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Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:36 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: These activities are becoming more popular with heterosexuals all the time and ARE starting to be associated with them! :)
Most heterosexuals don't fist or have anal sex.
I've talked to enough and read enough about it online to know its true.
They don't even represent the majority of people.
Over 80% of Americans SAY they are Christians but how many are actually practicing? Only a small percentage no doubt.

And you can talk?
Who I am attracted to is only really a pretty small and insignificant part of who I am
May be if it's a sin.
XenonII wrote: Barely involved would be a better way to describe it.
And yeah I did do the "giving" with someone but that was a few years ago and I wasn't thinking straight at the time.
That's barely involved?
Its a myth that most "gays" are into anal sex.
No, it's not, and the numbers prove it. Gays are reputed to cherish the anus.
And who wants to be a virgin at 28?
Is it wrong for priests and nuns to enter vows of chastity? :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:09 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:Most heterosexuals don't fist or have anal sex.
Source? Your biased opinion? But they do have premarital sex and oral sex and all sorts of perversions in droves, is that ok?
They don't even represent the majority of people.
Of course they do. They are either liberals, atheists, non-christians or non practicing christians and that IS a majority of people. A huge majority in fact.

And you can talk?
Sure I can. Seeing as I am living a celibate life unlike 95%+ of "straights" who have sex before they are married.
May be if it's a sin.
Which it isnt. Is the gender that you are attracted to a sin? NO DIDNT THINK SO. It only becomes a sin when lust and sexual behaviour become involved.
That's barely involved?
Yeah that's barely involved and no longer involved I might add. What's your definition of the "gay" "lifestyle"? Aren't they supposed to be highly promisicous, engage in all sorts of perversions decent normal "straight" people dont engage in or rarely engage in (lol yeah right maybe 50 or so years ago) and aren't they supposed to just live for sex having hundreds of "partners" a year. Now contrast that with me a virgin until 28 years old, Only gone all the way with ONE person a handful of times. So yeah I think that consititues barely involved its a MUCH better record that 90%+ of so called "straights".
No, it's not, and the numbers prove it. Gays are reputed to cherish the anus.
Yes it is a myth. Most gays are virgins and of the remainder most are either celibate or more usually monogomous. The numbers you refer to are based on a very small but very active segment of the "gay" community.

And who says "straight" men don't cherish the anus? You heard Eminem's pathetic new "song" (the worst so far)? It's all about and glorifying the woman's nasty FAT anus. Why is anal sex the most often requested perversion from "straight" males soliciting the "services" of prostitutes if "straight" men dont relish the anus? :D
Is it wrong for priests and nuns to enter vows of chastity?
No of course not, but i'm not either. :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:25 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: Most gays are more feminine than straight men, because they supposedly have more estrogen, which is a female hormone. Look at the majority of gays in a gay pride parade. Watch Will and Grace, or Queer Eye. They don't come close to behaving as Stallone, Schwarzenegger, or the Duke.
Wow I wouldnt go basing my opinions on a whole class of people based on what you see on TV! TV aint real! The media only portrays the ones that fit the stereotype because that's what gets the ratings. And for the fact thats what people are used to and comfortable with 9the idea of a "gay" being indistinguishable to a normal person is frigtening to many people). Ordinary non-streotypical "gays" are ignored! Do you see millions of gays marching in these parades? No. These parades are for the extremists.
Then, why were you portraying all blacks as freaks and criminals? Do you hate Jews as well?
So its alright for you to bring out these false stereotypes to bash "gays" with but its not alright for anyone else to reley on stereotypes about other groups to make their points? The fact remains stereotypes are based on the most extreme members and characteristics within a group. THEY ARE THE EXCEPTION NOT THE RULE. Got that? As for hating Jews, I don't but I think their "leader" Sharon might with his disgusting ethnically cleansing program. The fool is playing into the palestianine's hands, has turned on his own people and is acting like a modern day nazi! :evil:

