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Re: Utter BS

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:33 am
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: Who the hell are you to say what is and isnt normal?!
Are you suggesting homosexuality is normal?
As for gays, there is no one single gay lifestyle, not all are promiscuis (some are celibate) in fact only a small but very active minority are.
As you said, a definite minority. Gay activists don't just want tolerance; they want acceptance.

Re: Utter BS

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:53 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:Are you suggesting homosexuality is normal?
Of course not, it is obviously not normal. :(
As you said, a definite minority. Gay activists don't just want tolerance; they want acceptance.
The same way black activists in the past didn't just want tolerance but also wanted acceptance? Damn those pesky blacks wanting to be treated human heh. :)

Re: Utter BS

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:15 am
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: The same way black activists in the past didn't just want tolerance but also wanted acceptance? Damn those pesky blacks wanting to be treated human heh. :)
Funny you bring that up considering how you tried to abase blacks. :lol:

Being a certain race, color, or sex isn't sinful and unnatural. That's why people were willing to die over the issue of slavery during the Civil War. That's why the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's was so popular whereas the homosexual rights movement has not been to that degree. That's why interracial marriage has gained mainstream acceptance, while same sex marriage has not.

Re: Utter BS

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:35 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:
XenonII wrote: The same way black activists in the past didn't just want tolerance but also wanted acceptance? Damn those pesky blacks wanting to be treated human heh. :)
Funny you bring that up considering how you tried to abase blacks. :lol:

Being a certain race, color, or sex isn't sinful and unnatural. That's why people were willing to die over the issue of slavery during the Civil War. That's why the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's was so popular whereas the homosexual rights movement has not been to that degree. That's why interracial marriage has gained mainstream acceptance, while same sex marriage has not.
But having a certain sexual orientation isnt sinful. And it is not unnatural because it is a mistake that occurs in nature. Interracial marriage was forced on the majority against its will. It was made legal even though 72% of the people opposed it. Now that's democracy in action! :roll:

Re: Utter BS

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:54 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: But having a certain sexual orientation isnt sinful.
Again, that's debatable.
And it is not unnatural because it is a mistake that occurs in nature.
It's unnatural, because homosexuals cannot reproduce. It's unnatural because gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals only constitute about ten percent of the population, while ninety percent's straight.
Interracial marriage was forced on the majority against its will.
It was made legal even though 72% of the people opposed it. Now that's democracy in action! :roll:
Where'd you get this statistic? Source?
At least a man and woman are involved in an interracial marriage unlike a same sex one.
The anti-miscegenation laws that were on the books in some states were annulled, because the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional. Skin color or race isn't a genetic anomaly like homosexuality is. Sounds like you're opposed to interracial marriages.

Re: Utter BS

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:01 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: Again, that's debatable.
Not really you are just having a hard time accepting that fact. God knows why.
It's unnatural, because homosexuals cannot reproduce. It's unnatural because gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals only constitute about ten percent of the population, while ninety percent's straight.
No its natural because it happens in nature with humans and animals. But just because something is natural doesnt make it desirable. 8% of people are left handed is that unnatural because they only constitute 8% of the population? 90% being straight sounds highly debatable and a hugely inflated figure, maybe if you took the bisexuals out you'd get only 10% not being straight but i'm sure most people have a certain degree of "gayness" to them.
Where'd you get this statistic? Source?
At least a man and woman are involved in an interracial marriage unlike a same sex one.
The anti-miscegenation laws that were on the books in some states were annulled, because the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional. Skin color or race isn't a genetic anomaly like homosexuality is. Sounds like you're opposed to interracial marriages.
Ill see if I can dig a source up from somewhere. And yeah I don't like those types of marriages. They are racist and unnautural and contaminate race.

Re: Utter BS

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:25 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: Not really you are just having a hard time accepting that fact. God knows why.
Or maybe you are, because it offends you.
No its natural because it happens in nature with humans and animals.
You can't compare humans to animals, and most animals don't engage in homosexuality either.
8% of people are left handed is that unnatural because they only constitute 8% of the population?
Being left-handed isn't detrimental to society on a biological and moral basis as homosexuality is.
but i'm sure most people have a certain degree of "gayness" to them.
If they did, they wouldn't marry and lead normal lives. By the way, why aren't you married?
Ill see if I can dig a source up from somewhere. And yeah I don't like those types of marriages. They are racist and unnautural and contaminate race.
How are they racist? If anything, they are not racist. If you didn't know, there is no "pure" group of people, because marriage among groups has always taken place. Besides, interracial marriage isn't a problem, because most people intraracially marry.

Utter BS

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:45 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: Or maybe you are, because it offends you.
Could same the same about you.
You can't compare humans to animals, and most animals don't engage in homosexuality either.
Why do scientists compare them all the time then if you can't?

