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Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:01 am
by PaulSacramento
hughfarey wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Interpretation of scripture is a fascinating thing.
Some like to leave it to others because the bible is "too hard" to understand ( of course IF you believe your salvation is based on what the bible says and means then you are leaving your salvation in the hands of others).
Some view the bible as important enough for THEM try and understand it for themselves and NOT leave it in the hands of others.
Others believe they are to allow the HS to guide them and reveal all to them ( with or without the bible).


Of course it is not an either/or proposition so we can ( and should) use every possible to understand the written word Of God BUT never at the expense of His LIVING word and Son and the HS.

One thing theology classes taught me is that there are MANY interpretations and MANY doctrines and many possibilities in regards to interpretations BUT only ONE path to salvation and that is belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I gather from this that you think I find the bible too hard to understand, and like to leave it to others. And I gather from that that you haven't read anything I have written. No point in writing a lot more then!
Actually, considering I didn't mention you at all, the only view I have is that you are very self-centered.

I guess you must of missed this part in my post, possibly due to lack of reading comprehension on your part?
If you think about it with a truly open mind you can see some merit in ALL those ways

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:55 am
by hughfarey
"One thing theology classes taught me is that there are MANY interpretations and MANY doctrines and many possibilities in regards to interpretations BUT only ONE path to salvation and that is belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ."
"If you think about it with a truly open mind you can see some merit in ALL those ways."
Of course. I've never denied it, but can I just check? Do these many interpretations all of which have some merit include mine?

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:14 am
by RickD
hughfarey wrote:
"One thing theology classes taught me is that there are MANY interpretations and MANY doctrines and many possibilities in regards to interpretations BUT only ONE path to salvation and that is belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ."
"If you think about it with a truly open mind you can see some merit in ALL those ways."
Of course. I've never denied it, but can I just check? Do these many interpretations all of which have some merit include mine?
No. Yours doesn't count. :mrgreen:

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:02 am
by hughfarey
...[lost for words, for once!]...

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:22 pm
by RickD
hughfarey wrote:...[lost for words, for once!]...

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:03 pm
by Kurieuo
hughfarey wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:You seem confused Hugh, over Evangelical biblical scholarship, that is really all I can say.
Possibly. I don't feel confused.... um...
When I undertook theology at a college comprised of Catholic, Anglican and Uniting, they were all deeply confused over Evangelicalism. Many seemed to pigeonhole them all as irrational fundy literalists and well, that's about it really. Comments like "I mean, what does literal really mean anyway, if it means taking Scripture seriously we do that!" You bring back memories of such ignorance Hugh, that's all.

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:29 pm
by Jac3510
Hugh, in all seriousness, have you taken the time to work though the long thread discussion K and I had on hermeneutics and creationism? I grant it's something of a plod, but if you want to get an idea of what evangelicals actually say, that'd be a pretty good place to start.

Re: Ark encounter

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:40 pm
by hughfarey
Thanks for the link, Jac; I'll study it next week (after my school term has come to a close).