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Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:11 pm
by LittleShepherd
The very word tithe, and the Hebrew words from that we translate as such, maaser and asar, mean "the tenth part," or "ten percent."

Tithing was actually established under Old Testament law, which Christians are free from. Of course, we are also free from the laws that say not to lie, murder, fornicate, etc. etc. etc. We still follow those laws, not because we have to, but because when we follow God's law with a willing heart, it is pleasing to Him, and we as Christians desire to please the Lord.

At no point did Jesus abolish the law in the New Testament. He merely <B>fulfilled</B> it and set us free from it. Yet He also said that those who love God will obey His commands -- not because we are under them, but because they are good and we desire to do that which is good.

My question to you is why would someone <B>not</B> give at least 10 percent, and do so willingly? There are a few reasons that people tend to give, but they all fall flat.

"I'm too poor." -- We are told that God will always meet our needs, and that we are to give with a willing heart. Nothing is ever mentioned about giving only if we can afford it. You disobey His command to give willingly when you refuse to tithe in such a situation, and you also demonstrate a lack of faith in God to meet your needs and to bless your offerings.

"The Bible doesn't command it." -- Again, I say that tithing was an established practice long before Jesus came, and He never abolished the law. We are not under the law. We are not required to tithe. We have the Holy Spirit inside us, are new creatures in Christ, and should <B>want</B> to tithe.

"I just don't want to." -- Now this is just selfishness, and goes against everything Christianity stands for. The church provides great services for you, fellow Christians, and for lost people. It serves as a base of operations, allowing us to easily gather together, organize missions, and a whole host of other things that really help in the Christian life. To deny the church simply because you don't want to give is to deny everyone that it's organized to benefit. Also, the whole "willing heart" thing. Why would you <B>not</B> want to give in the first place?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:51 pm
by bizzt
LittleShepherd wrote:The very word tithe, and the Hebrew words from that we translate as such, maaser and asar, mean "the tenth part," or "ten percent."

Tithing was actually established under Old Testament law, which Christians are free from. Of course, we are also free from the laws that say not to lie, murder, fornicate, etc. etc. etc. We still follow those laws, not because we have to, but because when we follow God's law with a willing heart, it is pleasing to Him, and we as Christians desire to please the Lord.

At no point did Jesus abolish the law in the New Testament. He merely <B>fulfilled</B> it and set us free from it. Yet He also said that those who love God will obey His commands -- not because we are under them, but because they are good and we desire to do that which is good.

My question to you is why would someone <B>not</B> give at least 10 percent, and do so willingly? There are a few reasons that people tend to give, but they all fall flat.

"I'm too poor." -- We are told that God will always meet our needs, and that we are to give with a willing heart. Nothing is ever mentioned about giving only if we can afford it. You disobey His command to give willingly when you refuse to tithe in such a situation, and you also demonstrate a lack of faith in God to meet your needs and to bless your offerings.

"The Bible doesn't command it." -- Again, I say that tithing was an established practice long before Jesus came, and He never abolished the law. We are not under the law. We are not required to tithe. We have the Holy Spirit inside us, are new creatures in Christ, and should <B>want</B> to tithe.

"I just don't want to." -- Now this is just selfishness, and goes against everything Christianity stands for. The church provides great services for you, fellow Christians, and for lost people. It serves as a base of operations, allowing us to easily gather together, organize missions, and a whole host of other things that really help in the Christian life. To deny the church simply because you don't want to give is to deny everyone that it's organized to benefit. Also, the whole "willing heart" thing. Why would you <B>not</B> want to give in the first place?
The 10 Percent is not the main Problem and Thank you for the Clarification. What I wanted to make a Fact was the Levitical Laws ask for alot more then 10 percent of your Pay. I guess I do not go under the Law of 10 Percent but I give probably quite a bit more then 10%. I do not worry on how much I give but the Fact that I give. The Law REQUIRES me to give 10% or even more if you believe in the Levitical Laws but my Heart Requires me to GIVE a portion of what I earn. Anyways A little off topic...

In Christ

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:50 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
This is why Christianity and limited government are in no way contradictory. If you need a big government to force you to do what you should already want to do as a new creature in Christ, then the action kind of loses all meaning.
I also read an article that said that helping people is supposed to be a personal thing, as in you are the one helping wasn't online so I can't give you a link, I think it was Samaritan's something...Newsletter? Horrible memory.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:43 pm
by ochotseat
bizzt wrote: Where does Jesus tell us how much we should Tithe. What Scripture. Can you prove how much we should tithe?
It says in the Bible that a Christian should donate 10%, duh.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:45 pm
by ochotseat
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote: I think it was Samaritan's something...Newsletter? Horrible memory.
Is that why you didn't reply to my last post in this thread? :wink:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:37 am
by bizzt
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:
This is why Christianity and limited government are in no way contradictory. If you need a big government to force you to do what you should already want to do as a new creature in Christ, then the action kind of loses all meaning.
I also read an article that said that helping people is supposed to be a personal thing, as in you are the one helping wasn't online so I can't give you a link, I think it was Samaritan's something...Newsletter? Horrible memory.
Samaritans Purse