But with lesbians you can talk about guy stuff and not get nagged about wearing something they don't like. :lol:
Well I personally wouldn't want a practicing pervert as a friend, you never no what you might catch or what might rub off on to you. Dikes think they ARE men probably why they act so butch and anti feminine all the time. They just need to look between their legs, realise they arent men and start acting like it! You cant talk to them about guys stuff because they arent guys just deluded gender bending perverts. And of course they arent going to nag you about wearing stuff they dont like their fashion sense is the worst of anyones!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:38 am
by LittleShepherd
Now contrast that with me a virgin until 28 years old, Only gone all the way with ONE person a handful of times. So yeah I think that consititues barely involved its a MUCH better record that 90%+ of so called "straights".
"gone all the way with ONE person a handful of times" does not equal "a virgin until 28 years old." You may be currently celibate, but if you went all the way with anyone, ever, you are not a virgin. And you may be surprised, but going all the way is the exact opposite of "barely involved."

I've come to the conclusion, reading many of your posts, that you're completely off your rocker. You pull statistics out of thin air(not that others don't do it, but yours are particularly inaccurate). You have an extremely hateful attitude towards people who don't agree with you. I mean, really, actually read your comments directed as lesbians. And then read Jesus' and Paul's messages on love in the Bible. They don't match up.

You don't make sense. You lie quite often. Your statistics are wonky(understatement). Your attitude towards certain people is hateful. In common message board speech, I think it's safe to say that you're a troll.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:25 am
by XenonII
I've edited this post because it wasn't my true feelings and it was unaceptable, unchristian garbage.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:47 am
by LittleShepherd
XenonII wrote:I didnt have sex with anyone until I was 28 years old
I apologize. That was my misunderstanding. I thought you meant that you were 28, and were a virgin in spite of engaging in intercourse. That was a mistake on my part.
(how many "straights" can say the same?)...It's certainly a much better record than most "gay" or "straight" people.
This is actually irrelevent. In the Bible, we are told not to compare ourselves with other people, and for good reason. Doing so leads to jealousy, disillusionment, or pride -- which reaction we have depends on how we view the person with whom we are comparing ourself. Also, a large percentage of straight people are married by age 28, so it would be unreasonable to expect them to remain virgins.
I really could care less what you think. I've come to the conclusion your a big liar. You don't make sense with your junk science. There is no such thing as "ex-gay" all there is is practicing and celibate.
Luckily for me, what you believe does not change what really is. Also, at no point did I claim that there was anything scientific about my conversion to Christianity, or about the changes that took place in my life as a result of that conversion. If I had made such a claim, you would be right in calling it "junk science." As is, it's not science at all, junk or otherwise.
I'll take the word of the mainstream non-biased APA with its 100s of 1000s of members rather than some unscientific "christian" anti-gay misinformation/lies hate group any day of the week.
The studies conducted by the APA can hardly be considered unbiased. Most of them were funded by organizations such as the ACLU, which has a vested interest in the results. Also, while there are some groups that advocate hatred of homosexuals(certain Aryan groups come to mind), if you've been to any of the more well-known places, such as Exodus or Focus on the Family, you will see no hatred anywhere. Simply a great love and concern for a people mostly unreached with the gospel.
One of the main sins I battle with is this hatred and anger for anyone and everyone including myself and with the way society treats me is it any wonder? I'm only giving back to society what theyve given me.
Anger's rarely been an issue for me, so it's hard to empathize. Still, no matter how society treats you, you ultimately are responsible for how you react to that. There is a standard of action, and it's not conditional. Jesus warned his followers that they'd experience hatred, persecution, and hardships. That doesn't justify returning hatred for hatred.
And yeah I don't like "lesbians" as you so PC call them, but so what...
First off, calling lesbians "lesbians" is hardly PC. It's merely accurate. Also, how we react to lesbians(and everyone else) is of utmost importance. What you say about them, and to them, is a very big deal. They are humans, just like you, created in the image of God. While their actions are distasteful and wrong, none of us, if we're being completely honest, can claim to be any better.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:07 pm
by XenonII
Hey man I just wanted to apologise. I was in a very bad mood a lot worse than usual. I do suffer from depression a lot and the devil does use our weaknesses against us. I was suffering a particularly viscious demonic attack. I'm not making excuses for my behaviour at all im explaining why it happened its my own fault through my weakness instead of rebuking the devil in Jesus's name I allowed him to influence me like that. I came on here in my hateful state to cause trouble and i've made a vow to myself and the Lord never to ever again to post on a forum while under that sort of demonic influence. What I said was completely out of order you made some very good points with a lot of truth in them. I've repented to God, hes softened my heart and humbled me with his amazing graceful presense. The holy spirit came over me tonight showed me the error of my ways. My faith has been renewed and strengthened. I am going to fight the devil next time he attacks and never let him hold such influence over me again! Sorry once more.