The frequency that something occurs doesn't make something more or less natural it makes it more or less COMMON. And i've already said just because something IS NATURAL doesn't make it desirable, such as in the case of homosexuality which is natural simply because it is something that occurs in NATURE albeit a mistake.
Being left-handed isn't detrimental to society on a biological and moral basis as homosexuality is.
It could be argued it doesn't have to ALWAYS be deterimental to society. Some of histories leading figures were homos for example. It certainly isn't detrimental in fighting over-population either. As long as its not acted upon I don't see a problem, its the homosexual behaviour which is what is detrimental after all.

If they did, they wouldn't marry and lead normal lives. By the way, why aren't you married?
Of course they would I'm talking about a DEGREE of "gayness" you know like 1%, 2%, 5% or whatever. That's a normal part of human sexuality. They are still overwhelmingly straight and thats what they will act on.

I'm not married because I can't marry a woman, it wouldn't be fair to her, not being physically attracted to them or expecting them to be celibate alongside me and i'm not married to a man because I strongly oppose this oxymoron called "gay" "marriage". I believe marriage is a sacred institution from God for the benefit of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, to raise a Christian family together for life. :) So, with all that being said, you can see that marriage is not an option for me which is why I have chosen the only alternative I can, which is of course celibacy.
How are they racist? If anything, they are not racist. If you didn't know, there is no "pure" group of people, because marriage among groups has always taken place. Besides, interracial marriage isn't a problem, because most people intraracially marry.
Most people do not interacially marry! How many interacial couples do YOU see? They are racist because if everyone married anyone they wanted to in time race would cease to exist. Keeping the races apart martially PRESERVES race rather than DESTROYING IT which is what interacial marriages promote and provide for.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:51 pm
by stjimmythepunk
Whats all the fuss about homosexuality being in books. There isn't a big fuss about heterosexuality in books so why only homosexuality.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:53 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Because kids are being brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is natural, or, who knows, better than heterosexuality.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:28 pm
by Mystical
Because homosexuality is wrong. It's like having books on "My Daddy, the Alcoholic--He's Cool!" "My name is Johnny. I love my Dad. He's an Alcoholic. He's drinks almost every night. He drinks tons of stuff. What he likes most is alcohol. Every morning he drives me to school drunk. Sometimes it's scary, but we have lots of fun too! When he's able to talk we talk about all kinds of stuff..." :roll:

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:04 pm
by stjimmythepunk
Mystical wrote:Because homosexuality is wrong. It's like having books on "My Daddy, the Alcoholic--He's Cool!" "My name is Johnny. I love my Dad. He's an Alcoholic. He's drinks almost every night. He drinks tons of stuff. What he likes most is alcohol. Every morning he drives me to school drunk. Sometimes it's scary, but we have lots of fun too! When he's able to talk we talk about all kinds of stuff..." :roll:
Theres a difference between alcoholism and being homosexual. Alchoholism is much more dangerous

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:06 pm
by stjimmythepunk
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Because kids are being brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is natural, or, who knows, better than heterosexuality.
Homosexuality is normal. We are living in a changing world and what wasn't normal a century ago might be normal now. For Example In the middle ages getting divorced was a huge disgrace but nowadays it is part of normal society. People need to realise that times are changing.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:50 pm
by Believer
stjimmythepunk wrote:
Mystical wrote:Because homosexuality is wrong. It's like having books on "My Daddy, the Alcoholic--He's Cool!" "My name is Johnny. I love my Dad. He's an Alcoholic. He's drinks almost every night. He drinks tons of stuff. What he likes most is alcohol. Every morning he drives me to school drunk. Sometimes it's scary, but we have lots of fun too! When he's able to talk we talk about all kinds of stuff..." :roll:
Theres a difference between alcoholism and being homosexual. Alchoholism is much more dangerous
IS alcoholism as dangerous as homosexuality? Do you get STD's, AIDS, HIV, etc... from alcohol? Also, homosexuality can cause much anger in a person just as alcoholism can, both are sins, both can be addictive, both have hope and recovery, although homosexuality, if you contract disease(s), you live with it for the rest of your life until death. So is homosexuality more dangerous than alcoholism? Even homosexuals can kill other people by accident or by purpose just as an alcoholic can.

You are trying to find ways to say that homosexuality is okay and should be accepted. Even if you don't believe in God, you now this is wrong, you know that two or more of the same sex ARE NOT compatible.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:53 pm
by Believer
stjimmythepunk wrote:
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Because kids are being brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is natural, or, who knows, better than heterosexuality.
Homosexuality is normal. We are living in a changing world and what wasn't normal a century ago might be normal now. For Example In the middle ages getting divorced was a huge disgrace but nowadays it is part of normal society. People need to realise that times are changing.
Homosexuality is NOT normal! We are living in a changing world because society says it's okay to be a homosexual and society is trying to give everyone all they want. This is actually causing the world to fall apart. In fact, I just came across political corruption today and that it is happening. How many people oppose homosexuality? Many. It is wrong! Stop looking for excuses. And I agree with KMart, kids are being brainwashed, more homosexual partners adopting children, brainwashing them by giving them the wrong impression of what a family is. A family is a man and women, anything other than that is not family.