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Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:18 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:He gently lays his throbbing head back on the hard, flat hospital pillow, allowing slumber and the healing blackness to overcome his conscienceness. He drifts off into the world where nothingness is so thick and dense he can swallow it and feel satisfied. And then, suddenly, the threat of an on-coming, lights stinging through the blackest night, powerful as a raging rhinosaurus, locomative, which is hurtling itself through the air as a cat pounces on it's ever vunerable prey. BGood finds he is restrained from any movement by thick, coarse ropes, which cut into his soft flesh as he squirmes in his sleepy weakness, securing him fast to the cold metal of the rails along which glide his newly aquainted enemy. The largest silver hammer he has ever seen is coming to greet him with the smile of kateliz's evil face. She has finally overcome her oppressor. And sheer joy is in the spray of hot, sticky, red fluid as it splatters off the leaves of the bushes who have been coated with night. And in the morning, when the magic of the blackness fades away into startling, grim reality, flies come to nourish themselves with the evil that has been left dripping on the leaves.

I'm sorry if my graphic art has disturbed any. Please, it a somber piece. Let your heart ache and break. And then, when the tide of disgust and confusion has ebbed somewhat, place your eyes upon this:

:wink: :lol:
I will forgive you in this life and the next. You do not know what it is you do.

Have I angered you in any way? If so please forgive me.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:26 pm
by kateliz
I guess I had reasoned (master rationalizer that I am, to my shamej,) this was a little okay because the joke was based on a past-life. But, it doesn't reflect the serious issue brought to hand, and for that, and my gruesome post, I apologize and resolve to be much better.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:29 pm
by kateliz
To concluded, yes, I forgive you. Once forgiven, one must forgive others.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:16 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:I guess I had reasoned (master rationalizer that I am, to my shamej,) this was a little okay because the joke was based on a past-life. But, it doesn't reflect the serious issue brought to hand, and for that, and my gruesome post, I apologize and resolve to be much better.
Its ok katie!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:29 am
by kateliz
:cry: No it's not!!! I murdered you! And don't try and comfort me; stay away, you spectre!

*Triumphal music fades in, and from a megaphone is heard praise to the great BGood Slayer*

Hey, what's this? A pedestal? *kateliz hops up onto it*

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:23 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote::cry: No it's not!!! I murdered you! And don't try and comfort me; stay away, you spectre!

*Triumphal music fades in, and from a megaphone is heard praise to the great BGood Slayer*

Hey, what's this? A pedestal? *kateliz hops up onto it*
This thread has been ressurected from the dead?

As long as this thread is alive, I shall haunt it.

Talk about past lives, a ghost from my past life and I can coexist and even have conversations. It's sort of like talking to myself!

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:32 pm
by Grace isn't enough...
K i dunno what all has already been said or where this thread is even going for that matter but i have a question for all you who believe in past lives...whcih i do not.

If our souls are simply recycled and basically shoved into each new baby that is born....wouldnt we run outta souls....i mean given that the earth is so stinkin over populated. Just a non-bible thumper thought...since i see the brain compacity to grasp anything further than such.

Re: past-lives

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:47 pm
by Blacknad
Prodigal Son wrote:when people have past life experiences where they see things that could not otherwise be known, what is that? do you believe in past lives/reincarnation?
Hebrews 9:27 says:

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

It doesn't get any clearer. Thus memory of past lives is either:

1. The claimant lying for whatever reason - media attention etc.
2. The claimant being mistaken because of a purely psychological event.
3. False Memory Syndrome (through therapy - hypnosis) - may run parallel to no 4.
4. Demonic influence.

It is clear that there is something to be gained by demonic forces when they propagate a belief in multiple lives.

Multiple lives = No Judgement and no Hell.