Edited to add: Thanks for the wonderful gracious, kind response to my appaling outbursts. You replied like a true man of God something that I asphire to be.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:00 pm
by LinkJ86
so after all this did we even find the answer to the original question?

lol haha jk jk 8)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:01 pm
by PHIL121
I don't even know what the original question was, but any sex outside of marraige is fornication, and fornication is a sin.

Just like homosexuality.

Just like perjury.

Just like murder.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:31 pm
by SavingGrace
Wow! I came upon this website and this series of postings while searching for scripture that helps to define what type of pre-marital intimacy is considered ok, as it is something I have been struggling with. I know no one has posted on this topic for a couple months, but after reading I felt compelled to do so.

First of all, how can a group of so-called Christians be so evil to other people? I read many gross generalizations and so much name calling. You did not sound Christian or educated. Don't believe everything you read or watch on TV. There are many gay and bi-sexual males and females that act just as masculine and feminine as heterosexuals of the same sex. Gay men do not have higher estrogen levels than other men unless they chose to take female hormones (by prescription). While some women naturally have slightly higher testosterone levels than other women, it does not make them more masculine. It is actually an indicator of higher sex drive (no matter what the sexual orientation). Like, men, some women chose to take male hormone replacements to become more masculine, but this is generally because of gender identity issues, which is different than homosexuality.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHERE DID SOME OF YOU GET THE IDEA THAT SEX WAS ONLY CREATED FOR PROCREATION? I would hate to be the man or woman that marries you! Talk about a boring sex life. This is a great sermon that explains things:

"God also made sex for the purpose of pleasure. The Living Bible's paraphrase of Proverbs 5:18-19 (which is the tamest version I could find) says, REJOICE in the wife of your youth. Let her charms and TENDER EMBRACE satisfy you. Let her love fill you with DELIGHT! The context of this proverb plainly teaches that sex is an experience intended not just for the propagation of the race...but for the MUTUAL ENJOYMENT of husband and wife. Do you realize that there are parts of our bodies that have function other than to give us sexual pleasure?! So, the enjoyment of physical intimacy was an intentional part of God's divine design, not a serendipitous by-product. God MEANT for sex to be a powerfully pleasurable experience. He could have made sex merely functional—but He did not. NO, He made it to be a thrilling, passionate act—full of potential for physical delight.
And, this is one sexual truth that the Church has avoided speaking of throughout history. Augustine wrongly concluded that sex should be for procreation and nothing more. And Martin Luther wrote, Intercourse is never without sin; but God excuses it by His grace because the estate of marriage is His work... These great men were right on many things but they were wrong here. For, God's word speaks openly of the pleasures of sex. If you doubt this read the Song of Solomon from start to finish in a modern translation! Even the Apostle Paul, not known for his personal enthusiasm for marriage urged Christian wives and husbands not to withhold physical intimacy from each other. (I Corinthians 7:3-6 )"

Copied from Redland Baptist Church's website.

