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Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:01 pm
by bizzt
LittleShepherd wrote:
ouafsa wrote:Homosexuals can seek treatment to come to terms with their sexuality but they cant seek treatment to change something that was unchosen and unchangeable. That is the current position of MAINSTREAM medical associations (as opposed to homophobic little "Christian" hate groups such as the nonsense that is NARTH a junk science organisation of misfits and extremists). Homophobes can seak treatment though just like anyone else with a phobia so why don't you.
The thing is that there is no medical evidence to support that position. The APA only changed its stance on homosexuality being a mental disorder at the insistence of lobby groups such as the ACLU. It was irresponsible of them, it was wrong, and it sounded the death knell for many a homosexual who could have found treatment.

There is, however, evidence that homosexuals can change. True, there are many who do not, but most of them do not want to change, and many of those who do don't have the backing of Jesus Christ Himself to help them along. Very big difference. When you try to change something so big in your life, it's almost impossible to make any meaningful progress on your own.

Also, look at the groups studying homosexuality. You mentioned NARTH, a secular organization dedicated to the study of homosexuality and its causes. They're current position is that homosexuals can change with treatment, and like any other organization, they have both failures and successes to their credit.

Another good organization is Exodus. Like other organizations, Exodus is 100% voluntary. They won't try to help you change unless you request the help yourself. Reading their testomonials is amazing. They're a great example of how one can love, nurture, and accept a person without affirming harmful behaviors in that person's life.

You seem to have a knee-jerk reaction that such organizations(and the people who support them) are hateful and/or homophobic. If you were to ever correspond with the people you insist on slandering, you'd find many people with nothing close to hatred in their hearts. Rather, you'd find love, acceptance, and concern for your well-being. Especially from Exodus.

And everyone knows that homophobia is a misnomer. I have no fear concerning homosexuals, and many people opposed to homosexuality feel likewise. It's not a fear of homosexuals, but rather concern for homosexuals and society at large that motivates us to stand firm against homosexuality.

I'd hate to think where I'd be if I had remained a homosexual. Yeah, you probably weren't expecting that. From age 6, my first "squishy feelings" were for other boys, and it only intensified once I hit puberty around age 11. Finally, when I was 23 something happened that threw me at the foot of the cross, and my homosexuality was one of many things that I was convicted of. One of many things that changed during the following year.

If I can change, anybody can.
Amen LS!!! 2 thumbs up on a Great Post!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:07 pm
by sandy_mcd
ochotseat wrote:It's probably not genetic, because their parents were heterosexuals.
This seems to imply a basic misunderstanding of genetics. A child can inherit a trait which neither parent has.

[Found on web. NB: I am making no statement regarding inheritance of sexual orientation.] ... tion.shtml

10. Explain how it is possible for two parents with brown eyes to have children with either brown or blue eyes, but two blue-eyed parents can only have blue-eyed children. Which parents and children are homozygous and which are heterozygous. HINT: use the terms dominant allele and recessive allele.

The gene for brown eyes is a dominant allele; the gene for blue eyes is a recessive allele. (1 mark)

This means that someone with brown eyes must have a dominant allele for brown but can also carry a recessive allele for blue eyes; someone with blue eyes has two recessive alleles for blue eyes. (1 mark)

Children who inherit one recessive allele for blue eyes from each brown-eyed parent will have blue eyes. (1 mark)

Children from blue-eyed parents can only inherit recessive alleles for blue eyes. (1 mark)

Parents and children with blue eyes are homozygous recessive i.e. they only have recessive alleles for blue eyes. (1 mark)

Parents with brown eyes who have blue-eyed children must be heterozygous, i.e. they have one dominant brown allele and one recessive blue allele. (1 mark)

People with two dominant brown alleles can only have brown-eyed children. (1 mark)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:41 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
So, we have the straight gene, and the gay gene...and when you get one of each, you're just metrosexual.

It's really pathetic to claim "don't blame me, it's my genetics" when anyone with a brain cells can tell you that it's nature as well as nurture that makes you what you are...and add in the choices you decide to make...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:01 am
by ouafsa
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:So, we have the straight gene, and the gay gene...and when you get one of each, you're just metrosexual.

