I quite seeking and just decided to take on faith that God would grant my request and it was "on the way" that I began to have those experinces and to exhibit the gifts. I spoke in tounges that first night that i experinced "baptism of the Holy Spirit"
I thought I would share this story.
I was once a Presbyterian.
On one occation at a retreat many people were confessing Jesus as their Lord and Saviour for the first time, Including myself. All of a sudden the room seemed to grow real warm, and the lights dimmed considerably. Spontaneously everyone began speaking in tongues. It was a surreal experience. It's not like what I had imagined, I could not "understand" anyone. Yet I understood everyone. It's like a strong emotion pouring out of you, like tears or screams, but positive in a way, like tears of joy, bittersweet. I was awash in emotions. All the weight was lifted off of me as I no longer had to bear the burden alone. I felt as if I had surrendered myself, I had let go of the last bit of pride inside me. I was a servant to the Lord.

It was a shock to the youth leaders. We recently debated whether speaking in tongues was a sin. It was a miracle and some of the leaders insisted that this was adding to the book. This was explicitely forbidden in revelations. Now, for those who are not familiar with presbyterians, we communicate with God constantly. Prayers were like meals, we would pray throughout the day and we would spend the entire day at church on Sundays, and several nights at bible study throughout the week. We all prayed out loud as a group praying for the ones next to us as well as family and friends. We would pray for each other. At home we would pray some more after a short reading and contemplation.

One girl from the retreat insisted on speaking tongues and praying very loudly every time. She eventually left and went to a Pentecostal church. The rest of us did not know what to think of that night...
She left under church pressure.

Those who know me may wonder why I have chosen the path I have chosen. You may wonder what effect this sort of experience has had on me. I don't think I should share it here. If you want to know more you can message me, I won't reply if I don't know you.
Gman you are welcome to send me a message if you are reading this.
I have no ill feelings towards anyone on this site.

But I though I would share this much with the general readership.
Just read this, and well I would have never thought... :shock:

I'd take up your offer and be interested to hear more in a PM regarding what effect it had on you... even today. Hopefully I count as someone you know. :wave: :P

Re: Charismatic chaos?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:51 am
by FFC
Wow, I can't help but be interested. God bless you, Bgood! :ebiggrin: