Status of unclean spirits
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:47 pm
Fair question STRIX< about what scripture supports my belief that unclean spirits and demon possession is still a part of life today. I base this on every other aspect of scripture - if it isn't mentioned as changing, ceasing, or developing into something different, I think it is safe to say that we should not assume it has. Many use vague scriptures to make claims that certain things, like miracles, healing, or speaking in tongues are not longer a part of the Christian life today, but scripture does not say this is the case. (1 Cor 13 is the scripture used to support this)
There is also evidence of demonic activity in the world today, and it would be unwise to assume that because we don't understand the spiritual realm or the warfare that exists, that it doesn't exist. Paul said our struggle was not against flesh and blod, if this were not the case still today, it would have been stated as such in God's WOrd, don't you think? SO if there are demonic spirits waging war against us, would not these be unclean spirits? ANyway, that is my line of reasoning, for what it's worth
There is also evidence of demonic activity in the world today, and it would be unwise to assume that because we don't understand the spiritual realm or the warfare that exists, that it doesn't exist. Paul said our struggle was not against flesh and blod, if this were not the case still today, it would have been stated as such in God's WOrd, don't you think? SO if there are demonic spirits waging war against us, would not these be unclean spirits? ANyway, that is my line of reasoning, for what it's worth