It's really pathetic to claim "don't blame me, it's my genetics" when anyone with a brain cells can tell you that it's nature as well as nurture that makes you what you are...and add in the choices you decide to make...
No one choose what they find attractive and seeing as theres no harm in a same sex attraction in itself, there's no blame involved in acting on it, or at least there shouldn't be. And that's right its nature and if straights can act on theirs why can't gays? (And dont give me that religious BS that is just your opinion nothing more and in a secular society that has a seperartion between church and state you cant use religious interpretations to base law on). Its a parallel thing after all attraction for a gender and not comparable to illegal and immoral behaviour such as incest or bestiality.

Metrosexual is a pathetic term invented by the insecure that wanted to adopt something they traditionally asociated with gays but wanted a different name for it coz they didnt want to be associated with or thought of as gay (as if there was anything wrong with that).

Associating dressing and looking good with gays is ridiculous in itself, firstly everyone should make an effort with their appearance, theres nothing wrong with looking your best and why should females only get that right? Females have every right that men have but they want to keep certain things only to themselves? Lame and unfair.

Thats what happens when you get groups clamoring for rights they end up having more rights than everyone else! And secondly you cant stereotype gays as a group anymore than you can stereotype any other group. Everyone is unique and an individual and there is great diversity within the homosexual population just like the straight population.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:17 am
by ouafsa
LittleShepherd wrote:
ouafsa wrote:Homosexuals can seek treatment to come to terms with their sexuality but they cant seek treatment to change something that was unchosen and unchangeable. That is the current position of MAINSTREAM medical associations (as opposed to homophobic little "Christian" hate groups such as the nonsense that is NARTH a junk science organisation of misfits and extremists). Homophobes can seak treatment though just like anyone else with a phobia so why don't you.
The thing is that there is no medical evidence to support that position. The APA only changed its stance on homosexuality being a mental disorder at the insistence of lobby groups such as the ACLU. It was irresponsible of them, it was wrong, and it sounded the death knell for many a homosexual who could have found treatment.

There is, however, evidence that homosexuals can change. True, there are many who do not, but most of them do not want to change, and many of those who do don't have the backing of Jesus Christ Himself to help them along. Very big difference. When you try to change something so big in your life, it's almost impossible to make any meaningful progress on your own.

Also, look at the groups studying homosexuality. You mentioned NARTH, a secular organization dedicated to the study of homosexuality and its causes. They're current position is that homosexuals can change with treatment, and like any other organization, they have both failures and successes to their credit.

Another good organization is Exodus. Like other organizations, Exodus is 100% voluntary. They won't try to help you change unless you request the help yourself. Reading their testomonials is amazing. They're a great example of how one can love, nurture, and accept a person without affirming harmful behaviors in that person's life.

You seem to have a knee-jerk reaction that such organizations(and the people who support them) are hateful and/or homophobic. If you were to ever correspond with the people you insist on slandering, you'd find many people with nothing close to hatred in their hearts. Rather, you'd find love, acceptance, and concern for your well-being. Especially from Exodus.

And everyone knows that homophobia is a misnomer. I have no fear concerning homosexuals, and many people opposed to homosexuality feel likewise. It's not a fear of homosexuals, but rather concern for homosexuals and society at large that motivates us to stand firm against homosexuality.

I'd hate to think where I'd be if I had remained a homosexual. Yeah, you probably weren't expecting that. From age 6, my first "squishy feelings" were for other boys, and it only intensified once I hit puberty around age 11. Finally, when I was 23 something happened that threw me at the foot of the cross, and my homosexuality was one of many things that I was convicted of. One of many things that changed during the following year.

If I can change, anybody can.
There is no reputable evidence whatsoever that anyone can or ever has changed and I don't accept your testiomonial for what it is worth for a second. Has it been scientifically validated? No and none have them have. You clearly were not really homosexual to begin with, oh you might have thought you were but clearly you werent. REAL homosexuality is not something you can just come out of in an instant, it is very deep seated and impossible or virtually impossible to change. And even if you had changed that does not mean anyone can, more like you were the exception to the rule! A lot of these so called conversions are just people suppressing their feelings going from active to celibate and a lot have reverted back to being homosexuals including those that founded that ridiculoud Exodus organisation.

