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Re: My journey

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:02 am
by RickD
Don't ever leave us again! The old place just isn't the same without you here. How could you be so selfish, leaving without telling anyone...your mother has been sitting up, waiting for you to come home...would it kill you to pick up a phone...:mrgreen:

Good to see you back, Annette. :D

Re: My journey

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:25 am
by Storyteller
RickD wrote:Don't ever leave us again! The old place just isn't the same without you here. How could you be so selfish, leaving without telling anyone...your mother has been sitting up, waiting for you to come home...would it kill you to pick up a phone...:mrgreen:

Good to see you back, Annette. :D
I didnt leave, I wandered off for a while. :shock:
Might not be the same without me... might be better :mrgreen:
My mother sitting by the phone.. :pound: :pound: If only..

I really did miss you all, how could i stay away?

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:46 am
by Storyteller
Just redone my personality type..


Oh my.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:49 am
by Storyteller
There will always be a need, and now more than ever, to win people's hearts and minds with the wrirrn word.

Oh my.

This is huge.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 11:11 am
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:There will always be a need, and now more than ever, to win people's hearts and minds with the wrirrn word.

Oh my.

This is huge.
Can you explain wrirrn word?

It sounds Gaelic. y%%-

Re: My journey

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:34 am
by crochet1949
I've noticed the My Journey and Finally decided to see what it was about.
WOW -- I've been catching up -- you've been a real blessing to me -- your openness -- Philip has been wonderful as an encourager / counselor - type person. And RickD. is also a great encourager. Other Forum's I've been on do Not have This element to them. The spiritual. And the spiritual / eternal Is the Most important element of a persons' life.
And marriage is / has to be The most challenging relationship Ever. My husband and I had been in the pastorate for about 5 yrs. -- have been in and out of 2 other careers since and have been retired for about 12 yrs.
We've come from very different backgrounds -- his from divorce and poverty with 9 kids in the family. I came from middle-class of 3 kids and two parents. His mother was one of the sweetest , hard-working mother's you'd ever want to know.
Sometimes a person wonders 'what brought those two together'. How important is the relationship to a person. And it Does help to have both people on the same page. My husband tends to feel -- 'get You fixed and the 'problem' will disappear'.
Anyway -- just want to say 'Hi' and you Are appreciated.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 6:34 am
by Storyteller
y>:D< Thank you so, so much crochet.

The support, love and advice I get from people here is truly humbling.
I am growing in Christ, finding so much out, finding my faith and being here, really, really helps.

I'm toying with the idea of writing a book - don't laugh! Thinking of just writing about my experiences, my journey, my thoughts. Kinda like this thread. Part of me thinks its a great idea but then I think its already been done, through this thread.

crochet, thank you, I appreciate your words xxx

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 6:52 am
by Storyteller
I read Jac's book on DS, if you haven't read it yet I urge you (all) to. Through that I discovered I have been instinctively believing in DS. It helped me recognise my relationship with God, with Christ. It helped me get a grip on the Trinity. Things just all kind of fit together better now.

I am testing my faith. I am being led by the HS. I feel that here. The HS. I am studying the Bible, alone and as part of an online study group led by B.W. I have had verses recommended to me that I'm working through.

I am learning patience, trust and faith. I am settling in to being "In Christ" and it's the best feeling EVER.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 10:00 am
by 1over137
Storyteller wrote:y>:D< Thank you so, so much crochet.

The support, love and advice I get from people here is truly humbling.
I am growing in Christ, finding so much out, finding my faith and being here, really, really helps.

I'm toying with the idea of writing a book - don't laugh! Thinking of just writing about my experiences, my journey, my thoughts. Kinda like this thread. Part of me thinks its a great idea but then I think its already been done, through this thread.

crochet, thank you, I appreciate your words xxx
My book (journey too) is more less done. Not yet released. Should have done that 5 years ago.
Never a bad idea. Stories, and mostly the real stories from real life, always good to read or watch movie.

Re: My journey

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 5:31 am
by Storyteller
I'd love to read it Hana, when you do publish it. Absolutely agree, personal stories are a wonderful read, especially if you feel some kind of connection.

I've always thought about writing a book but kinda thought who'd want to read it? but then I thought that about this thread and the feedback has been amazing.

Re: My journey

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:43 pm
by Storyteller
I have been praying a lot recently, and it it is paying off in so many ways.
There have been so many things happen in the last few weeks, I am stunned.

God is guiding me, answering me, loving me. I feel it with an intensity that is consuming. I sing, all day. I dance, I revel in the love of God.

Jac... DS helped me understand and know Christ better, I found so many answers from your book, and how you explained it. Grasping DS helps me grasp so much more too. There are no words to thank you.

Byblos, ES... your love, your faith is an inspiration to me and yhe fact that not once either of you tried to get me to follow Catholicism unless I feel its right keeps me curious enough to not dismiss the idea.

So many thoughts and feelings
Tumbling and churning
Jostling for precedence

A deep breath
A prayer

He has led me here
A new believer

Christ is my Saviour.
He is truth
The way.

I choose Him above all others.

Re: My journey

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:49 pm
by Philip
Annette, of all of the evidences we present on this forum as to the reality that God exists and Jesus IS God, YOU have to be "Exhibit A" of why that is true. Because one doesn't just find joy in the midst of wreckage and difficulty. One just doesn't FEEL their way to a transformation of attitude, heart and confidence. And just like you, I have know hundreds of people so transformed, FAR beyond their circumstances, fears, situations, etc. If one really wants to see the evidence for Christ, look at WHAT and WHO they were, B.C. (before Christ), and the difference A.C. (after Christ). And the amazing thing is, that this transformation of millions of people transcends their circumstances. Their transformation is not circumstantially dependent, as many are going through very difficult times, just as Annette has. But God's joy is far beyond what brings those without Him joy - as theirs is dependent upon the immediacy of their circumstances. And it's not that we go around happy, sappy, always, but that, ultimately, we have a confidence and certainty that we are loved, that God is watching and taking care of us, and of our eternal future. One cannot just will themselves to such delusion - and millions upon millions give powerful evidences of this. This is Christ and God's Spirit showing us that He is bigger that all of the junk and uncertainty of this world. Annette is just one of vast millions who give evidence of who Jesus is!

Re: My journey

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:19 pm
by Storyteller
There are no words to say how humble that makes me feel, to see the power of Christ working through me.

When I accepted Christ, it was for me, alone, and it was personal. I opened my heart to Him, tentatively at first, and in He came. The more I allowed Him in, the more I gave of myself to Him, the more loved, safe, and secure I felt, and feel.

I know Christ, well, personally, and intimately.

I know, I think, very little of Scripture yet my faith in Christ is absolute.

Someone once said of me thats what to seek God with all your heart and mind looks like.

All of the glory truly is His, I get it now :)

Re: My journey

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:30 pm
by Philip
Annette: All of the glory truly is His, I get it now :)
y[-o< y>:D< y[-o< y>:D< y[-o< y>:D< y[-o< y>:D<

y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D> y=D>

Re: My journey

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:37 pm
by Storyteller
Took me a while :oops: