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Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 6:03 pm
by Shirtless
someone please reply im so confused about what to do, i seems by creating it god wants me to be like this but in the words of him and his followers he says not to?

someone please help!
Help is on the way! But first I must inform you to TYPE SLOWER!!! Write "god" with a capital G and give both Him and yourself some respect! :x

Now, in the law of the land, EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty. I wouldn't be too far off the mark by saying that most Christians think that gay sex is a sin :roll: , but it doesn't matter how much anyone shouts, it's the job of the accusers to prove that Gay sex is a sin!

I find that the more BS there is in Christian dogma, the less Christians actually want to talk about the subject. Christians LOVE talking about how they disapprove of this short skirt, or those gay guys holding hands, but you never hear them saying WHY they disapprove.

I've noticed that when it comes to discussions about the defense of the Trinity doctrine, or whether Jesus actually walked on water, there are essays that go on for pages, and even whole books are written about it!...but when it comes to the *hush hush* subjects like homosexuality, most who are against it either run for the hills, or they cite the few passages that may or may not condemn gay sex and they highlight them in big bold letters, making it seem like they have more importance than they really do.

Mr.Gay, you believe whatever you want, but always remember that you could be wrong, and that you should find out for sure whether gay sex is sinful...make haste!

Here would be a good start to see how strong the defense's case might be:

Re: homosexuality

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 6:42 pm
by Kurieuo
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:i follow god vry strictly but i cann help who i am, and the reason why i am a homosexual isnt becuase i like it its because in science we did about the human body and we were tld about this prostate gland and it made me think why would god give us this if he didnt want us to use it?

someone please reply im so confused about what to do, i seems by creating it god wants me to be like this but in the words of him and his followers he says not to?
I'd recommend taking a look over the articles at NARTH (


Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:55 am
by Anonymous
I read in a psychology magazine that homosexuality in some people cannot be helped, because they seem to have different brain wave patterns. Alcoholism and Homosexuality are two completely different things that you cannot compare. Alcoholism can be dealt with, because it is an addiction. Homosexuality isnt an addiction

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:08 am
by Dan
Cooljohng wrote:I read in a psychology magazine that homosexuality in some people cannot be helped, because they seem to have different brain wave patterns. Alcoholism and Homosexuality are two completely different things that you cannot compare. Alcoholism can be dealt with, because it is an addiction. Homosexuality isnt an addiction
You can deal with homosexuality by not acting upon it. As in, don't persue a homosexual mate. Being celibate isn't exactly hard.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:12 am
by Anonymous
of course celebacy is hard, that's why only people with large amounts of faith can persue it. Why should they be celebate? Why would God give them a sin from birth? For no reason?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:14 am
by Dan
Cooljohng wrote:of course celebacy is hard, that's why only people with large amounts of faith can persue it. Why should they be celebate? Why would God give them a sin from birth? For no reason?
To test them.

Besides, *everyone* has a sin they must fight against the most. Some people have to fight against homosexuality, others have to fight with being blasphemous in their thoughts, others are obsessed with sex and have a very difficult time avoiding adultery. Homosexuality isn't special, everyone has something to deal with.

I guess it's perspective, I see celibacy as easy, and I might commit to it my entire life. However, I guess some people just don't see it as easy, oh well.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:22 am
by Anonymous
Sex is a perfectly natural thing. Some people abuse it, i agree, but that is their choice. Sex is a spiritual communion between two loving people, not a sin. And if those two people are two men, or two women, that is their choice. This view on homosexuality is very out-dated, and the rest of society is moving on.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:26 am
by Dan
Cooljohng wrote:Sex is a perfectly natural thing. Some people abuse it, i agree, but that is their choice. Sex is a spiritual communion between two loving people, not a sin. And if those two people are two men, or two women, that is their choice. This view on homosexuality is very out-dated, and the rest of society is moving on.
Who are you to say so? Does the Bible support your view? No, why should I believe you over the Bible? The Bible has taught me several things and they all hold true. Someone over the internet has no merit while the Bible does to me.

Sex isn't spiritual communion, it's the means to great happiness, a child. Love is spiritual communion with a person, you can love someone regardless of their gender. Love doesn't need sex to thrive, anyone who thinks so isn't loving with their heart. They're lusting with their body. The rest of society can't accept this because they are slaves to temptations and lust. They need justification for their cravings they feel and drag everyone down with them, including homosexuals who perhaps wouldn't agree with society if it wasn't shoved down their throats.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:33 am
by Anonymous
For crying out loud, why are you so stubborn? What is wrong with sex between two loving partners? Who arent married? or between partners of the same sex? You are saying "Sex is wrong because the bible tells me so" that is not a valid arguement. You may believe that, and other christians might, but what about people who are not christians? That is not a valid reason, and it wont win you an arguements against a non-christian

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:35 am
by Dan
Cooljohng wrote:For crying out loud, why are you so stubborn? What is wrong with sex between two loving partners? Who arent married? or between partners of the same sex? You are saying "Sex is wrong because the bible tells me so" that is not a valid arguement. You may believe that, and other christians might, but what about people who are not christians? That is not a valid reason, and it wont win you an arguements against a non-christian
It's wrong because it's saying wordly pleasure is the highest form of pleasure two people can persue. That is just flat out wrong and demeans people and also demeans the purpose of sex. Procreation that is.

Stop shoving words down my mouth, I didn't say "because the Bible said so" I said "the Bible says so, and I agree because blah blah blah". There is a big difference and you fail to see that. Two people can love each other and not have sex. There are greater pleasures in life that don't have anything to do with neurons firing. There is nothing spiritual or loving about the sensations felt in sex.

To dan,

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:38 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
do you beleive that God is all powerfull?

Re: To dan,

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:38 am
by Dan
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:do you beleive that God is all powerfull?

*waits for the strawman*

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:40 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
so you beleive that God has the power to do anything, to create anything

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:41 am
by Anonymous
What on earth are you on about?! neurons firing?? Sex isnt the most important thing, stop shoving words down my throat! You said "The Bible has taught me several things and they all hold true. Someone over the internet has no merit while the Bible does to me." that isnt a reason, all that is saying is "I believe the bible because it says so" Where is your reason? Why do you refuse to contemplate an alternative point of view? I cannot see any reason why two men or two women should not have sex, and shouldnt be together. Homosexuality isnt just sex. I never said it was, you say "Homosexuality is wrong" then that INCLUDES a relationship between people of the opposite sex, even without sex. I know i am not wrong there, if homosexuality is wrong, then a pure relationship between two men is wrong, and therefore celebacy would be useless

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:41 am
by Dan
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:so you beleive that God has the power to do anything, to create anything
Use inductive reasoning next time. Yes I do. Admitting He is all-powerful means He can alter the universe in eveyr conceivable way if He willed it.