One should love their husband or wife in a way that is mutually pleasurable. 1 Corinthians 7:4 "The husband is to fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does, and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does." Notice how it says "body". Sexual intimacy is about loving and pleasuring our spouse with our bodies; it does not limit the use of certain body parts. How could God have created us as sexual beings, but not make our entire bodies sexual? Sex of all form was created for pleasure within the sanctity of marriage, so enjoy it. 1 Corinthians 10:31 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" Sexual pleasure is another one of God's gifts to us.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:11 pm
by bizzt
Sex is definately made for Pleasure but on that note it is also made for Procreation or God would not have given the Command
Gen 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

Now saying that however does not diminish the fact that we are not sexual it does however tell us one of the reasons Man and Woman are together is for Procreation.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:47 pm
by Grace isn't enough...
wow ok whew this is one ive always had a hard time tackling. i say that only because it hurts me to think that so many people, including christian elders, and authorities have acted like if its in marriage then its cool. i have always have had trouble swallowing that malarky and now i have resigned myself to something. while i try to be absolute more than i have to be...i have to say that oral sex is not moral, in or out of marriage.

i tried to read and catch up to the convo but bout on the 3rd page i couldnt take it lol. n e way...please dont think im pickin on n e body and if i offend n e one im sorry but just remember who the crap am i? im nobody so dun worry, lol.

There's nothing about oral sex that is sex unless one ejaculates on the other/in the other. only then can it be deemed acual sex since n e thing else would just be sexual and arousing. while it may seem logical to say well ok as long as im goin to follow through with acual intercourse, oral sex cant be bad. i disargee strongly as that is not a valid argument. one could just as easily say that well beastiality or whipping the crap outta you gets me excited so as long as i follow through with vaginal intercourse its cool. this is obviously wrong so i need not say it...oops i just did. geez i hope no one hs already said somethin similar to this that i havent read in my haste cuz i bet id look pretty stupid lol.

The idea that homosexuals invented oral sex is a little sketchy but it makes a lot of undeniable sense. homo sex cannot be vaginal so it has to be either anal or oral. duh. I already knew anal sex was sadomy but i wasnt aware that oral sex too was considered sadomy. if that is indeed the case then there's no doubt about it, oral sex is in fact wrong. this has more and more been a hot button issue with me so im sorry if i seemed narrow minded. but im afraid that its quite simple. if i jiz on your face, how is that love? from the beggining b4 i ever knew that oral sex might be considered sadomy i alwasy thought that real natural sex would should consist of one lover looking into the other lovers eyes like whats his face has said earlier. "Just because a perversion is comitted inside a marriage doesn't somehow make it right. Oral sex is of homosexual origin. That alone should tell you it's wrong. This filthy disgusting practice of oral sex (sodomy) replaces the normal "face to face" relationship God intended in a marriage.

The Bible describes the sex act in Song of Solomon Chapter 4. In this chapter it speaks of this "face to face" relationship by describing looking into his lover's eyes and kissing his lover's lips and fondling his lover's breasts. Oral sex is not normal or natural as it is an unclean act"

ok im tired and need sleep so im done ranting thanks and goodnight everybody

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:30 pm
by Grace isn't enough...
Just a little somethin somethin to add to that...even though i dont think anybody is postin on this thread anymore)

While yes it's true God created us as sexual being's, i don't follow as to why that should make our entire bodies' sexual...A tissue or "Kleenex" box, as many call it, is, in it's entirety used for dispensing tissues. However, this does not mean the entire object is tissue as i would not blow my nose with the box part of it.

The mouth is an oraphis...That is the only thing it shares in common with the vagina. This is what might make it pleasurable. Aside from being a hole, it bears no other sexual qualities like oh i dunno a SEX ORGAN might.

Just a thought i spose cuz i happened to reread a comment someone else put i never saw before and im kinda sick so if you're wondering where the heck the kleenex box came from lol.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:30 am
by itdontgo
Its wrong if your partner has a grotty undercarriage.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:38 am
by Canuckster1127
itdontgo wrote:Its wrong if your partner has a grotty undercarriage.
How clever. Did you take a lot of time to come up with that?