And you might want to find out what the word homophobia really means, its homophobia after all that causes most of the problems with homosexuality. Homophobes make homosexuals feel worthless and then have the cheak to blame their sexuality for the problems this causes. Im sure its convienient for homophobes and profitable to try and wipe homosexuality out through junk science seeing as they cant very well put them to death like they would prefere but this has all be attempted by the mainstream psycologists decades ago and given up on coz it just doesnt work trying to treat something that isnt a illness to begin with and doesnt need fixing.

From Homophobia (2 definitions found)

1. Fear of OR CONTEMPT for lesbians and gay men.
2. Behaviour based on such a feeling.

Fear of homosexuals is rarely involved in homophobia, usually its just hatred and/or contempt for the individual and group and misplaced and irritational fear on alleged negative effects they have or will cause to society.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:29 am
by bizzt
ouafsa wrote:There is no reputable evidence whatsoever that anyone can or ever has changed and I don't accept your testiomonial for what it is worth for a second. Has it been scientifically validated?
However being the opposite there is no Reputable Evidence that it is something to do with a Gene and no one hasn't Changed. There is NO Evidence either way and how would you Scientifically Validate it anyways? This is an issue that is within the Mind.
No and none have them have. You clearly were not really homosexual to begin with, oh you might have thought you were but clearly you werent. REAL homosexuality is not something you can just come out of in an instant, it is very deep seated and impossible or virtually impossible to change. And even if you had changed that does not mean anyone can, more like you were the exception to the rule! A lot of these so called conversions are just people suppressing their feelings going from active to celibate and a lot have reverted back to being homosexuals including those that founded that ridiculoud Exodus organisation.
How would you know if he was homosexual or not. Were you there! Do you have Scientific Research to say he wasn't. You have alot of Deep rooted Emotions here. What is your Stake in it? Are you just trying to cause an Argument?
And you might want to find out what the word homophobia really means, its homophobia after all that causes most of the problems with homosexuality. Homophobes make homosexuals feel worthless and then have the cheak to blame their sexuality for the problems this causes. Im sure its convienient for homophobes and profitable to try and wipe homosexuality out through junk science seeing as they cant very well put them to death like they would prefere but this has all be attempted by the mainstream psycologists decades ago and given up on coz it just doesnt work trying to treat something that isnt a illness to begin with and doesnt need fixing.
Is this an Expression towards LS or something. Oh yes that is a Christians Mission in life to wipe out the Homosexuals :roll:. What is your intention here? To cause Strife? Clearly you have a problem with us calling it Sin. Yet it defines it so clearly in the Bible! You might not like it but it says it!
Fear of homosexuals is rarely involved in homophobia, usually its just hatred and/or contempt for the individual and group and misplaced and irritational fear on alleged negative effects they have or will cause to society.
Are you on some kind of Rave about Homophobia? Do you struggle with that in your own life and just recently seen the light? Has a Christian Wronged you in the past and now think Every Christian is like that? I would think people who believe in Evolution or more Neo Darwinism would have a Problem with this Phobia. Survival of the Fittest, those who cannot reproduce fall behind.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:21 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
No one choose what they find attractive and seeing as theres no harm in a same sex attraction in itself, there's no blame involved in acting on it, or at least there shouldn't be.
You ignore nurture...there are things that can happen in a person's life that messes up him...
And that's right its nature and if straights can act on theirs why can't gays?
Who says it's nature.
(And dont give me that religious BS that is just your opinion nothing more and in a secular society that has a seperartion between church and state you cant use religious interpretations to base law on). Its a parallel thing after all attraction for a gender and not comparable to illegal and immoral behaviour such as incest or bestiality.
And don't give more your religious BS that it is just my opinion, and your ignorant belief that there is supposed to be separation of church and state (which is actually unconstitutional in the way its used, and never mentioned in First Amendment or anywhere else). And I never said it ought to be illegal to have a psychological problem.
Metrosexual is a pathetic term invented by the insecure that wanted to adopt something they traditionally asociated with gays but wanted a different name for it coz they didnt want to be associated with or thought of as gay (as if there was anything wrong with that).
I love that..."if you're against gays, you're insecure bigotous homophobes for not accepting them!" Blah blah blah, lollypops.