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Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:24 am
by Jac3510
Zebulon wrote:And by the way FL, humans are tended to prove what they believe by saying it to others by writings, speaches, songs, etc. is not communication. Communication is saying somethings between people, not necessarely trying to prove.

Type Horus in Google and see what it is written about that story.
I wouldn't get my theologian information from Zeitgeist, if I were you.

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:18 am
by Zebulon
Baaaaah! FL, nothing to do with Zeitgeist.

Theologian ? Gimme a break. I'll drink to that (Glen Livet no, better, a Calvados straight in a buble glass).

I think that we are in Les Vaches maigres period but I don't know how to say it in English... help me on that.

Remember in the 80's some writers talked and wrote books about the soon coming back of Jesus based on their representation of John Revelation and other prophecies. One of them was a Québécois and wrote an interresting book (Apocalypse : Prophétie de la fin des temps, Jacques Paquette). But I think, apart he made few major errors, he was also off 30 years.

Jesus said Search and you will find. If we are the generation that will live the end of (?) time - a time - and his coming back, then we may try to search together.

So again, Why did Jesus said If one kills by the sword so he must be killed by the sword.



Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:00 pm
by Jac3510
(1) "theologian" as a typo. I meant "theological," as in:
"I wouldn't get my theological information from Zeitgeist, if I were you."

(2) Jesus' statement wasn't that everyone who kills by the sword will die by it; it was that everyone who draws the sword will die by it. There's a difference. The former is a simple lex talionis, whereas the latter is more of a promotion of non-resistence to evil. And in the specific context of that event, Jesus was about to be taken to be crucified. IOW, he had been given over, temporarily, to the powers of this world, to suffer at its hands, and that by the will of God.

We can certainly get into a theology of evil and persecution, but the Bible is consistent on the matter that we should, in those such cases, defend ourselves in word and deed, but not by force. Return evil with kindness.

(3) I'm not FL, and I haven't been following the thread, so feel free to get back to your discussion. I just find Zeitgeist absolutely ridiculous, everything from Jesus=Horas conspiracy theories to Bush was behind 9/11 to the secret plan disolve the USA and create a single, unifed North America.

Like you said, Jesus said search. He didn't say buy into nutjob conspiracies. ;)

edit: and I don't speak French (yet), so I can't help with your translation. :(

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:31 pm
by Byblos
Zebulon wrote:I think that we are in Les Vaches maigres period but I don't know how to say it in English... help me on that.
The lean cows? (doesn't make sense even in English).

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:51 pm
by Jac3510
Byblos wrote:The lean cows? (doesn't make sense even in English).
This site translates it "lean times." y:-?

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:05 pm
by Byblos
Jac3510 wrote:
Byblos wrote:The lean cows? (doesn't make sense even in English).
This site translates it "lean times." y:-?
Could be an expression but vaches=cows.

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:17 pm
by Jac3510
I think it's an expression. I googled the phrase and came up with this: ... rasses.php
« Les vaches maigres / les vaches grasses »

La pénurie / l'abondance

Il ne faut chercher trí¨s loin pour comprendre qu'en période de pénurie, les vaches sont maigres car elles mangent peu, alors qu'elles sont bien grasses en période d'abondance.
L'image est donc trí¨s claire.

Mais au lieu des vaches, ont aurait pu avoir la même signification avec les hippopotames, les ornithorynques ou les hamsters, même s'ils broutent un peu moins nos prés et, du coup, sont plus difficiles í  glisser dans une conversation.
Alors pourquoi des vaches ?

Eh bien il nous faut remonter loin dans le temps, puisque, selon le chapitre 41 de la Gení¨se, c'est lors d'un rêve que Pharaon a vu s'annoncer deux périodes successives, une de sept années d'abondance, symbolisée par sept vaches grasses, puis une autre de sept années de disette, représentée par sept vaches maigres.

Ce sont ces vaches qui sont restées les symboles qu'on retrouve aujourd'hui dans notre expression.
And my translation as per says . . . (drumroll) . . .
"Lean times / prosperous times "

Scarceness / abundance

You should be necessary search very far to understand that in period of scarceness, cows are thin because they eat not much, while they are very fatty in period of abundance.
Picture is therefore very clear.

But instead of cows, have would have been able to have the same signification with the hippopotamuses, duckbills or the hamsters, even if they nibble our meadows a little less and, suddenly, are more difficult to slide into a dialogue.
Then why cows?

Oh well it is necessary us to take back up in time far, since, according to the chapter 41 of Origin, it is during a dream that Pharaoh saw being brewing two successive periods, one of seven years of abundance, represented by seven prosperous times, then other one of seven years of famine, represented by seven lean times.

It is these cows which remained the symbols which they find in our expression today.
I was actually wondering if maybe Pharaoh's dream didn't have something to do with it.

This has SO much to do with the Great Tribulation, I know! :D

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:03 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Yes, «vaches maigres» translates to «lean cows» but the figurative meaning is «lean times.»

And my original question to Zebulon, «Ça rhyme í  quoi tout ça?» has the figurative meaning «What are you getting at?»

Zebulon hasn't answered.
Jac3510 wrote: the secret plan disolve the USA and create a single, unifed North America.
Another wacko idea...but this one I like! :swow:


Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:44 pm
by Zebulon
«Ça rhyme í  quoi tout ça?» has the figurative meaning «What are you getting at?»

... at you! And I got many more You's isnt it !

Ok1. I have been cruciefied just beside Jesus. In year 3, thats 2005 years ago.

Ok2 : A sword can be a gun, an arrow, a word without an S. The last part is a parabole, figure it out.

Get the picture?

You read with your eyes and think with them. Read with your heart not to say with your soal. y>:D<


Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:39 pm
by Zebulon
Ok guy's since there isn' girls in the discussion yet...

Another question :

Jesus to Nicodemus : You must be born again to gain heaven.

Read and know. It is time.

Don't you feel that time is passing faster? And it isn't anymore because you are getting older (old her, she is old, hold her)

Get the picture yet?


Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:55 pm
by Zebulon
Jesus' statement wasn't that everyone who kills by the sword will die by it; it was that everyone who draws the sword will die by it.

And who are you to justify by what Jesus ment? In a way maybe you see a difference.

There's a difference. The former is a simple lex talionis,

Take the word, since you brought it, talionis : reverse it sin oil at. It's a parabole you brought. But it could very well be a joke of mine too.

whereas the latter is more of a promotion of non-resistence to evil. And in the specific context of that event, Jesus was about to be taken to be crucified. IOW, he had been given over, temporarily, to the powers of this world, to suffer at its hands, and that by the will of God.

Wow I'm impressed. Atre you kind of a saint man?

Victor just joking at you.

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:06 pm
by Zebulon
Before Abraham was I am.

Common guy's what doe's that mean.

That was not in the Davinci code wasn't it?

Victor. y:O2

Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:13 am
by Zebulon
Another question : What is the Image of the Beast?

To answer look in you, within you, out of you, without you.

Could it be you? Could it be us?


Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:36 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein

You're all over the place, Zebulon. I haven't a clue as to what you're saying.


Re: Great Tribulation

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:40 am
by Zebulon
I will be back Monday. We are in the soon coming back of Christ. Is this possible?

2 witness will come in those days. I am looking, searching for them. I think they live right now on earth.


Victor Zebulon